[cairo-commit] libpixman/src icint.h,1.15,1.16

Dave Beckett commit at pdx.freedesktop.org
Wed Dec 10 14:21:00 PST 2003

Committed by: dajobe

Update of /cvs/cairo/libpixman/src
In directory pdx:/tmp/cvs-serv9101

Modified Files:
Log Message:
Rename exported Ic* and PixRegion* functions, types, enums
to be prefixed pixman (or PIXMAN for enum values)

Index: icint.h
RCS file: /cvs/cairo/libpixman/src/icint.h,v
retrieving revision 1.15
retrieving revision 1.16
diff -C2 -d -r1.15 -r1.16
*** icint.h	10 Dec 2003 00:09:33 -0000	1.15
--- icint.h	10 Dec 2003 22:20:58 -0000	1.16
*** 83,87 ****
  #define IC_HALFUNIT (1 << (IC_SHIFT-1))
  #define IC_MASK	    (IC_UNIT - 1)
! #define IC_ALLONES  ((IcBits) -1)
  /* whether to bother to include 24bpp support */
--- 83,87 ----
  #define IC_HALFUNIT (1 << (IC_SHIFT-1))
  #define IC_MASK	    (IC_UNIT - 1)
! #define IC_ALLONES  ((pixman_bits_t) -1)
  /* whether to bother to include 24bpp support */
*** 110,116 ****
  #define IcStipStrideToBitsStride(s) (((s) >> (IC_SHIFT - IC_STIP_SHIFT)))
! #define IcBitsStrideToStipStride(s) (((s) << (IC_SHIFT - IC_STIP_SHIFT)))
! #define IcFullMask(n)   ((n) == IC_UNIT ? IC_ALLONES : ((((IcBits) 1) << n) - 1))
--- 110,116 ----
  #define IcStipStrideToBitsStride(s) (((s) >> (IC_SHIFT - IC_STIP_SHIFT)))
! #define pixman_bits_tStrideToStipStride(s) (((s) << (IC_SHIFT - IC_STIP_SHIFT)))
! #define IcFullMask(n)   ((n) == IC_UNIT ? IC_ALLONES : ((((pixman_bits_t) 1) << n) - 1))
*** 133,137 ****
  #define IcScrLeft(x,n)	((x) >> (n))
  #define IcScrRight(x,n)	((x) << (n))
! /* #define IcLeftBits(x,n)	((x) & ((((IcBits) 1) << (n)) - 1)) */
  #define IcLeftStipBits(x,n) ((x) & ((((IcStip) 1) << (n)) - 1))
  #define IcStipMoveLsb(x,s,n)	(IcStipRight (x,(s)-(n)))
--- 133,137 ----
  #define IcScrLeft(x,n)	((x) >> (n))
  #define IcScrRight(x,n)	((x) << (n))
! /* #define IcLeftBits(x,n)	((x) & ((((pixman_bits_t) 1) << (n)) - 1)) */
  #define IcLeftStipBits(x,n) ((x) & ((((IcStip) 1) << (n)) - 1))
  #define IcStipMoveLsb(x,s,n)	(IcStipRight (x,(s)-(n)))
*** 143,147 ****
  #define IcLeftStipBits(x,n) ((x) >> (IC_STIP_UNIT - (n)))
  #define IcStipMoveLsb(x,s,n)	(x)
! #define IcPatternOffsetBits	(sizeof (IcBits) - 1)
--- 143,147 ----
  #define IcLeftStipBits(x,n) ((x) >> (IC_STIP_UNIT - (n)))
  #define IcStipMoveLsb(x,s,n)	(x)
! #define IcPatternOffsetBits	(sizeof (pixman_bits_t) - 1)
*** 165,169 ****
  			     IcScrLeft(IC_STIP_ALLONES,(IC_STIP_UNIT - (x)) & IC_STIP_MASK) : 0)
! #define IcBitsMask(x,w)	(IcScrRight(IC_ALLONES,(x) & IC_MASK) & \
  			 IcScrLeft(IC_ALLONES,(IC_UNIT - ((x) + (w))) & IC_MASK))
--- 165,169 ----
  			     IcScrLeft(IC_STIP_ALLONES,(IC_STIP_UNIT - (x)) & IC_STIP_MASK) : 0)
! #define pixman_bits_tMask(x,w)	(IcScrRight(IC_ALLONES,(x) & IC_MASK) & \
  			 IcScrLeft(IC_ALLONES,(IC_UNIT - ((x) + (w))) & IC_MASK))
*** 251,341 ****
  #if IC_SHIFT == 6
  #define IcDoLeftMaskByteRRop6Cases(dst,xor) \
!     case (sizeof (IcBits) - 7) | (1 << (IC_SHIFT - 3)): \
! 	IcStorePart(dst,sizeof (IcBits) - 7,uint8_t,xor); \
  	break; \
!     case (sizeof (IcBits) - 7) | (2 << (IC_SHIFT - 3)): \
! 	IcStorePart(dst,sizeof (IcBits) - 7,uint8_t,xor); \
! 	IcStorePart(dst,sizeof (IcBits) - 6,uint8_t,xor); \
  	break; \
!     case (sizeof (IcBits) - 7) | (3 << (IC_SHIFT - 3)): \
! 	IcStorePart(dst,sizeof (IcBits) - 7,uint8_t,xor); \
! 	IcStorePart(dst,sizeof (IcBits) - 6,uint16_t,xor); \
  	break; \
!     case (sizeof (IcBits) - 7) | (4 << (IC_SHIFT - 3)): \
! 	IcStorePart(dst,sizeof (IcBits) - 7,uint8_t,xor); \
! 	IcStorePart(dst,sizeof (IcBits) - 6,uint16_t,xor); \
! 	IcStorePart(dst,sizeof (IcBits) - 4,uint8_t,xor); \
  	break; \
!     case (sizeof (IcBits) - 7) | (5 << (IC_SHIFT - 3)): \
! 	IcStorePart(dst,sizeof (IcBits) - 7,uint8_t,xor); \
! 	IcStorePart(dst,sizeof (IcBits) - 6,uint16_t,xor); \
! 	IcStorePart(dst,sizeof (IcBits) - 4,uint16_t,xor); \
  	break; \
!     case (sizeof (IcBits) - 7) | (6 << (IC_SHIFT - 3)): \
! 	IcStorePart(dst,sizeof (IcBits) - 7,uint8_t,xor); \
! 	IcStorePart(dst,sizeof (IcBits) - 6,uint16_t,xor); \
! 	IcStorePart(dst,sizeof (IcBits) - 4,uint16_t,xor); \
! 	IcStorePart(dst,sizeof (IcBits) - 2,uint8_t,xor); \
  	break; \
!     case (sizeof (IcBits) - 7): \
! 	IcStorePart(dst,sizeof (IcBits) - 7,uint8_t,xor); \
! 	IcStorePart(dst,sizeof (IcBits) - 6,uint16_t,xor); \
! 	IcStorePart(dst,sizeof (IcBits) - 4,uint32_t,xor); \
  	break; \
!     case (sizeof (IcBits) - 6) | (1 << (IC_SHIFT - 3)): \
! 	IcStorePart(dst,sizeof (IcBits) - 6,uint8_t,xor); \
  	break; \
!     case (sizeof (IcBits) - 6) | (2 << (IC_SHIFT - 3)): \
! 	IcStorePart(dst,sizeof (IcBits) - 6,uint16_t,xor); \
  	break; \
!     case (sizeof (IcBits) - 6) | (3 << (IC_SHIFT - 3)): \
! 	IcStorePart(dst,sizeof (IcBits) - 6,uint16_t,xor); \
! 	IcStorePart(dst,sizeof (IcBits) - 4,uint8_t,xor); \
  	break; \
!     case (sizeof (IcBits) - 6) | (4 << (IC_SHIFT - 3)): \
! 	IcStorePart(dst,sizeof (IcBits) - 6,uint16_t,xor); \
! 	IcStorePart(dst,sizeof (IcBits) - 4,uint16_t,xor); \
  	break; \
!     case (sizeof (IcBits) - 6) | (5 << (IC_SHIFT - 3)): \
! 	IcStorePart(dst,sizeof (IcBits) - 6,uint16_t,xor); \
! 	IcStorePart(dst,sizeof (IcBits) - 4,uint16_t,xor); \
! 	IcStorePart(dst,sizeof (IcBits) - 2,uint8_t,xor); \
  	break; \
!     case (sizeof (IcBits) - 6): \
! 	IcStorePart(dst,sizeof (IcBits) - 6,uint16_t,xor); \
! 	IcStorePart(dst,sizeof (IcBits) - 4,uint32_t,xor); \
  	break; \
!     case (sizeof (IcBits) - 5) | (1 << (IC_SHIFT - 3)): \
! 	IcStorePart(dst,sizeof (IcBits) - 5,uint8_t,xor); \
  	break; \
!     case (sizeof (IcBits) - 5) | (2 << (IC_SHIFT - 3)): \
! 	IcStorePart(dst,sizeof (IcBits) - 5,uint8_t,xor); \
! 	IcStorePart(dst,sizeof (IcBits) - 4,uint8_t,xor); \
  	break; \
!     case (sizeof (IcBits) - 5) | (3 << (IC_SHIFT - 3)): \
! 	IcStorePart(dst,sizeof (IcBits) - 5,uint8_t,xor); \
! 	IcStorePart(dst,sizeof (IcBits) - 4,uint16_t,xor); \
  	break; \
!     case (sizeof (IcBits) - 5) | (4 << (IC_SHIFT - 3)): \
! 	IcStorePart(dst,sizeof (IcBits) - 5,uint8_t,xor); \
! 	IcStorePart(dst,sizeof (IcBits) - 4,uint16_t,xor); \
! 	IcStorePart(dst,sizeof (IcBits) - 2,uint8_t,xor); \
  	break; \
!     case (sizeof (IcBits) - 5): \
! 	IcStorePart(dst,sizeof (IcBits) - 5,uint8_t,xor); \
! 	IcStorePart(dst,sizeof (IcBits) - 4,uint32_t,xor); \
  	break; \
!     case (sizeof (IcBits) - 4) | (1 << (IC_SHIFT - 3)): \
! 	IcStorePart(dst,sizeof (IcBits) - 4,uint8_t,xor); \
  	break; \
!     case (sizeof (IcBits) - 4) | (2 << (IC_SHIFT - 3)): \
! 	IcStorePart(dst,sizeof (IcBits) - 4,uint16_t,xor); \
  	break; \
!     case (sizeof (IcBits) - 4) | (3 << (IC_SHIFT - 3)): \
! 	IcStorePart(dst,sizeof (IcBits) - 4,uint16_t,xor); \
! 	IcStorePart(dst,sizeof (IcBits) - 2,uint8_t,xor); \
  	break; \
!     case (sizeof (IcBits) - 4): \
! 	IcStorePart(dst,sizeof (IcBits) - 4,uint32_t,xor); \
--- 251,341 ----
  #if IC_SHIFT == 6
  #define IcDoLeftMaskByteRRop6Cases(dst,xor) \
!     case (sizeof (pixman_bits_t) - 7) | (1 << (IC_SHIFT - 3)): \
! 	IcStorePart(dst,sizeof (pixman_bits_t) - 7,uint8_t,xor); \
  	break; \
!     case (sizeof (pixman_bits_t) - 7) | (2 << (IC_SHIFT - 3)): \
! 	IcStorePart(dst,sizeof (pixman_bits_t) - 7,uint8_t,xor); \
! 	IcStorePart(dst,sizeof (pixman_bits_t) - 6,uint8_t,xor); \
  	break; \
!     case (sizeof (pixman_bits_t) - 7) | (3 << (IC_SHIFT - 3)): \
! 	IcStorePart(dst,sizeof (pixman_bits_t) - 7,uint8_t,xor); \
! 	IcStorePart(dst,sizeof (pixman_bits_t) - 6,uint16_t,xor); \
  	break; \
!     case (sizeof (pixman_bits_t) - 7) | (4 << (IC_SHIFT - 3)): \
! 	IcStorePart(dst,sizeof (pixman_bits_t) - 7,uint8_t,xor); \
! 	IcStorePart(dst,sizeof (pixman_bits_t) - 6,uint16_t,xor); \
! 	IcStorePart(dst,sizeof (pixman_bits_t) - 4,uint8_t,xor); \
  	break; \
!     case (sizeof (pixman_bits_t) - 7) | (5 << (IC_SHIFT - 3)): \
! 	IcStorePart(dst,sizeof (pixman_bits_t) - 7,uint8_t,xor); \
! 	IcStorePart(dst,sizeof (pixman_bits_t) - 6,uint16_t,xor); \
! 	IcStorePart(dst,sizeof (pixman_bits_t) - 4,uint16_t,xor); \
  	break; \
!     case (sizeof (pixman_bits_t) - 7) | (6 << (IC_SHIFT - 3)): \
! 	IcStorePart(dst,sizeof (pixman_bits_t) - 7,uint8_t,xor); \
! 	IcStorePart(dst,sizeof (pixman_bits_t) - 6,uint16_t,xor); \
! 	IcStorePart(dst,sizeof (pixman_bits_t) - 4,uint16_t,xor); \
! 	IcStorePart(dst,sizeof (pixman_bits_t) - 2,uint8_t,xor); \
  	break; \
!     case (sizeof (pixman_bits_t) - 7): \
! 	IcStorePart(dst,sizeof (pixman_bits_t) - 7,uint8_t,xor); \
! 	IcStorePart(dst,sizeof (pixman_bits_t) - 6,uint16_t,xor); \
! 	IcStorePart(dst,sizeof (pixman_bits_t) - 4,uint32_t,xor); \
  	break; \
!     case (sizeof (pixman_bits_t) - 6) | (1 << (IC_SHIFT - 3)): \
! 	IcStorePart(dst,sizeof (pixman_bits_t) - 6,uint8_t,xor); \
  	break; \
!     case (sizeof (pixman_bits_t) - 6) | (2 << (IC_SHIFT - 3)): \
! 	IcStorePart(dst,sizeof (pixman_bits_t) - 6,uint16_t,xor); \
  	break; \
!     case (sizeof (pixman_bits_t) - 6) | (3 << (IC_SHIFT - 3)): \
! 	IcStorePart(dst,sizeof (pixman_bits_t) - 6,uint16_t,xor); \
! 	IcStorePart(dst,sizeof (pixman_bits_t) - 4,uint8_t,xor); \
  	break; \
!     case (sizeof (pixman_bits_t) - 6) | (4 << (IC_SHIFT - 3)): \
! 	IcStorePart(dst,sizeof (pixman_bits_t) - 6,uint16_t,xor); \
! 	IcStorePart(dst,sizeof (pixman_bits_t) - 4,uint16_t,xor); \
  	break; \
!     case (sizeof (pixman_bits_t) - 6) | (5 << (IC_SHIFT - 3)): \
! 	IcStorePart(dst,sizeof (pixman_bits_t) - 6,uint16_t,xor); \
! 	IcStorePart(dst,sizeof (pixman_bits_t) - 4,uint16_t,xor); \
! 	IcStorePart(dst,sizeof (pixman_bits_t) - 2,uint8_t,xor); \
  	break; \
!     case (sizeof (pixman_bits_t) - 6): \
! 	IcStorePart(dst,sizeof (pixman_bits_t) - 6,uint16_t,xor); \
! 	IcStorePart(dst,sizeof (pixman_bits_t) - 4,uint32_t,xor); \
  	break; \
!     case (sizeof (pixman_bits_t) - 5) | (1 << (IC_SHIFT - 3)): \
! 	IcStorePart(dst,sizeof (pixman_bits_t) - 5,uint8_t,xor); \
  	break; \
!     case (sizeof (pixman_bits_t) - 5) | (2 << (IC_SHIFT - 3)): \
! 	IcStorePart(dst,sizeof (pixman_bits_t) - 5,uint8_t,xor); \
! 	IcStorePart(dst,sizeof (pixman_bits_t) - 4,uint8_t,xor); \
  	break; \
!     case (sizeof (pixman_bits_t) - 5) | (3 << (IC_SHIFT - 3)): \
! 	IcStorePart(dst,sizeof (pixman_bits_t) - 5,uint8_t,xor); \
! 	IcStorePart(dst,sizeof (pixman_bits_t) - 4,uint16_t,xor); \
  	break; \
!     case (sizeof (pixman_bits_t) - 5) | (4 << (IC_SHIFT - 3)): \
! 	IcStorePart(dst,sizeof (pixman_bits_t) - 5,uint8_t,xor); \
! 	IcStorePart(dst,sizeof (pixman_bits_t) - 4,uint16_t,xor); \
! 	IcStorePart(dst,sizeof (pixman_bits_t) - 2,uint8_t,xor); \
  	break; \
!     case (sizeof (pixman_bits_t) - 5): \
! 	IcStorePart(dst,sizeof (pixman_bits_t) - 5,uint8_t,xor); \
! 	IcStorePart(dst,sizeof (pixman_bits_t) - 4,uint32_t,xor); \
  	break; \
!     case (sizeof (pixman_bits_t) - 4) | (1 << (IC_SHIFT - 3)): \
! 	IcStorePart(dst,sizeof (pixman_bits_t) - 4,uint8_t,xor); \
  	break; \
!     case (sizeof (pixman_bits_t) - 4) | (2 << (IC_SHIFT - 3)): \
! 	IcStorePart(dst,sizeof (pixman_bits_t) - 4,uint16_t,xor); \
  	break; \
!     case (sizeof (pixman_bits_t) - 4) | (3 << (IC_SHIFT - 3)): \
! 	IcStorePart(dst,sizeof (pixman_bits_t) - 4,uint16_t,xor); \
! 	IcStorePart(dst,sizeof (pixman_bits_t) - 2,uint8_t,xor); \
  	break; \
!     case (sizeof (pixman_bits_t) - 4): \
! 	IcStorePart(dst,sizeof (pixman_bits_t) - 4,uint32_t,xor); \
*** 365,385 ****
      switch (lb) { \
      IcDoLeftMaskByteRRop6Cases(dst,xor) \
!     case (sizeof (IcBits) - 3) | (1 << (IC_SHIFT - 3)): \
! 	IcStorePart(dst,sizeof (IcBits) - 3,uint8_t,xor); \
  	break; \
!     case (sizeof (IcBits) - 3) | (2 << (IC_SHIFT - 3)): \
! 	IcStorePart(dst,sizeof (IcBits) - 3,uint8_t,xor); \
! 	IcStorePart(dst,sizeof (IcBits) - 2,uint8_t,xor); \
  	break; \
!     case (sizeof (IcBits) - 2) | (1 << (IC_SHIFT - 3)): \
! 	IcStorePart(dst,sizeof (IcBits) - 2,uint8_t,xor); \
  	break; \
!     case sizeof (IcBits) - 3: \
! 	IcStorePart(dst,sizeof (IcBits) - 3,uint8_t,xor); \
!     case sizeof (IcBits) - 2: \
! 	IcStorePart(dst,sizeof (IcBits) - 2,uint16_t,xor); \
  	break; \
!     case sizeof (IcBits) - 1: \
! 	IcStorePart(dst,sizeof (IcBits) - 1,uint8_t,xor); \
  	break; \
      default: \
--- 365,385 ----
      switch (lb) { \
      IcDoLeftMaskByteRRop6Cases(dst,xor) \
!     case (sizeof (pixman_bits_t) - 3) | (1 << (IC_SHIFT - 3)): \
! 	IcStorePart(dst,sizeof (pixman_bits_t) - 3,uint8_t,xor); \
  	break; \
!     case (sizeof (pixman_bits_t) - 3) | (2 << (IC_SHIFT - 3)): \
! 	IcStorePart(dst,sizeof (pixman_bits_t) - 3,uint8_t,xor); \
! 	IcStorePart(dst,sizeof (pixman_bits_t) - 2,uint8_t,xor); \
  	break; \
!     case (sizeof (pixman_bits_t) - 2) | (1 << (IC_SHIFT - 3)): \
! 	IcStorePart(dst,sizeof (pixman_bits_t) - 2,uint8_t,xor); \
  	break; \
!     case sizeof (pixman_bits_t) - 3: \
! 	IcStorePart(dst,sizeof (pixman_bits_t) - 3,uint8_t,xor); \
!     case sizeof (pixman_bits_t) - 2: \
! 	IcStorePart(dst,sizeof (pixman_bits_t) - 2,uint16_t,xor); \
  	break; \
!     case sizeof (pixman_bits_t) - 1: \
! 	IcStorePart(dst,sizeof (pixman_bits_t) - 1,uint8_t,xor); \
  	break; \
      default: \
*** 431,435 ****
   * 'n' is the bytemask of which bytes to store, 'a' is the address
!  * of the IcBits base unit, 'o' is the offset within that unit
   * The term "lane" comes from the hardware term "byte-lane" which
--- 431,435 ----
   * 'n' is the bytemask of which bytes to store, 'a' is the address
!  * of the pixman_bits_t base unit, 'o' is the offset within that unit
   * The term "lane" comes from the hardware term "byte-lane" which
*** 449,453 ****
  			     ((void)IcLaneCase2((n)&3,a,o), \
! #define IcLaneCase8(n,a,o)  ((n) == 0x0ff ? (*(IcBits *) ((a)+(o)) = fgxor) : \
  			     ((void)IcLaneCase4((n)&15,a,o), \
--- 449,453 ----
  			     ((void)IcLaneCase2((n)&3,a,o), \
! #define IcLaneCase8(n,a,o)  ((n) == 0x0ff ? (*(pixman_bits_t *) ((a)+(o)) = fgxor) : \
  			     ((void)IcLaneCase4((n)&15,a,o), \
*** 503,507 ****
  #define IcGetPixels(icpixels, pointer, _stride_, _bpp_, xoff, yoff) { \
      (pointer) = icpixels->data; \
!     (_stride_) = icpixels->stride / sizeof(IcBits); \
      (_bpp_) = icpixels->bpp; \
      (xoff) = icpixels->x; /* XXX: fb.h had this ifdef'd to constant 0. Why? */ \
--- 503,507 ----
  #define IcGetPixels(icpixels, pointer, _stride_, _bpp_, xoff, yoff) { \
      (pointer) = icpixels->data; \
!     (_stride_) = icpixels->stride / sizeof(pixman_bits_t); \
      (_bpp_) = icpixels->bpp; \
      (xoff) = icpixels->x; /* XXX: fb.h had this ifdef'd to constant 0. Why? */ \
*** 538,546 ****
  extern void __internal_linkage
! IcBlt (IcBits   *src, 
         IcStride	srcStride,
         int	srcX,
!        IcBits   *dst,
         IcStride dstStride,
         int	dstX,
--- 538,546 ----
  extern void __internal_linkage
! IcBlt (pixman_bits_t   *src, 
         IcStride	srcStride,
         int	srcX,
!        pixman_bits_t   *dst,
         IcStride dstStride,
         int	dstX,
*** 550,554 ****
         int	alu,
!        IcBits	pm,
         int	bpp,
--- 550,554 ----
         int	alu,
!        pixman_bits_t	pm,
         int	bpp,
*** 557,565 ****
  extern void __internal_linkage
! IcBlt24 (IcBits	    *srcLine,
  	 IcStride   srcStride,
  	 int	    srcX,
! 	 IcBits	    *dstLine,
  	 IcStride   dstStride,
  	 int	    dstX,
--- 557,565 ----
  extern void __internal_linkage
! IcBlt24 (pixman_bits_t	    *srcLine,
  	 IcStride   srcStride,
  	 int	    srcX,
! 	 pixman_bits_t	    *dstLine,
  	 IcStride   dstStride,
  	 int	    dstX,
*** 569,573 ****
  	 int	    alu,
! 	 IcBits	    pm,
  	 int	    reverse,
--- 569,573 ----
  	 int	    alu,
! 	 pixman_bits_t	    pm,
  	 int	    reverse,
*** 576,584 ****
  extern void __internal_linkage
  IcBltStip (IcStip   *src,
! 	   IcStride srcStride,	    /* in IcStip units, not IcBits units */
  	   int	    srcX,
  	   IcStip   *dst,
! 	   IcStride dstStride,	    /* in IcStip units, not IcBits units */
  	   int	    dstX,
--- 576,584 ----
  extern void __internal_linkage
  IcBltStip (IcStip   *src,
! 	   IcStride srcStride,	    /* in IcStip units, not pixman_bits_t units */
  	   int	    srcX,
  	   IcStip   *dst,
! 	   IcStride dstStride,	    /* in IcStip units, not pixman_bits_t units */
  	   int	    dstX,
*** 587,591 ****
  	   int	    alu,
! 	   IcBits   pm,
  	   int	    bpp);
--- 587,591 ----
  	   int	    alu,
! 	   pixman_bits_t   pm,
  	   int	    bpp);
*** 597,601 ****
  	  IcStride srcStride,
  	  int	   srcX,
! 	  IcBits   *dst,
  	  IcStride dstStride,
  	  int	   dstX,
--- 597,601 ----
  	  IcStride srcStride,
  	  int	   srcX,
! 	  pixman_bits_t   *dst,
  	  IcStride dstStride,
  	  int	   dstX,
*** 605,612 ****
  	  int	   height,
! 	  IcBits   fgand,
! 	  IcBits   icxor,
! 	  IcBits   bgand,
! 	  IcBits   bgxor);
  #ifdef IC_24BIT
--- 605,612 ----
  	  int	   height,
! 	  pixman_bits_t   fgand,
! 	  pixman_bits_t   icxor,
! 	  pixman_bits_t   bgand,
! 	  pixman_bits_t   bgxor);
  #ifdef IC_24BIT
*** 615,620 ****
  	  IcStride  srcStride,	    /* IcStip units per scanline */
  	  int	    srcX,	    /* bit position of source */
! 	  IcBits    *dst,
! 	  IcStride  dstStride,	    /* IcBits units per scanline */
  	  int	    dstX,	    /* bit position of dest */
  	  int	    dstBpp,	    /* bits per destination unit */
--- 615,620 ----
  	  IcStride  srcStride,	    /* IcStip units per scanline */
  	  int	    srcX,	    /* bit position of source */
! 	  pixman_bits_t    *dst,
! 	  IcStride  dstStride,	    /* pixman_bits_t units per scanline */
  	  int	    dstX,	    /* bit position of dest */
  	  int	    dstBpp,	    /* bits per destination unit */
*** 623,630 ****
  	  int	    height,	    /* height in scanlines */
! 	  IcBits    fgand,	    /* rrop values */
! 	  IcBits    fgxor,
! 	  IcBits    bgand,
! 	  IcBits    bgxor);
--- 623,630 ----
  	  int	    height,	    /* height in scanlines */
! 	  pixman_bits_t    fgand,	    /* rrop values */
! 	  pixman_bits_t    fgxor,
! 	  pixman_bits_t    bgand,
! 	  pixman_bits_t    bgxor);
*** 634,644 ****
  extern void __internal_linkage
! IcTransparentSpan (IcBits   *dst,
! 		   IcBits   stip,
! 		   IcBits   fgxor,
  		   int	    n);
  extern void __internal_linkage
! IcEvenStipple (IcBits   *dst,
  	       IcStride dstStride,
  	       int	dstX,
--- 634,644 ----
  extern void __internal_linkage
! IcTransparentSpan (pixman_bits_t   *dst,
! 		   pixman_bits_t   stip,
! 		   pixman_bits_t   fgxor,
  		   int	    n);
  extern void __internal_linkage
! IcEvenStipple (pixman_bits_t   *dst,
  	       IcStride dstStride,
  	       int	dstX,
*** 652,659 ****
  	       int	stipHeight,
! 	       IcBits   fgand,
! 	       IcBits   fgxor,
! 	       IcBits   bgand,
! 	       IcBits   bgxor,
  	       int	xRot,
--- 652,659 ----
  	       int	stipHeight,
! 	       pixman_bits_t   fgand,
! 	       pixman_bits_t   fgxor,
! 	       pixman_bits_t   bgand,
! 	       pixman_bits_t   bgxor,
  	       int	xRot,
*** 661,665 ****
  extern void __internal_linkage
! IcOddStipple (IcBits	*dst,
  	      IcStride	dstStride,
  	      int	dstX,
--- 661,665 ----
  extern void __internal_linkage
! IcOddStipple (pixman_bits_t	*dst,
  	      IcStride	dstStride,
  	      int	dstX,
*** 674,681 ****
  	      int	stipHeight,
! 	      IcBits	fgand,
! 	      IcBits	fgxor,
! 	      IcBits	bgand,
! 	      IcBits	bgxor,
  	      int	xRot,
--- 674,681 ----
  	      int	stipHeight,
! 	      pixman_bits_t	fgand,
! 	      pixman_bits_t	fgxor,
! 	      pixman_bits_t	bgand,
! 	      pixman_bits_t	bgxor,
  	      int	xRot,
*** 683,687 ****
  extern void __internal_linkage
! IcStipple (IcBits   *dst,
  	   IcStride dstStride,
  	   int	    dstX,
--- 683,687 ----
  extern void __internal_linkage
! IcStipple (pixman_bits_t   *dst,
  	   IcStride dstStride,
  	   int	    dstX,
*** 697,704 ****
  	   int	    even,
! 	   IcBits   fgand,
! 	   IcBits   fgxor,
! 	   IcBits   bgand,
! 	   IcBits   bgxor,
  	   int	    xRot,
--- 697,704 ----
  	   int	    even,
! 	   pixman_bits_t   fgand,
! 	   pixman_bits_t   fgxor,
! 	   pixman_bits_t   bgand,
! 	   pixman_bits_t   bgxor,
  	   int	    xRot,
*** 706,710 ****
  /* XXX: Is depth redundant here? */
! struct _IcFormat {
      int		format_code;
      int		depth;
--- 706,710 ----
  /* XXX: Is depth redundant here? */
! struct _pixman_format_t {
      int		format_code;
      int		depth;
*** 716,720 ****
  typedef struct _IcPixels {
!     IcBits		*data;
      unsigned int	width;
      unsigned int	height;
--- 716,720 ----
  typedef struct _IcPixels {
!     pixman_bits_t		*data;
      unsigned int	width;
      unsigned int	height;
*** 731,735 ****
  /* icutil.c */
! extern IcBits __internal_linkage
  IcReplicatePixel (Pixel p, int bpp);
--- 731,735 ----
  /* icutil.c */
! extern pixman_bits_t __internal_linkage
  IcReplicatePixel (Pixel p, int bpp);
*** 767,777 ****
  extern void __internal_linkage
! IcFormatInit (IcFormat *format, int format_code);
  /* icimage.c */
! extern IcImage * __internal_linkage
! IcImageCreateForPixels (IcPixels	*pixels,
! 			IcFormat	*format);
  /* icpixels.c */
--- 767,777 ----
  extern void __internal_linkage
! pixman_format_tInit (pixman_format_t *format, int format_code);
  /* icimage.c */
! extern pixman_image_t * __internal_linkage
! pixman_image_tCreateForPixels (IcPixels	*pixels,
! 			pixman_format_t	*format);
  /* icpixels.c */
*** 781,785 ****
  extern IcPixels * __internal_linkage
! IcPixelsCreateForData (IcBits *data, int width, int height, int depth, int bpp, int stride);
  extern void __internal_linkage
--- 781,785 ----
  extern IcPixels * __internal_linkage
! IcPixelsCreateForData (pixman_bits_t *data, int width, int height, int depth, int bpp, int stride);
  extern void __internal_linkage
*** 789,800 ****
  extern int __internal_linkage
! IcTransformPoint (IcTransform	*transform,
! 		  IcVector	*vector);
  /* ictrap.c */
  extern void __internal_linkage
! IcRasterizeTrapezoid (IcImage		*pMask,
! 		      const IcTrapezoid  *pTrap,
  		      int		x_off,
  		      int		y_off);
--- 789,800 ----
  extern int __internal_linkage
! pixman_transform_tPoint (pixman_transform_t	*transform,
! 		  pixman_vector_t	*vector);
  /* ictrap.c */
  extern void __internal_linkage
! IcRasterizeTrapezoid (pixman_image_t		*pMask,
! 		      const pixman_trapezoid_t  *pTrap,
  		      int		x_off,
  		      int		y_off);
*** 802,812 ****
  /* Avoid unnessecary PLT entries.  */
! slim_hidden_proto(IcImageCreate)
! slim_hidden_proto(IcColorToPixel)
! slim_hidden_proto(IcFormatInit)
! slim_hidden_proto(IcImageDestroy)
! slim_hidden_proto(IcFillRectangles)
! slim_hidden_proto(IcImageSetRepeat)
! slim_hidden_proto(IcComposite)
--- 802,812 ----
  /* Avoid unnessecary PLT entries.  */
! slim_hidden_proto(pixman_image_tCreate)
! slim_hidden_proto(pixman_color_tToPixel)
! slim_hidden_proto(pixman_format_tInit)
! slim_hidden_proto(pixman_image_tDestroy)
! slim_hidden_proto(pixman_fill_rectangles)
! slim_hidden_proto(pixman_image_tSetRepeat)
! slim_hidden_proto(pixman_composite)

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