[cairo-commit] cairo/src cairo_pen.c,1.17,1.18

Keith Packard commit at pdx.freedesktop.org
Tue Oct 12 12:29:32 PDT 2004

Committed by: keithp

Update of /cvs/cairo/cairo/src
In directory gabe:/tmp/cvs-serv7546/src

Modified Files:
Log Message:
2004-10-12  Keith Packard  <keithp at keithp.com>

	reviewed by: Carl Worth <cworth at cworth.org>

	* src/cairo_pen.c: (_cairo_pen_init), (_cairo_pen_vertices_needed):
	Adapt function from Walter Brisken to compute pen ellipse major
	axis length and use that to compute the required number of pen

Index: cairo_pen.c
RCS file: /cvs/cairo/cairo/src/cairo_pen.c,v
retrieving revision 1.17
retrieving revision 1.18
diff -C2 -d -r1.17 -r1.18
*** cairo_pen.c	4 Sep 2004 13:38:35 -0000	1.17
--- cairo_pen.c	12 Oct 2004 19:29:30 -0000	1.18
*** 38,42 ****
  static int
! _cairo_pen_vertices_needed (double radius, double tolerance, double expansion);
  static void
--- 38,42 ----
  static int
! _cairo_pen_vertices_needed (double tolerance, double radius, cairo_matrix_t *matrix);
  static void
*** 62,66 ****
      int i;
      int reflect;
!     double det, expansion;
      if (pen->num_vertices) {
--- 62,66 ----
      int i;
      int reflect;
!     double  det;
      if (pen->num_vertices) {
*** 77,98 ****
      pen->tolerance = gstate->tolerance;
-     /* The determinant represents the area expansion factor of the
-        transform. In the worst case, this is entirely in one
-        dimension, which is what we assume here. */
      _cairo_matrix_compute_determinant (&gstate->ctm, &det);
      if (det >= 0) {
  	reflect = 0;
- 	expansion = det;
      } else {
  	reflect = 1;
- 	expansion = -det;
-     pen->num_vertices = _cairo_pen_vertices_needed (radius, gstate->tolerance, expansion);
-     /* number of vertices must be even */
-     if (pen->num_vertices % 2)
- 	pen->num_vertices++;
      pen->vertices = malloc (pen->num_vertices * sizeof (cairo_pen_vertex_t));
      if (pen->vertices == NULL) {
--- 77,91 ----
      pen->tolerance = gstate->tolerance;
      _cairo_matrix_compute_determinant (&gstate->ctm, &det);
      if (det >= 0) {
  	reflect = 0;
      } else {
  	reflect = 1;
+     pen->num_vertices = _cairo_pen_vertices_needed (gstate->tolerance,
+ 						    radius,
+ 						    &gstate->ctm);
      pen->vertices = malloc (pen->num_vertices * sizeof (cairo_pen_vertex_t));
      if (pen->vertices == NULL) {
*** 172,186 ****
  static int
! _cairo_pen_vertices_needed (double radius, double tolerance, double expansion)
!     double theta;
!     if (tolerance > expansion*radius) {
! 	return 4;
!     }
!     theta = acos (1 - tolerance/(expansion * radius));
!     return ceil (M_PI / theta);
--- 165,415 ----
+ /*
+ The circular pen in user space is transformed into an ellipse in
+ device space.
+ We construct the pen by computing points along the circumference
+ using equally spaced angles.
+ We show below that this approximation to the ellipse has
+ maximum error at the major axis of the ellipse.  
+ So, we need to compute the length of the major axis and then 
+ use that to compute the number of sides needed in our pen.
+ Thanks to Walter Brisken <wbrisken at aoc.nrao.edu> for this
+ derivation:
+ 1.  First some notation:
+ All capital letters represent vectors in two dimensions.  A prime ' 
+ represents a transformed coordinate.  Matrices are written in underlined
+ form, ie _R_.  Lowercase letters represent scalar real values.
+ The letter t is used to represent the greek letter theta.
+ 2.  The question has been posed:  What is the maximum expansion factor 
+ achieved by the linear transformation
+ X' = _R_ X
+ where _R_ is a real-valued 2x2 matrix with entries:
+ _R_ = [a b]
+       [c d]  .
+ In other words, what is the maximum radius, MAX[ |X'| ], reached for any 
+ X on the unit circle ( |X| = 1 ) ?
+ 3.  Some useful formulae
+ (A) through (C) below are standard double-angle formulae.  (D) is a lesser
+ known result and is derived below:
+ (A)  sin^2(t) = (1 - cos(2*t))/2
+ (B)  cos^2(t) = (1 + cos(2*t))/2
+ (C)  sin(t)*cos(t) = sin(2*t)/2
+ (D)  MAX[a*cos(t) + b*sin(t)] = sqrt(a^2 + b^2)
+ Proof of (D):
+ find the maximum of the function by setting the derivative to zero:
+      -a*sin(t)+b*cos(t) = 0
+ From this it follows that 
+      tan(t) = b/a 
+ and hence 
+      sin(t) = b/sqrt(a^2 + b^2)
+ and 
+      cos(t) = a/sqrt(a^2 + b^2)
+ Thus the maximum value is
+      MAX[a*cos(t) + b*sin(t)] = (a*a + b*b)/sqrt(a^2 + b^2)
+                                  = sqrt(a^2 + b^2)
+ 4.  Derivation of maximum expansion
+ To find MAX[ |X'| ] we search brute force method using calculus.  The unit
+ circle on which X is constrained is to be parameterized by t:
+      X(t) = (cos(t), sin(t))
+ Thus 
+      X'(t) = (a*cos(t) + b*sin(t), c*cos(t) + d*sin(t)) .
+ Define 
+      r(t) = |X'(t)|
+ Thus
+      r^2(t) = (a*cos(t) + b*sin(t))^2 + (c*cos(t) + d*sin(t))^2
+             = (a^2 + c^2)*cos(t) + (b^2 + d^2)*sin(t) 
+                + 2*(a*b + c*d)*cos(t)*sin(t) 
+ Now apply the double angle formulae (A) to (C) from above:
+      r^2(t) = (a^2 + b^2 + c^2 + d^2)/2 
+ 	  + (a^2 - b^2 + c^2 - d^2)*cos(2*t)/2
+ 	  + (a*b + c*d)*sin(2*t)
+             = f + g*cos(u) + h*sin(u)
+ Where
+      f = (a^2 + b^2 + c^2 + d^2)/2
+      g = (a^2 - b^2 + c^2 - d^2)/2
+      h = (a*b + c*d)
+      u = 2*t
+ It is clear that MAX[ |X'| ] = sqrt(MAX[ r^2 ]).  Here we determine MAX[ r^2 ]
+ using (D) from above:
+      MAX[ r^2 ] = f + sqrt(g^2 + h^2)
+ And finally
+      MAX[ |X'| ] = sqrt( f + sqrt(g^2 + h^2) )
+ Which is the solution to this problem.
+ Walter Brisken
+ 2004/10/08
+ (Note that the minor axis length is at the minimum of the above solution,
+ which is just sqrt (f - sqrt (g^2 + h^2)) given the symmetry of (D)).
+ Now to compute how many sides to use for the pen formed by
+ a regular polygon.
+ Set
+ 	    M = major axis length (computed by above formula)
+ 	    m = minor axis length (computed by above formula)
+ Align 'M' along the X axis and 'm' along the Y axis and draw
+ an ellipse parameterized by angle 't':
+ 	    x = M cos t			y = m sin t
+ Perturb t by ± d and compute two new points (x+,y+), (x-,y-).
+ The distance from the average of these two points to (x,y) represents
+ the maximum error in approximating the ellipse with a polygon formed
+ from vertices 2∆ radians apart.
+ 	    x+ = M cos (t+∆)		y+ = m sin (t+∆)
+ 	    x- = M cos (t-∆)		y- = m sin (t-∆)
+ Now compute the approximation error, E:
+ 	Ex = (x - (x+ + x-) / 2)
+ 	Ex = (M cos(t) - (Mcos(t+∆) + Mcos(t-∆))/2)
+ 	   = M (cos(t) - (cos(t)cos(∆) + sin(t)sin(∆) +
+ 			  cos(t)cos(∆) - sin(t)sin(∆))/2)
+ 	   = M(cos(t) - cos(t)cos(∆))
+ 	   = M cos(t) (1 - cos(∆))
+ 	Ey = y - (y+ - y-) / 2
+ 	   = m sin (t) - (m sin(t+∆) + m sin(t-∆)) / 2
+ 	   = m (sin(t) - (sin(t)cos(∆) + cos(t)sin(∆) +
+ 			  sin(t)cos(∆) - cos(t)sin(∆))/2)
+ 	   = m (sin(t) - sin(t)cos(∆))
+ 	   = m sin(t) (1 - cos(∆))
+ 	E² = Ex² + Ey²
+ 	   = (M cos(t) (1 - cos (∆)))² + (m sin(t) (1-cos(∆)))²
+ 	   = (1 - cos(∆))² (M² cos²(t) + m² sin²(t))
+ 	   = (1 - cos(∆))² ((m² + M² - m²) cos² (t) + m² sin²(t))
+ 	   = (1 - cos(∆))² (M² - m²) cos² (t) + (1 - cos(∆))² m²
+ Find the extremum by differentiation wrt t and setting that to zero
+ ∂(E²)/∂(t) = (1-cos(d))² (M² - m²) (-2 cos(t) sin(t))
+          0 = 2 cos (t) sin (t)
+ 	 0 = sin (2t)
+ 	 t = nπ
+ Which is to say that the maximum and minimum errors occur on the
+ axes of the ellipse at 0 and π radians:
+ 	E²(0) = (1-cos(∆))² (M² - m²) + (1-cos(∆))² m²
+ 	      = (1-cos(∆))² M²
+ 	E²(π) = (1-cos(∆))² m²
+ maximum error = M (1-cos(∆))
+ minimum error = m (1-cos(∆))
+ We must make maximum error ≤ tolerance, so compute the ∆ needed:
+ 	    tolerance = M (1-cos(∆))
+ 	tolerance / M = 1 - cos (∆)
+ 	       cos(∆) = 1 - tolerance/M
+                     ∆ = acos (1 - tolerance / M);
+ Remembering that ∆ is half of our angle between vertices,
+ the number of vertices is then
+ vertices = ceil(2π/2∆).
+ 		 = ceil(π/∆).
+ Note that this also equation works for M == m (a circle) as it
+ doesn't matter where on the circle the error is computed.
+ */
  static int
! _cairo_pen_vertices_needed (double	    tolerance,
! 			    double	    radius,
! 			    cairo_matrix_t  *matrix)
!     double  a = matrix->m[0][0],   c = matrix->m[0][1];
!     double  b = matrix->m[1][0],   d = matrix->m[1][1];
!     double  i = a*a + c*c;
!     double  j = b*b + d*d;
!     double  f = 0.5 * (i + j);
!     double  g = 0.5 * (i - j);
!     double  h = a*b + c*d;
!     /* 
!      * compute major and minor axes lengths for 
!      * a pen with the specified radius 
!      */
!     double  major_axis = radius * sqrt (f + sqrt (g*g+h*h));
!     /*
!      * we don't need the minor axis length, which is
!      * double min = radius * sqrt (f - sqrt (g*g+h*h));
!      */
!     /*
!      * compute number of vertices needed
!      */
!     int	    num_vertices;
!     /* Where tolerance / M is > 1, we use 4 points */
!     if (tolerance >= major_axis) {
! 	num_vertices = 4;
!     } else {
! 	double delta = acos (1 - tolerance / major_axis);
! 	num_vertices = ceil (M_PI / delta);
! 	/* number of vertices must be even */
! 	if (num_vertices % 2)
! 	    num_vertices++;
!     }
!     return num_vertices;
*** 202,207 ****
! /* Find active pen vertex for clockwise edge of stroke at the given slope.
   * NOTE: The behavior of this function is sensitive to the sense of
--- 431,436 ----
! /*
!  * Find active pen vertex for clockwise edge of stroke at the given slope.
   * NOTE: The behavior of this function is sensitive to the sense of

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