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<br><br><br>Sep 11, 2009 04:17:58 PM, <a href="mailto:cworth@cworth.org" class="parsedEmail" target="_blank">cworth@cworth.org</a> wrote:<br><blockquote style="border-left: 3px solid rgb(102, 153, 204);">Excerpts from alupu's message of Thu Sep 10 19:21:43 -0700 2009:<br>> I have problems compiling Firefox-3.5.x (3.5 to 3.5.3), documented in<br>> Mozilla-Bug 504599 (<a href="https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=504599" class="parsedLink" target="_blank">https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=504599</a>)<br>> <br>> It appears that everything revolves around my using<br>> --enable-system-cairo<br>> in the Firefox configuration.<br><br>From the original bug report, it looks like an issue with the firefox<br>build system, and nothing specific to cairo at all, (it isn't even<br>cairo include files that the build is failing on).<br><br>> I'd appreciate a cairo specialist's comments on this.<br><br>As a cairo specialist, it looks like you reported the bug to the right<br>place originally by taking it to bugzilla.mozilla.org.<br><br>It does look like the traffic in that bug report is degenerating into<br>a debate on the merit of the --enable-system-cairo option in the<br>mozilla source. Personally, I'm of the opinion that running anything<br>other than the system cairo on a Linux system doesn't make any<br>sense. I think many Linux distributions build mozilla with<br>--enable-system-cairo and would likely push back if mozilla were to<br>try to remove that option. (And I don't think I've seen any real<br>evidence of mozilla even considering that.)<br><br>That said, it's perhaps not *too* surprising that some mozilla<br>developers get a bit grumpy when they see the option get used and<br>leading to extra support issues.<br><br>Carl:<br><p class="western">Thank you very much for your prompt and<br>insightful
comments.<br><br>I apologize for the format of this reply.<br>It
appears that both the content and the<br>flow of this
thread has been badly mangled<br> in the (Sept) Archive so I was
trying<br>to repair things the best I could.<br><br>Best wishes,</p>
<p class="western">-- Alex</p>