[cairo] Path Gradients

Bobby Salazar bobby8934 at inbox.com
Tue Jan 22 13:15:51 PST 2008

Ok, I have read up about these "Type 6" gradient meshes (as much as I was able to understand anyways). They do seem to be able to resolve a lot of the "path gradient" use cases. For instance, the gradients seen in these images should be easily reproducible:


However, there is one situation (that is my main interest in the path gradient) that I cannot figure out how to map to these "Type 6" gradient meshes. This situation is where you have a path, and you want to make a gradient from an abitrary "center point" out to the edges, with color stops along the way. Can you think of an easy way to use a "Type 6" gradient mesh to reproduce the gradients seen in these images:


> -----Original Message-----
> From: cworth at cworth.org
> Sent: Tue, 22 Jan 2008 10:19:12 -0800
> To: bobby8934 at inbox.com
> Subject: Re: [cairo] Path Gradients
> On Tue, 22 Jan 2008 09:50:58 -0800, Bobby Salazar wrote:
>> Carl, do you (or anyone else) know where I can go to read up about
>> these "Type 6" shadings? I would be interested in learning more
>> about them and what kind of things are possible with them. Thanks!
> You'll want to read The PostScript Language Reference Manual,
> specifically section 4.9.3 "Shading Patterns". Type 6 is "coons patch
> meshes" and there's a more complex type 7 which is "tensor-product
> patch meshes". I've never known which we'd want to put into cairo,
> (but the one mention that Adobe Illustrator "gradient meshes" are Type
> 6 lends me to think that's the way we want to go).
> If you don't want to buy the PostScript reference as a printed book
> you can download a digital copy here:
> 	http://www.adobe.com/products/postscript/pdfs/PLRM.pdf
> -Carl

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