[cairo-commit] libglc/src glc.c,1.7,1.8 glc_util.c,1.2,1.3 glcint.h,1.6,1.7

Peter Nilsson commit at pdx.freedesktop.org
Fri Dec 5 07:22:18 PST 2003

Committed by: peter

Update of /cvs/cairo/libglc/src
In directory pdx:/tmp/cvs-serv9713/src

Modified Files:
	glc.c glc_util.c glcint.h 
Log Message:
Added support for combined repeat and transformations

Index: glc.c
RCS file: /cvs/cairo/libglc/src/glc.c,v
retrieving revision 1.7
retrieving revision 1.8
diff -C2 -d -r1.7 -r1.8
*** glc.c	4 Dec 2003 19:18:08 -0000	1.7
--- glc.c	5 Dec 2003 15:22:16 -0000	1.8
*** 101,105 ****
    double tx1, tx2, ty1, ty2;
    glc_point_t tl, bl, br, tr;
!   glc_region_box_t ibounds;
    int x_draw_offset = 0, y_draw_offset = 0;
--- 101,105 ----
    double tx1, tx2, ty1, ty2;
    glc_point_t tl, bl, br, tr;
!   glc_region_box_t ibounds, clip;
    int x_draw_offset = 0, y_draw_offset = 0;
*** 236,353 ****
!   glScissor (x_dst, dst->height - (y_dst + height), width, height);
    glColorMask (src->red, src->green, src->blue, src->alpha);
    glc_set_operator (op);
!   if (src->repeat && (!src->disable_transform_and_repeat)) {
!     /* Source should be repeated. */
!     if (texture_width == src->width && texture_height == src->height) {
!       /* CASE 1: Repeat and power of two sized texture, GL can do repeat
!          for us. */
!       double repeat_factor_x, repeat_factor_y;
!       glTexParameteri (GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, GL_REPEAT);
!       glTexParameteri (GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T, GL_REPEAT);
!       bl.x = tl.x = x_dst;
!       tr.y = tl.y = y_dst;
!       tr.x = br.x = x_dst + width;
!       bl.y = br.y = y_dst + height;
!       /* Shift coordinates with source offset */
!       if (x_src) {
!         tl.x -= x_src;
!         bl.x -= x_src;
!       }
!       if (y_src) {
!         tl.y -= y_src;
!         tr.y -= y_src;
!       }
!       /* Align with top left edge */
!       bl.y += texture_height - (((int) (br.y - tl.y)) % texture_height);
!       br.y += texture_height - (((int) (br.y - tl.y)) % texture_height);
!       repeat_factor_x = (br.x - tl.x) / (double) texture_width;
!       repeat_factor_y = (br.y - tl.y) / (double) texture_height;
!       tx1 = ty1 = 0.0;
!       tx2 = repeat_factor_x;
!       ty2 = repeat_factor_y;
!       glBegin (GL_QUADS);
!       glTexCoord2d (tx1, ty2);
!       glVertex2d (x_draw_offset + tl.x, y_draw_offset + tl.y);
!       glTexCoord2d (tx2, ty2);
!       glVertex2d (x_draw_offset + tr.x, y_draw_offset + tr.y);
!       glTexCoord2d (tx2, ty1);
!       glVertex2d (x_draw_offset + br.x, y_draw_offset + br.y);
!       glTexCoord2d (tx1, ty1);
!       glVertex2d (x_draw_offset + bl.x, y_draw_offset + bl.y);
!       glEnd ();
!     } else {
!       /* CASE 2: Repeat and not power of two sized texture, manual repeat
!          must be done. */
!       int tx1i, tx2i, ty1i, ty2i;
!       glTexParameteri (GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, GL_CLAMP);
!       glTexParameteri (GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T, GL_CLAMP);
!       tx1i = 0;
!       ty2i = texture_height;
!       tx2i = src->width;
!       ty1i = texture_height - src->height;
!       /* Normalizing texture coordinates */
!       tx1 = (double) tx1i / (double) src->width;
!       ty1 = (double) ty1i / (double) src->height;
!       tx2 = (double) tx2i / (double) src->width;
!       ty2 = (double) ty2i / (double) src->height;
!       /* Scale texture coordinates to real texture size */
!       tx1 *= width_factor;
!       tx2 *= width_factor;
!       ty1 *= height_factor;
!       ty2 *= height_factor;
!       tr.y = tl.y = y_dst - y_src;
!       bl.y = br.y = y_dst + src->height - y_src;
-       while (tl.y < (y_dst + height)) {
-         bl.x = tl.x = x_dst - x_src;
-         tr.x = br.x = x_dst + src->width - x_src;
-         while (tl.x < (x_dst + width)) {
-           glBegin (GL_QUADS);
-           glTexCoord2d (tx1, ty2);
-           glVertex2d (x_draw_offset + tl.x, y_draw_offset + tl.y);
-           glTexCoord2d (tx2, ty2);
-           glVertex2d (x_draw_offset + tr.x, y_draw_offset + tr.y);
-           glTexCoord2d (tx2, ty1);
-           glVertex2d (x_draw_offset + br.x, y_draw_offset + br.y);
-           glTexCoord2d (tx1, ty1);
-           glVertex2d (x_draw_offset + bl.x, y_draw_offset + bl.y);
-           glEnd ();
-           bl.x += src->width;
-           tl.x += src->width;
-           tr.x += src->width;
-           br.x += src->width;
-         }
-         bl.y += src->height;
-         tl.y += src->height;
-         tr.y += src->height;
-         br.y += src->height;
-       }
-     }
    } else {
!     /* CASE 3: No repeat. Transformation should be used if set. */
      int tx1i, tx2i, ty1i, ty2i;
      glTexParameteri (GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, GL_CLAMP);
      glTexParameteri (GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T, GL_CLAMP);
--- 236,303 ----
!   clip.x1 = x_dst;
!   clip.y1 = y_dst;
!   clip.x2 = clip.x1 + width;
!   clip.y2 = clip.y1 + height;  
!   glScissor (clip.x1, dst->height - (clip.y1 + height),
!              clip.x2 - clip.x1, clip.y2 - clip.y1);
    glColorMask (src->red, src->green, src->blue, src->alpha);
    glc_set_operator (op);
!   if ((!src->transform) &&
!       (!src->disable_transform_and_repeat) && src->repeat && 
!       texture_width == src->width && texture_height == src->height) {
!     /* CASE 1: Repeat, no transformation and power of two sized texture,
!        GL can do repeat for us. */
!     double repeat_factor_x, repeat_factor_y;
!     glTexParameteri (GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, GL_REPEAT);
!     glTexParameteri (GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T, GL_REPEAT);
!     bl.x = tl.x = x_dst;
!     tr.y = tl.y = y_dst;
!     tr.x = br.x = x_dst + width;
!     bl.y = br.y = y_dst + height;
!     /* Shift coordinates with source offset */
!     if (x_src) {
!       tl.x -= x_src;
!       bl.x -= x_src;
!     }
!     if (y_src) {
!       tl.y -= y_src;
!       tr.y -= y_src;
!     }
!     /* Align with top left edge */
!     bl.y += texture_height - (((int) (br.y - tl.y)) % texture_height);
!     br.y += texture_height - (((int) (br.y - tl.y)) % texture_height);
!     repeat_factor_x = (br.x - tl.x) / (double) texture_width;
!     repeat_factor_y = (br.y - tl.y) / (double) texture_height;
!     tx1 = ty1 = 0.0;
!     tx2 = repeat_factor_x;
!     ty2 = repeat_factor_y;
!     glBegin (GL_QUADS);
!     glTexCoord2d (tx1, ty2);
!     glVertex2d (x_draw_offset + tl.x, y_draw_offset + tl.y);
!     glTexCoord2d (tx2, ty2);
!     glVertex2d (x_draw_offset + tr.x, y_draw_offset + tr.y);
!     glTexCoord2d (tx2, ty1);
!     glVertex2d (x_draw_offset + br.x, y_draw_offset + br.y);
!     glTexCoord2d (tx1, ty1);
!     glVertex2d (x_draw_offset + bl.x, y_draw_offset + bl.y);
!     glEnd ();
    } else {
!     /* CASE 2: Either none power of two sized texture or transformation is set. */
      int tx1i, tx2i, ty1i, ty2i;
!     double save_tlx, save_trx, save_blx, save_brx;
      glTexParameteri (GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, GL_CLAMP);
      glTexParameteri (GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T, GL_CLAMP);
*** 413,429 ****
      ty1 *= height_factor;
      ty2 *= height_factor;
!     glBegin (GL_QUADS);
!     glTexCoord2d (tx1, ty2);
!     glVertex2d (x_draw_offset + tl.x, y_draw_offset + tl.y);
!     glTexCoord2d (tx2, ty2);
!     glVertex2d (x_draw_offset + tr.x, y_draw_offset + tr.y);
!     glTexCoord2d (tx2, ty1);
!     glVertex2d (x_draw_offset + br.x, y_draw_offset + br.y);
!     glTexCoord2d (tx1, ty1);
!     glVertex2d (x_draw_offset + bl.x, y_draw_offset + bl.y);
!     glEnd ();
!   }
    glDisable (GL_TEXTURE_2D);
--- 363,425 ----
      ty1 *= height_factor;
      ty2 *= height_factor;
!     save_tlx = tl.x;
!     save_blx = bl.x;
!     save_trx = tr.x;
!     save_brx = br.x;
!     do {
!       do {
!         /* Clip to original source area if repeat and transform are both used. */
!         if ((!src->disable_transform_and_repeat) && src->transform && src->repeat) {
!           glc_region_box_t src_clip, intersect_clip;
!           src_clip.x1 = x_draw_offset + tl.x;
!           src_clip.y1 = y_draw_offset + tl.y;
!           src_clip.x2 = src_clip.x1 + src->width;
!           src_clip.y2 = src_clip.y1 + src->height;
!           glc_intersect_region (&clip, &src_clip, &intersect_clip);
!           glScissor (intersect_clip.x1,
!                      dst->height -
!                      (intersect_clip.y1 + (intersect_clip.y2 - intersect_clip.y1)),
!                      intersect_clip.x2 - intersect_clip.x1,
!                      intersect_clip.y2 - intersect_clip.y1);
!         }
!         glBegin (GL_QUADS);
!         glTexCoord2d (tx1, ty2);
!         glVertex2d (x_draw_offset + tl.x, y_draw_offset + tl.y);
!         glTexCoord2d (tx2, ty2);
!         glVertex2d (x_draw_offset + tr.x, y_draw_offset + tr.y);
!         glTexCoord2d (tx2, ty1);
!         glVertex2d (x_draw_offset + br.x, y_draw_offset + br.y);
!         glTexCoord2d (tx1, ty1);
!         glVertex2d (x_draw_offset + bl.x, y_draw_offset + bl.y);
!         glEnd ();
!         bl.x += src->width;
!         tl.x += src->width;
!         tr.x += src->width;
!         br.x += src->width;
!       } while ((!src->disable_transform_and_repeat) && src->repeat &&
!                (tl.x < (x_dst + width)));
!       bl.y += src->height;
!       tl.y += src->height;
!       tr.y += src->height;
!       br.y += src->height;
+       tl.x = save_tlx;
+       bl.x = save_blx;
+       tr.x = save_trx;
+       br.x = save_brx;
+     } while ((!src->disable_transform_and_repeat) && src->repeat &&
+              (tl.y < (y_dst + height)));  
+   }
    glDisable (GL_TEXTURE_2D);

Index: glc_util.c
RCS file: /cvs/cairo/libglc/src/glc_util.c,v
retrieving revision 1.2
retrieving revision 1.3
diff -C2 -d -r1.2 -r1.3
*** glc_util.c	3 Dec 2003 16:55:50 -0000	1.2
--- glc_util.c	5 Dec 2003 15:22:16 -0000	1.3
*** 62,63 ****
--- 62,81 ----
    *y_draw_offset = (ibounds->y1 > 0)? -ibounds->y1: 0;
+ void
+ glc_intersect_region (glc_region_box_t *box1,
+                       glc_region_box_t *box2,
+                       glc_region_box_t *return_box)
+ {
+   return_box->x1 = (box1->x1 >= box2->x1)? box1->x1: box2->x1;
+   return_box->x2 = (box1->x2 <= box2->x2)? box1->x2: box2->x2;
+   return_box->y1 = (box1->y1 >= box2->y1)? box1->y1: box2->y1;
+   return_box->y2 = (box1->y2 <= box2->y2)? box1->y2: box2->y2;
+   if (return_box->x1 >= return_box->x2)
+     return_box->x1 = return_box->x2 = 0;
+   if (return_box->y1 >= return_box->y2)
+     return_box->y1 = return_box->y2 = 0;
+ }

Index: glcint.h
RCS file: /cvs/cairo/libglc/src/glcint.h,v
retrieving revision 1.6
retrieving revision 1.7
diff -C2 -d -r1.6 -r1.7
*** glcint.h	5 Dec 2003 01:55:31 -0000	1.6
--- glcint.h	5 Dec 2003 15:22:16 -0000	1.7
*** 112,115 ****
--- 112,120 ----
                           int *y_draw_offset);
+ extern void __internal_linkage
+ glc_intersect_region (glc_region_box_t *box1,
+                       glc_region_box_t *box2,
+                       glc_region_box_t *return_box);
  extern GLuint __internal_linkage
  glc_texture_create (int width,

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