[cairo-commit] papers/opengl_freenix04 .cvsignore,NONE,1.1 ChangeLog,NONE,1.1 Makefile,NONE,1.1 cairo-demo-glc.eps,NONE,1.1 cairo-demo-glc.png,NONE,1.1 cairo-demo-xrender.eps,NONE,1.1 cairo-demo-xrender.png,NONE,1.1 opengl_freenix04.bib,NONE,1.1 usetex-v1.cls,NONE,1.1 opengl_freenix04.tex,1.1,1.2

Carl Worth commit at pdx.freedesktop.org
Mon Dec 15 04:39:12 PST 2003

Committed by: cworth

Update of /cvs/cairo/papers/opengl_freenix04
In directory pdx:/tmp/cvs-serv15645

Modified Files:
Added Files:
	.cvsignore ChangeLog Makefile cairo-demo-glc.eps 
	cairo-demo-glc.png cairo-demo-xrender.eps 
	cairo-demo-xrender.png opengl_freenix04.bib usetex-v1.cls 
Log Message:

        * cairo-demo-glc.png:
        * cairo-demo-glc.eps:
        * cairo-demo-xrender.png:
        * cairo-demo-xrender.eps: Add dummy figure (need to get the real
        things from David and Peter).

        * opengl_freenix04.bib: Add bibliogrpahy entries that I had handy,
        (a few are still missing).

        * opengl_freenix04.tex: Switch style file from paper to
        usetex-v1. Remove \ifpdf which was confusing the build. Add
        \usepackage{url}. Un-comment docstatus.

--- NEW FILE: .cvsignore ---

--- NEW FILE: ChangeLog ---
2003-12-15  Carl Worth  <cworth at isi.edu>

	* cairo-demo-glc.png:
	* cairo-demo-glc.eps:
	* cairo-demo-xrender.png:
	* cairo-demo-xrender.eps: Add dummy figure (need to get the real
	things from David and Peter).

	* opengl_freenix04.bib: Add bibliogrpahy entries that I had handy,
	(a few are still missing).

	* opengl_freenix04.tex: Switch style file from paper to
	usetex-v1. Remove \ifpdf which was confusing the build. Add
	\usepackage{url}. Un-comment docstatus.

--- NEW FILE: Makefile ---

	cairo-demo-glc.eps \

all: ${MASTER}.ps ${MASTER}.ps.gz ${MASTER}.pdf

.SUFFIXES: .tex .dvi .ps .pdf .eps .png
.PHONY: subdirs

$(MASTER).ps.gz: $(MASTER).ps
	gzip < ${MASTER}.ps > $@

${MASTER}.pdf: ${MASTER}.ps
	ps2pdf \
        -dCompatibilityLevel=1.3 -dMaxSubsetPct=100 -dSubsetFonts=true -dEmbedAllFonts=true \
        -dAutoFilterColorImages=false -dAutoFilterGrayImages=false \
        -dColorImageFilter=/FlateEncode -dGrayImageFilter=/FlateEncode -dMonoImageFilter=/FlateEncode \
        $< $@

subdirs: force
#	@${MAKE} -C figures ${MAKECMDGOALS}


${MASTER}.ps: ${MASTER}.dvi
	dvips -t letter -Ppdf -G0 -o $@ $<

${MASTER}.dvi: ${MASTER}.tex ${SECTIONS} ${MASTER}.bbl subdirs

${MASTER}.bbl: ${MASTER}.bib
	latex ${MASTER}.tex
	bibtex ${MASTER}
	latex ${MASTER}.tex

%.eps: %.png
	pngtopnm $< | pnmtops > $@

clean: subdirs
	rm -f $(MASTER).{pdf,ps,aux,log,bbl,blg,dvi,lof,lot,toc} *.aux

--- NEW FILE: cairo-demo-glc.eps ---
%!PS-Adobe-2.0 EPSF-2.0
%%Creator: pnmtops
%%Title: noname.ps
%%Pages: 1
%%BoundingBox: 249 325 363 466
/readstring {
  currentfile exch readhexstring pop
} bind def
/rpicstr 118 string def
/gpicstr 118 string def
/bpicstr 118 string def
%%Page: 1 1
<< /PageSize [ 612 792 ] /ImagingBBox null >> setpagedevice
249.36 325.92 translate
113.28 140.16 scale
118 146 8
[...1712 lines suppressed...]

--- NEW FILE: cairo-demo-glc.png ---
(This appears to be a binary file; contents omitted.)

--- NEW FILE: cairo-demo-xrender.eps ---
%!PS-Adobe-2.0 EPSF-2.0
%%Creator: pnmtops
%%Title: noname.ps
%%Pages: 1
%%BoundingBox: 249 325 363 466
/readstring {
  currentfile exch readhexstring pop
} bind def
/rpicstr 118 string def
/gpicstr 118 string def
/bpicstr 118 string def
%%Page: 1 1
<< /PageSize [ 612 792 ] /ImagingBBox null >> setpagedevice
249.36 325.92 translate
113.28 140.16 scale
118 146 8
[...1712 lines suppressed...]

--- NEW FILE: cairo-demo-xrender.png ---
(This appears to be a binary file; contents omitted.)

--- NEW FILE: opengl_freenix04.bib ---
% Lifted from Keiths BiBTeX database

 title		= "Compositing Theory",
 author		= "Jim Blinn",
 journal	= "IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications",
 year		= 1994,
 month		= "September",
 note		= "Republished in~\cite{blinn:1998}"	}
 title		= "{Jim Blinn's Corner: Dirty Pixels}",
 author		= "Jim Blinn",
 year		= 1998,
 publisher	= "Morgan Kaufmann",
 isbn		= "1-55860-455-3",	}

 title		= "The OpenGL Graphics System: A Specification",
 author		= "Mark Segal and Kurt Akeley and Jon Leach (ed)",
 version	= "1.2.1",
 publisher	= "SGI",
 year		= 1999			},

 title		= "Twelve Characteristics of Correct Antialiased Lines",
 author		= "Scott R. Nelson",
 journal	= "Journal of Graphics Tools",
 year		= 1996,
 volume		= 1,
 number		= 4,
 pages		= "1-20",		},

 title		= "draw - screen graphics",
 author		= "Rob Pike",
 organization	= "Bell Laboratories",
 year		= 2000,
 note		= "Plan 9 Manual Page Entry",	}

 title		= "{Compositing Digital Images}",
 author		= "Thomas Porter and Tom Duff",
 journal	= "Computer Graphics",
 year		= 1984,
 volume		= 18,
 number		= 3,
 pages		= "253-259",
 month		= "July",		}
 title		= "PostScript Language Reference Manual",
 author		= {{Adobe Systems Incorporated}},
 publisher	= "Addison Wesley",
 year		= 1985,			}

 title		= "{A New Rendering Model for X}",
 author		= "Keith Packard",
 booktitle	= "FREENIX Track, 2000 Usenix Annual Technical Conference",
 month		= "June",
 year		= 2000,
 pages		= "279-284",
 address	= "San Diego, CA",
 organization	= "USENIX",		}

 title		= "{Design and Implementation of the X Rendering Extension}",
 author		= "Keith Packard",
 booktitle	= "FREENIX Track, 2001 Usenix Annual Technical Conference",
 month		= "June",
 year		= 2001,
 address	= "Boston, MA",
 organization	= "USENIX",		}
 title		= "X Window System",
 author		= "Robert W. Scheifler and James Gettys",
 publisher	= "Digital Press",
 year		= 1992,
 edition	= "Third",		}

 title		= "{XAA.HOWTO}",
 author		= "Mark Vojkovich and Marc Aurele La France",
 institution	= "The XFree86 Project, Inc.",
 year		= 2000,			}

 title		= "{The X Rendering Extension}",
 author		= "Keith Packard",
 institution	= "The XFree86 Project, Inc.",
 type		= "XFree86 Draft Standard",
 year		= 2000,			}
 title		= "PDF Reference: Version 1.4",
 edition	= "3rd",
 editor		= "Adobe Systems Incorporated",
 publisher	= "Addison-Wesley",
 year		= 2001,

--- NEW FILE: usetex-v1.cls ---
\ProvidesClass{usetex-v1}[2002/10/31 v1.2 usetex Usenix article class]

% usetex-v1.cls - to be used with LaTeX2e for Usenix articles
% To use this style file, do this:
%    \documentclass{usetex-v1}
% The following definitions are modifications of standard article.cls
% definitions, arranged to do a better job of matching the Usenix
% guidelines. and make for convenient Usenix paper writing
% Choose the appropriate option:
% 1. workingdraft:
%       For initial submission and shepherding.  Features prominent
%       date, notice of draft status, page numbers, and annotation
%       facilities.
% 2. proof:
%         A galley proof identical to the final copy except for page
%         numbering and proof date on the bottom.  Annotations are
%         removed.
% 3. webversion:
%       A web-publishable version, uses \docstatus{} to indicate
%       publication information (where and when paper was published),
%       and page numbers.
% 4. finalversion:
%       The final camera-ready-copy (CRC) version of the paper.
%       Published in conference proceedings.  This doesn't include
%       page numbers, annotations, or draft status (Usenix adds
%       headers, footers, and page numbers onto the CRC).
% If several are used, the last one in this list wins

% In addition, the option "endnotes" permits the use of the
% otherwise-disabled, Usenix-deprecated footnote{} command in
% documents.  In this case, be sure to include a
% \makeendnotes command at the end of your document or
% the endnotes will not actually appear.

\newif\if at draftcopy \newif\ifworkingdraft
\newif\ifproof \DeclareOption{proof}{\prooftrue\@draftcopytrue}

% pass all other options to the article class

% actually process the options

% usetex is based on article

% Footnotes are not currently allowed, but
% endnotes (while a bad idea) are.

% save any provided document status information


  % formatting helper for draft notes

  % put a small anonymous editing note in the draft copy
  \newcommand{\edannote}[1]{{\@noteleader[note] (#1)}}

  % put a small attributed editing note in the draft copy
  \newcommand{\edatnote}[2]{{\@noteleader[#1] #2}}

  % put an attributed editing note paragraph in the draft copy

  % mark a spot where work has been left off for later


  % dummy versions of editing commands to produce warnings

  \newcommand{\edannote}[1]{\@latex at warning
    {Leftover edannote command in final version ignored}}

  \newcommand{\edatnote}[1]{\@latex at warning
    {Leftover edatnote command in final version ignored}}

  \newenvironment{ednote}[1]{\@latex at warning
    {Leftover ednote environment in final version ignored}%

  \newcommand{\HERE}{\@latex at warning
    {Leftover HERE command in final version ignored}}


% set up the footers appropriately
    % webversions get whatever status the author says
    \gdef\@evenfoot{\@docstatus \hfil \thepage}%
    % all other drafts get the standard draft footer
    \gdef\@evenfoot{\textbf{Draft:} \@draftdate\hfil \textbf{Page:} \thepage}%

% Usenix wants no page numbers for submitted papers, so that
% they can number them themselves.  Drafts should have
% numbered pages, so they can be edited.
\if at draftcopy
  % Compute a date and time for the draft for use
  % either in \@setfoot (proof) or in \maketitle (workingdraft)
  % Time code adapted from custom-bib/makebst.tex
  % Copyright 1993-1999 Patrick W Daly
  % Max-Planck-Institut f\"ur Aeronomie
  % E-mail: daly at linmp.mpg.de
  \divide\hour by 60
  \multiply\minute by 60
  \advance\minute by -\time
  \multiply\minute by -1
    {{\the\year/\/\two at digits{\the\month}/\/\two at digits{\the\day}%
          ~\two at digits{\the\hour}:\two at digits{\the\minute}}}

% Times-Roman font is nice if you can get it (requires NFSS,
% which is in latex2e).

% endnote support, as described at
%   http://www.lyx.org/help/footnotes.php
    {Warning: endnotes support is deprecated (see documentation for details)}
  \def\enoteformat{\rightskip\z@ \leftskip\z@
       \@theenmark. }
  \long\gdef\footnote{\@latex at error
    {Deprecated footnote command (see documentation for details)}}
  \long\gdef\endnote{\@latex at error
    {Deprecated endnote command (see documentation for details)}}

% Usenix margins 
% Gives active areas of 6.45" x 9.0"

% The standard maketitle insists on
% messing with the style of the first page.
% Thus, we will wrap maketitle with code to put
% things right again.
\let \save at maketitle=\maketitle
  \save at maketitle
  \if at draftcopy

% Usenix titles are in 14-point bold type, with no date, and with no
% change in the empty page headers.  The author section is
% 12 point roman and italic: see below.
  \vskip 3ex%
  \let \footnote \thanks
  {\Large \bf \@title \par}%            % use 14 pt bold
  \vskip 2ex%
    \lineskip .5ex%
    \vskip 3ex \textbf{Draft of \@draftdate} \vskip 3ex
    \vskip 3ex \textbf{\@docstatus} \vskip 3ex
  \vskip 2ex}

% The author section
% should have names in Roman, address in
% italic, e-mail/http in typewriter.
% This is enforced by use of these macros
\def\authurl#1{{\normalsize #1}\\}

% The abstract is preceded by a 12-pt bold centered heading
  {\large\bf \abstractname\vspace{-.5ex}\vspace{\z@}}%

% Main section titles are 12-pt bold.  Lower divisions can
% be same size or smaller: we choose same.
% Main section leading is tight.  Subsection leading is even
% slightly tighter.  All lower divisions are formatted like subsections.
\newcommand\@sectionfont{\reset at font\large\bf}
  plus -0.1\baselineskip
  minus -0.1\baselineskip}
  plus 0.1\baselineskip}
  plus -0.1\baselineskip}
\renewcommand\section{\@startsection {section}{1}{\z@}%
\newcommand\@gensubsection[2]{\@startsection {#1}{#2}{\z@}%
                                    {1.25ex \@plus 0.2ex \@minus 0.2ex}%
                                    {1.25ex \@plus 0.2ex \@minus 0.2ex}%

% List items need to be tightened up.
% There must be a better way than copying
% the definitions to modify the list environment...
% now make envs use itemspacings
  \ifnum \@itemdepth >\thr@@\@toodeep\else
  \ifnum \@enumdepth >\thr@@\@toodeep\else
        \csname label\@enumctr\endcsname
  \list{}{\labelwidth\z@ \itemindent-\leftmargin

% Bibliography items need to be tightened up.
% Again, there must be a better way than copying
% the definitions to modify the list environment...
      \list{\@biblabel{\@arabic\c at enumiv}}%
            \@openbib at code
            \let\p at enumiv\@empty
            \renewcommand\theenumiv{\@arabic\c at enumiv}%
            \parsep=0pt}% pack entries
      \hbadness=8000% mostly don't whine about bibliography fmt

% Floating bodies need to be tightened up.
\setlength\textfloatsep{14pt plus 2pt}
\setlength\abovecaptionskip{8pt minus 2pt}

Index: opengl_freenix04.tex
RCS file: /cvs/cairo/papers/opengl_freenix04/opengl_freenix04.tex,v
retrieving revision 1.1
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -C2 -d -r1.1 -r1.2
*** opengl_freenix04.tex	15 Dec 2003 12:05:02 -0000	1.1
--- opengl_freenix04.tex	15 Dec 2003 12:39:09 -0000	1.2
*** 1,13 ****
! \documentclass[twocolumn,10pt]{paper}
- \usepackage{paper}
- \ifpdf
- \usepackage[pdftex]{epsfig}
- \else
! \fi
--- 1,11 ----
! % See usetex-v1.cls for other options in place of "workingdraft" before submitting.
! \documentclass[workingdraft]{usetex-v1}
! \usepackage{url}        % \url{} command with good linebreaks
*** 15,19 ****
    \title{Hardware Accelerated Image Compositing using OpenGL}
! %  \docstatus{Submitted to USENIX Conference 2004}
--- 13,17 ----
    \title{Hardware Accelerated Image Compositing using OpenGL}
!   \docstatus{Preparing for submission to USENIX Conference 2004}
*** 273,278 ****
    found at this location.
!   \bibliography{paper}
! \end{document}
\ No newline at end of file
--- 271,276 ----
    found at this location.
!   \bibliography{opengl_freenix04}
! \end{document}

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