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As for the cairo version, I simply followed the steps for Ubuntu, from<br>http://www.cairographics.org/download/<br>This means I only typed<br><pre><code>sudo apt-get install libcairo2-dev<br><br>Below is the code that reproduces the problem. Setting ITER_NO to<br>20000, for example, produces regular pdf file. But, setting it to<br>20000000 seems not to be appropriate.<br><br>I hope you would have suggestions on how to achieve the goal of<br>representing large number of lines.<br>Also, I'm interested in whether the png version of the resulting output<br>file would be lighter and easier (less time consuming) to view using regular<br>viewer. Your suggestions on this might also be helpful.<br></code></pre>code:<br><br>#include <cairo.h><br>#include <cairo-pdf.h><br>#include <sstream><br>#include <cmath> <br>#include <vector> <br>#include <limits.h><br>#include <queue><br>#include <algorithm><br>#include <numeric><br>#include <iostream><br>int main() {<br> cairo_surface_t *surface;<br> cairo_t *cr;<br><br> std::stringstream myOut; int k=1;<br> myOut<<"forGallery"<<k<< ".pdf";<br> surface = cairo_pdf_surface_create(myOut.str().c_str(), 1432, 1606);<br> cr = cairo_create(surface);<br> cairo_translate (cr, -229770, 26573.7); // -40, 50: for margin -37, 53<br><br> unsigned int t=0; unsigned int ITER_NO=20000000;<br> while(t<ITER_NO) {<br> cairo_move_to (cr, 229770, -26573.7);<br> cairo_line_to (cr, 231202, -24967.3);<br> std::cout<<"Drawn so far:"<<((double)t/(double)ITER_NO)*100<<"%"<<std::endl;<br> ++t;<br> }<br> <br> cairo_stroke(cr);<br> cairo_show_page(cr);<br> cairo_surface_destroy(surface);<br> cairo_destroy(cr);<br><br> return 0;<br><br>}<br><br>> Date: Sun, 29 Aug 2010 21:41:23 +0200<br>> Subject: Re: [cairo] Very large number of lines<br>> From: a.g.nienhuis@gmail.com<br>> To: opustenom@hotmail.com<br>> CC: cairo@cairographics.org; cairo-bugs@cairographics.org<br>> <br>> What version of cairo do use?<br>> Did you finish() the surface?<br>> Can you send a simple program (source code) that reproduces the problem?<br>> <br>> Groeten, Arjen<br>> <br>> On Sunday, August 29, 2010, necko necko <opustenom@hotmail.com> wrote:<br>> ><br>> ><br>> ><br>> ><br>> ><br>> > The pdf output file is supposed to display very large number of lines, connections<br>> > between a number of points. This is the code sample which specifies around 8million<br>> > lines:<br>> > .............<br>> > while (myIter!=edges.end()) {<br>> > .......<br>> > cairo_move_to (cr, *firstIter, *(firstIter+1));<br>> > cairo_line_to (cr, *secondIter, *(secondIter+1));<br>> > ..........<br>> > ++myIter;<br>> > }<br>> > cairo_set_line_width (cr, .05);<br>> > cairo_stroke (cr);<br>> > .........................<br>> > Note that the above code produces pdf files which were viewed with Evince, but not<br>> > with Adobe Reader (drawing error occurred, shown in the report window).<br>> > I used the same code for showing larger number of lines, more than 20million. The output<br>> > pdf files had names as specified, but their size was around 400 bytes, and when I try to<br>> > open them, they are simply empty(white, in Evince), while Adobe says that the file has no<br>> > pages to display.<br>> > In order to overcome this problem, I put stroke() within the while() loop, but when I tried<br>> > to draw files showing more than 20million lines, the process got "Killed" (Ubuntu Linux) at<br>> > around 33% of the total.<br>> > .............................<br>> > What would be the way to properly draw the pdf file specifying very large number of lines?<br>> > What would be the code to try? Note that the variations work properly with smaller number<br>> > of lines.<br>> ><br>> > Thanks<br>> >                                           <br>> ><br>                                            </body>