[cairo-commit] cairo-ocaml/test text.ml,NONE,1.1 Makefile,,1.2

Olivier Andrieu commit at pdx.freedesktop.org
Tue Dec 16 17:15:33 PST 2003

Committed by: oandrieu

Update of /cvs/cairo/cairo-ocaml/test
In directory pdx:/tmp/cvs-serv11388/test

Modified Files:
Added Files:
Log Message:
text API work

--- NEW FILE: text.ml ---

let num_glyphs = 10
let text = "hello, world"

let box_text cr txt x y =
  Cairo.save cr ; begin
    let ext = Cairo.text_extents cr text in
    let line_width = Cairo.current_line_width cr in
    Cairo.rectangle cr
      (x +. ext.Cairo.x_bearing -. line_width)
      (y +. ext.Cairo.y_bearing -. line_width)
      (ext.Cairo.text_width  +. 2. *. line_width)
      (ext.Cairo.text_height +. 2. *. line_width) ;
    Cairo.stroke cr ;
    Cairo.move_to cr x y ;
    Cairo.show_text cr txt ;
    Cairo.text_path cr txt ;
    Cairo.set_rgb_color cr 1. 0. 0. ;
    Cairo.set_line_width cr 1.0 ;
    Cairo.stroke cr end ;

  Cairo.restore cr

let box_glyphs cr gly x y =
  Cairo.save cr ; begin
    let ext = Cairo.glyph_extents cr gly in
    let line_width = Cairo.current_line_width cr in
    Cairo.rectangle cr
      (x +. ext.Cairo.x_bearing -. line_width)
      (y +. ext.Cairo.y_bearing -. line_width)
      (ext.Cairo.text_width  +. 2. *. line_width)
      (ext.Cairo.text_height +. 2. *. line_width) ;
    Cairo.stroke cr ;
    let gly = 
	(fun g ->
	  { g with Cairo.glyph_x = g.Cairo.glyph_x +. x ; 
	           Cairo.glyph_y = g.Cairo.glyph_y +. y })
	gly in
    Cairo.show_glyphs cr gly ;
    Cairo.glyph_path cr gly ;
    Cairo.set_rgb_color cr 1. 0. 0. ;
    Cairo.set_line_width cr 1. ;
    Cairo.stroke cr end ;
  Cairo.restore cr

let draw cr w h = 
  Cairo.set_rgb_color cr 0. 0. 0. ;
  Cairo.set_line_width cr 2. ;

  Cairo.save cr ; begin
    Cairo.set_rgb_color cr 1. 1. 1. ;
    Cairo.rectangle cr 0. 0. w h ;
    Cairo.set_operator cr Cairo.OPERATOR_SRC ;
    Cairo.fill cr end ;
  Cairo.restore cr ;

  Cairo.select_font cr "serif" Cairo.FONT_SLANT_NORMAL Cairo.FONT_WEIGHT_NORMAL ;
  Cairo.scale_font cr 40. ;
  let { Cairo.font_height = height } as f_ext = 
    Cairo.current_font_extents cr in
  let glyphs =
      let dx = ref 0. in
      let dy = ref 0. in
      Array.init num_glyphs
	(fun i ->
	  let g = 
	    { Cairo.index = i + 4 ;
	      Cairo.glyph_x = !dx ;
	      Cairo.glyph_y = !dy } in
	  let ext = Cairo.glyph_extents cr [| g |] in
	  dx := !dx +. ext.Cairo.x_advance ;
	  dy := !dy +. ext.Cairo.y_advance ;
    end in

  box_text cr text 10. height ;

  Cairo.translate cr 0. height ;
  Cairo.save cr ; begin
    Cairo.translate cr 10. height ;
    Cairo.rotate cr (10. *. atan 1. /. 45.) ;
    box_text cr text 0. 0. end ;
  Cairo.restore cr ;

  Cairo.translate cr 0. (2. *. height) ;
  Cairo.save cr ; begin
    let m = Cairo.matrix_create () in
    Cairo.matrix_rotate m (10. *. atan 1. /. 45.) ;
    Cairo.transform_font cr m ;
    box_text cr text 10. height end ;
  Cairo.restore cr ;

  Cairo.translate cr 0. (2. *. height) ;
  box_glyphs cr glyphs 10. height ;

  Cairo.translate cr 10. (2. *. height) ;
  Cairo.save cr ; begin
    Cairo.rotate cr (10. *. atan 1. /. 45.) ;
    box_glyphs cr glyphs 0. 0. end ;
  Cairo.restore cr ;

  Cairo.translate cr 0. height ;
  box_glyphs cr
       (fun i g -> { g with Cairo.glyph_y = g.Cairo.glyph_y +. float (i * 5) })
    10. height

let width = 450
let height = 600

let main () = 
  let w = GWindow.window ~title:"Cairo Text API" () in
  w#connect#destroy GMain.quit ;

  let p = GDraw.pixmap ~width ~height ~window:w () in
  let cr = Cairo.create () in
  Cairo_lablgtk.set_target_drawable cr p#pixmap ;
  draw cr (float width) (float height) ;
  GMisc.pixmap p ~packing:w#add () ;

  w#show () ;
  GMain.main ()

let _ = main ()

Index: Makefile
RCS file: /cvs/cairo/cairo-ocaml/test/Makefile,v
retrieving revision
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -C2 -d -r1.1.1.1 -r1.2
*** Makefile	18 Nov 2003 19:02:26 -0000
--- Makefile	17 Dec 2003 01:15:31 -0000	1.2
*** 3,7 ****
! TARGETS += spline basket knockout oknockout
  TARGETS += cube
--- 3,7 ----
! TARGETS += text spline basket knockout oknockout
  TARGETS += cube
*** 11,16 ****
  all : $(TARGETS)
  cube : cube.ml
! 	$(OCAMLOPT) -w s -o $@ -I ../src -I $(LABLGTKDIR) lablgtk.cmxa cairo.cmxa cairo_lablgtk.cmxa gtkcairo.cmxa gtkInit.cmx $^
  spline : spline.ml
--- 11,19 ----
  all : $(TARGETS)
+ text : text.ml
+ 	$(OCAMLOPT) -w s -o $@ -I ../src -I $(LABLGTKDIR) lablgtk.cmxa cairo.cmxa cairo_lablgtk.cmxa gtkInit.cmx $^
  cube : cube.ml
! 	$(OCAMLOPT) -w s -o $@ -I ../src -I $(LABLGTKDIR) lablgtk.cmxa cairo.cmxa gtkcairo.cmxa gtkInit.cmx $^
  spline : spline.ml

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