[cairo-commit] svgslides/src svgslides-4suite,1.9,1.10

Carl Worth commit at pdx.freedesktop.org
Mon Jul 11 21:40:35 PDT 2005

Committed by: cworth

Update of /cvs/cairo/svgslides/src
In directory gabe:/tmp/cvs-serv28674/src

Modified Files:
Log Message:

        * src/svgslides-4suite: Add a nasty hack which provides a hash
        table to map nodes to NodeAttribute objects so that we can
        annotate new properties with set_mapped_attr and
        get_mapped_attr. We used to just use assignment such as node.attr
        = value, but that doesn't work with th C implementation of
        Domlette, and the python implementation has gone away upstream.

        * test/test.xml: Pulled the img tag outside the outside the ul
        tag, since otherwise it gets placed incorrectly. This might likely
        be a regression, but svgslides has never offered great

Index: svgslides-4suite
RCS file: /cvs/cairo/svgslides/src/svgslides-4suite,v
retrieving revision 1.9
retrieving revision 1.10
diff -u -d -r1.9 -r1.10
--- svgslides-4suite	26 Apr 2005 18:47:15 -0000	1.9
+++ svgslides-4suite	12 Jul 2005 04:40:33 -0000	1.10
@@ -5,20 +5,8 @@
 SVG = u'http://www.w3.org/2000/svg'
 XLINK = u'http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink'
-# By default Domlette uses a C implementation. Unfortunately, the C
-# implementations of python objects don't behave the same as python
-# implementations, (eg. we can't set new attributes on them). This
-# makes the C stuff pretty useless in my view.
-# Domlette also provides an all-python implementation called
-# MiniDom. In order to get at it, we have to set the environment
-# variable USE_MINIDOM to 1. And we have to do this before importing
-# the Domlette stuff.
-import os
 import sys
 import re
-os.environ['USE_MINIDOM'] = '1'
 from Ft.Xml.XPath.Context import Context
 from Ft.Xml import XPath
@@ -63,6 +51,40 @@
         return default
+# We use this to workaround the fact that we can't assign new
+# attribute values to cDomlette objects since, being C-implemented
+# python objects, they are crippled compared to actual python
+# objects. Remind me not to use python again in the future.
+class NodeAttribute:
+    def __init__(self):
+        pass;
+node_attribute_map = {};
+# XXX: The set_mapped_attr and get_mapped_attr names are horribly
+# close to the get_attr names and quite confusing. I would come up
+# with better names here if I had a better notion of what makes
+# "these" particular attributes distinct from "those". It may just be
+# time to throw this implementation away and start over again.
+def set_mapped_attr (node, attr, value):
+    if node not in node_attribute_map:
+        node_attribute_map[node] = NodeAttribute()
+    node_attribute_map[node].__dict__[attr] = value
+def get_mapped_attr (node, attr, default=0.0):
+    if node not in node_attribute_map:
+        return default
+    return node_attribute_map[node].__dict__[attr]
+def has_mapped_attr (node, attr):
+    if node not in node_attribute_map:
+        return False
+    if attr not in node_attribute_map[node].__dict__:
+        return False
+    return True
 ### Main program
@@ -154,17 +176,19 @@
 	def find_position_content_node (node):
 	    sib = prev_sib (node)
 	    if sib:
-		node.y = sib.y + sib.height
+                sib_y = get_mapped_attr (sib, 'y')
+                sib_height = get_mapped_attr (sib, 'height')
+		set_mapped_attr (node, 'y', sib_y + sib_height)
-                node.y = 0
+                set_mapped_attr (node, 'y', 0)
 	    if node.nodeName == u'ul':
 		parent = node.parentNode
 		if parent.nodeName == u'ul':
-		    node.x = 50
+		    set_mapped_attr (node, 'x', 50)
-		    node.x = 0
+		    set_mapped_attr (node, 'x', 0)
-		node.x = 0
+		set_mapped_attr (node, 'x', 0)
 	def find_position_content_nodes (nodes):
 	    for node in nodes:
@@ -182,7 +206,7 @@
 		height = 0
 	    if node.hasChildNodes ():
 		height += find_height_content_nodes (node.childNodes)
-	    node.height = height
+            set_mapped_attr (node, 'height', height)
 	    return height
 	def find_height_content_nodes (nodes):
@@ -196,9 +220,11 @@
 	    find_position_content_nodes (content)
 	def transform_ul (ul, root):
-	    if ul.x or ul.y:
+            if has_mapped_attr (ul, 'x') or has_mapped_attr (ul, 'y'):
+                ul_x = get_mapped_attr (ul, 'x')
+                ul_y = get_mapped_attr (ul, 'y')
 		group = doc.createElementNS (SVG, 'g')
-		group.setAttributeNS (None, u'transform', 'translate('+`ul.x`+','+`ul.y`+')')
+		group.setAttributeNS (None, u'transform', 'translate('+`ul_x`+','+`ul_y`+')')
 		root.appendChild (group)
 		return group
@@ -207,6 +233,8 @@
 	def transform_li (li, root):
             bullet_radius = font_size / 6
+            li_x = get_mapped_attr (li, 'x')
+            li_y = get_mapped_attr (li, 'y')
             bullet = get_attr_inherited (li, 'bullet')
             if li.nodeName == 'lc' or bullet == 'off':
                 # no bullet for list continuation or explicitly disabled bullets
@@ -216,13 +244,13 @@
 		    b = doc.createElementNS (SVG, 'use')
 		    b.setAttributeNS (XLINK, u'xlink:href', u'#' + bullet)
-		    b.setAttributeNS (None, u'x', `li.x + bullet_radius`)
-		    b.setAttributeNS (None, u'y', `li.y + font_size / 1.5`)
+		    b.setAttributeNS (None, u'x', `li_x + bullet_radius`)
+		    b.setAttributeNS (None, u'y', `li_y + font_size / 1.5`)
 		    circle = doc.createElementNS (SVG, 'circle')
 		    root.appendChild (circle)
-		    circle.setAttributeNS (None, u'cx', `li.x + bullet_radius`)
-		    circle.setAttributeNS (None, u'cy', `li.y + font_size / 1.5`)
+		    circle.setAttributeNS (None, u'cx', `li_x + bullet_radius`)
+		    circle.setAttributeNS (None, u'cy', `li_y + font_size / 1.5`)
 		    circle.setAttributeNS (None, u'r',  `bullet_radius`)
             align = get_attr_inherited (li, 'align')
@@ -233,8 +261,8 @@
 	    for v in values:
 		text.appendChild (doc.createTextNode (v.nodeValue))
-            x = li.x + 3 * bullet_radius
-            y = li.y + font_size
+            x = li_x + 3 * bullet_radius
+            y = li_y + font_size
             if align == 'center':
                 x += region_width / 2
                 text.setAttributeNS (None, u'text-anchor', u'middle')
@@ -258,6 +286,7 @@
             img_x = get_attr_float (img, 'x', 0.0)
             img_y = get_attr_float (img, 'y', 0.0)
             # XXX: width/height are currently not working
             img_width = get_attr_float (img, 'width', 1.0)
             img_height = get_attr_float (img, 'height', 1.0)

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