[cairo-commit] 2 commits - pixman/src test/clip-operator.c test/clip-operator-ref.png test/clip-operator-rgb24-ref.png test/Makefile.am test/mask.c test/mask-ref.png test/mask-rgb24-ref.png test/mask-svg-argb32-ref.png test/mask-svg-rgb24-ref.png test/operator-clear.c test/operator-clear-ref.png test/operator-clear-rgb24-ref.png test/operator-source.c test/operator-source-ref.png test/operator-source-rgb24-ref.png test/text-pattern-ref.png test/text-pattern-rgb24-ref.png test/trap-clip.c test/trap-clip-ref.png test/trap-clip-rgb24-ref.png test/trap-clip-svg-argb32-ref.png test/unbounded-operator.c test/unbounded-operator-ref.png test/unbounded-operator-rgb24-ref.png

Carl Worth cworth at kemper.freedesktop.org
Thu Dec 14 09:29:10 PST 2006

 dev/null                              |binary
 pixman/src/Makefile.am                |    3 
 pixman/src/fbcompose.c                |  423 +++++++++++++++++++++++-----------
 test/Makefile.am                      |   20 -
 test/clip-operator-ref.png            |binary
 test/clip-operator-rgb24-ref.png      |binary
 test/clip-operator.c                  |    6 
 test/mask-ref.png                     |binary
 test/mask-rgb24-ref.png               |binary
 test/mask-svg-argb32-ref.png          |binary
 test/mask-svg-rgb24-ref.png           |    0 
 test/mask.c                           |    6 
 test/operator-clear-ref.png           |binary
 test/operator-clear-rgb24-ref.png     |binary
 test/operator-clear.c                 |    6 
 test/operator-source-ref.png          |binary
 test/operator-source-rgb24-ref.png    |binary
 test/operator-source.c                |    6 
 test/text-pattern-ref.png             |binary
 test/text-pattern-rgb24-ref.png       |binary
 test/trap-clip-ref.png                |binary
 test/trap-clip-rgb24-ref.png          |binary
 test/trap-clip-svg-argb32-ref.png     |    0 
 test/trap-clip.c                      |    6 
 test/unbounded-operator-ref.png       |binary
 test/unbounded-operator-rgb24-ref.png |binary
 test/unbounded-operator.c             |    6 
 27 files changed, 316 insertions(+), 166 deletions(-)

New commits:
diff-tree e9bef30d2bcdf41c7b7f20b3517839c37e752f75 (from af9cce6aa295327b5256f55900b3debf9112b6ca)
Author: David Turner <david at alice.localdomain>
Date:   Thu Dec 14 06:55:58 2006 -0800

    Optimize gradient computations
    We update the test suite reference images where needed, (pdiff
    avoided a few, but most still needed updating). We take advantage
    of the need for new reference images to shrink some of the giant
    tests to speed them up a bit.
    This optimization provides a 2x improvement in linear gradient
    generation performance (numbers from an x86 laptop):
    image-rgb    paint_linear_rgba_source-512 26.13 -> 11.13: 2.35x speedup
    image-rgb    paint_linear_rgba_source-256  6.47 ->  2.76: 2.34x speedup
    image-rgba      paint_linear_rgb_over-256  6.51 ->  2.86: 2.28x speedup
    image-rgb      paint_linear_rgba_over-512 28.62 -> 13.70: 2.09x speedup
    image-rgba       fill_linear_rgb_over-256  3.24 ->  1.94: 1.66x speedup
    image-rgb     stroke_linear_rgba_over-256  5.68 ->  4.10: 1.39x speedup

diff --git a/pixman/src/fbcompose.c b/pixman/src/fbcompose.c
index 4958241..d698eb4 100644
--- a/pixman/src/fbcompose.c
+++ b/pixman/src/fbcompose.c
@@ -2731,78 +2731,231 @@ static void fbFetch(PicturePtr pict, int
 #define DIV(a,b) ((((a) < 0) == ((b) < 0)) ? (a) / (b) :\
         ((a) - (b) + 1 - (((b) < 0) << 1)) / (b))
-static CARD32
-xRenderColorMultToCard32 (pixman_color_t *c)
+typedef struct
+    CARD32        left_ag;
+    CARD32        left_rb;
+    CARD32        right_ag;
+    CARD32        right_rb;
+    int32_t       left_x;
+    int32_t       right_x;
+    int32_t       width_x;
+    int32_t       stepper;
+    pixman_gradient_stop_t  *stops;
+    int                      num_stops;
+    unsigned int             spread;
+} GradientWalker;
+static void
+_gradient_walker_init (GradientWalker  *walker,
+                       SourcePictPtr    pGradient,
+                       unsigned int     spread)
-    return
-	((((uint32_t) c->red   * c->alpha) >> 24) << 16) |
-	((((uint32_t) c->green * c->alpha) >> 24) <<  8) |
-	((((uint32_t) c->blue  * c->alpha) >> 24) <<  0) |
-	((((uint32_t) c->alpha		 ) >> 8)  << 24);
+    walker->num_stops = pGradient->gradient.nstops;
+    walker->stops     = pGradient->gradient.stops;
+    walker->left_x    = 0;
+    walker->right_x   = 0x10000;
+    walker->width_x   = 0;  /* will force a reset */
+    walker->stepper   = 0;
+    walker->left_ag   = 0;
+    walker->left_rb   = 0;
+    walker->right_ag  = 0;
+    walker->right_rb  = 0;
+    walker->spread    = spread;
-static CARD32 gradientPixel(const SourcePictPtr pGradient, xFixed_48_16 pos, unsigned int spread)
+static void
+_gradient_walker_reset (GradientWalker  *walker,
+                        xFixed_32_32     pos)
-    int ipos = (pos * pGradient->gradient.stopRange - 1) >> 16;
+    int32_t                  x, left_x, right_x;
+    pixman_color_t          *left_c, *right_c;
+    int                      n, count = walker->num_stops;
+    pixman_gradient_stop_t  *stops = walker->stops;
+    static const pixman_color_t   transparent_black = { 0, 0, 0, 0 };
-    /* calculate the actual offset. */
-    if (ipos < 0 || ipos >= pGradient->gradient.stopRange)
+    switch (walker->spread)
-	if (pGradient->type == SourcePictTypeConical || spread == RepeatNormal)
-	{
-	    ipos = ipos % pGradient->gradient.stopRange;
-	    ipos = ipos < 0 ? pGradient->gradient.stopRange + ipos : ipos;
+    case RepeatNormal:
+	x = (int32_t)pos & 0xFFFF;
+	for (n = 0; n < count; n++)
+	    if (x < stops[n].x)
+		break;
+	if (n == 0) {
+	    left_x =  stops[count-1].x - 0x10000;
+	    left_c = &stops[count-1].color;
+	} else {
+	    left_x =  stops[n-1].x;
+	    left_c = &stops[n-1].color;
+	}
+	if (n == count) {
+	    right_x =  stops[0].x + 0x10000;
+	    right_c = &stops[0].color;
+	} else {
+	    right_x =  stops[n].x;
+	    right_c = &stops[n].color;
+	}
+	left_x  += (pos - x);
+	right_x += (pos - x);
+	break;
+    case RepeatPad:
+	for (n = 0; n < count; n++)
+	    if (pos < stops[n].x)
+		break;
+	if (n == 0) {
+	    left_x =  INT_MIN;
+	    left_c = &stops[0].color;
+	} else {
+	    left_x =  stops[n-1].x;
+	    left_c = &stops[n-1].color;
+	}
+	if (n == count) {
+	    right_x =  INT_MAX;
+	    right_c = &stops[n-1].color;
+	} else {
+	    right_x =  stops[n].x;
+	    right_c = &stops[n].color;
+	}
+	break;
+    case RepeatReflect:
+	x = (int32_t)pos & 0xFFFF;
+	if ((int32_t)pos & 0x10000)
+	    x = 0x10000 - x;
+	for (n = 0; n < count; n++)
+	    if (x < stops[n].x)
+		break;
+	if (n == 0) {
+	    left_x =  -stops[0].x;
+	    left_c = &stops[0].color;
+	} else {
+	    left_x =  stops[n-1].x;
+	    left_c = &stops[n-1].color;
-	else if (spread == RepeatReflect)
-	{
-	    const int limit = pGradient->gradient.stopRange * 2 - 1;
-	    ipos = ipos % limit;
-	    ipos = ipos < 0 ? limit + ipos : ipos;
-	    ipos = ipos >= pGradient->gradient.stopRange ? limit - ipos : ipos;
+	if (n == count) {
+	    right_x = 0x20000 - stops[n-1].x;
+	    right_c = &stops[n-1].color;
+	} else {
+	    right_x =  stops[n].x;
+	    right_c = &stops[n].color;
+	}
+	if ((int32_t)pos & 0x10000) {
+	    pixman_color_t  *tmp_c;
+	    int32_t          tmp_x;
+	    tmp_x   = 0x20000 - right_x;
+	    right_x = 0x20000 - left_x;
+	    left_x  = tmp_x;
+	    tmp_c   = right_c;
+	    right_c = left_c;
+	    left_c  = tmp_c;
-	else if (spread == RepeatPad)
+	left_x  += (pos - x);
+	right_x += (pos - x);
+	break;
+    default:  /* RepeatNone */
+	for (n = 0; n < count; n++)
+	    if (pos < stops[n].x)
+		break;
+	if (n == 0)
-	    if (ipos < 0)
-		ipos = 0;
-	    else
-		ipos = pGradient->gradient.stopRange - 1;
+	    left_x  =  INT_MIN;
+	    right_x =  stops[0].x;
+	    left_c  = right_c = (pixman_color_t*) &transparent_black;
-	else  /* RepeatNone */
+	else if (n == count)
-	    return 0;
+	    left_x  = stops[n-1].x;
+	    right_x = INT_MAX;
+	    left_c  = right_c = (pixman_color_t*) &transparent_black;
+	}
+	else
+	{
+	    left_x  =  stops[n-1].x;
+	    right_x =  stops[n].x;
+	    left_c  = &stops[n-1].color;
+	    right_c = &stops[n].color;
-    if (pGradient->gradient.colorTableSize)
+    walker->left_x   = left_x;
+    walker->right_x  = right_x;
+    walker->width_x  = right_x - left_x;
+    walker->left_ag  = ((left_c->alpha >> 8) << 16)   | (left_c->green >> 8);
+    walker->left_rb  = ((left_c->red & 0xff00) << 8)  | (left_c->blue >> 8);
+    walker->right_ag = ((right_c->alpha >> 8) << 16)  | (right_c->green >> 8);
+    walker->right_rb = ((right_c->red & 0xff00) << 8) | (right_c->blue >> 8);
+    if ( walker->width_x == 0                      ||
+	 ( walker->left_ag == walker->right_ag &&
+	   walker->left_rb == walker->right_rb )   )
-	return pGradient->gradient.colorTable[ipos];
+	walker->width_x = 1;
+	walker->stepper = 0;
-	int i;
+	walker->stepper = ((1 << 24) + walker->width_x/2)/walker->width_x;
+    }
-	if (ipos <= pGradient->gradient.stops->x)
-	    return xRenderColorMultToCard32 (&pGradient->gradient.stops->color);
+   ( (x) < (w)->left_x || (x) - (w)->left_x >= (w)->width_x )
-	for (i = 1; i < pGradient->gradient.nstops; i++)
-	{
-	    if (pGradient->gradient.stops[i].x >= ipos)
-		return PictureGradientColor (&pGradient->gradient.stops[i - 1],
-					     &pGradient->gradient.stops[i],
-					     ipos);
-	}
+/* the following assumes that GRADIENT_WALKER_NEED_RESET(w,x) is FALSE */
+static CARD32
+_gradient_walker_pixel (GradientWalker  *walker,
+                        xFixed_32_32     x)
+    int  dist, idist;
+    uint32_t  t1, t2, a, color;
-	return xRenderColorMultToCard32 (&pGradient->gradient.stops[--i].color);
-    }
+    if (GRADIENT_WALKER_NEED_RESET (walker, x))
+        _gradient_walker_reset (walker, x);
+    dist  = ((int)(x - walker->left_x)*walker->stepper) >> 16;
+    idist = 256 - dist;
+    /* combined INTERPOLATE and premultiply */
+    t1 = walker->left_rb*idist + walker->right_rb*dist;
+    t1 = (t1 >> 8) & 0xff00ff;
+    t2  = walker->left_ag*idist + walker->right_ag*dist;
+    t2 &= 0xff00ff00;
+    color = t2 & 0xff000000;
+    a     = t2 >> 24;
+    t1  = t1*a + 0x800080;
+    t1  = (t1 + ((t1 >> 8) & 0xff00ff)) >> 8;
+    t2  = (t2 >> 8)*a + 0x800080;
+    t2  = (t2 + ((t2 >> 8) & 0xff00ff));
+    return (color | (t1 & 0xff00ff) | (t2 & 0xff00));
 static void fbFetchSourcePict(PicturePtr pict, int x, int y, int width, CARD32 *buffer, CARD32 *mask, CARD32 maskBits)
-    SourcePictPtr pGradient = pict->pSourcePict;
-    CARD32 *end = buffer + width;
+    SourcePictPtr   pGradient = pict->pSourcePict;
+    GradientWalker  walker;
+    CARD32         *end = buffer + width;
+    _gradient_walker_init (&walker, pGradient, pict->repeat);
     if (pGradient->type == SourcePictTypeSolidFill) {
         register CARD32 color = pGradient->solidFill.color;
@@ -2853,20 +3006,29 @@ static void fbFetchSourcePict(PicturePtr
 		register CARD32 color;
-		color = gradientPixel (pGradient, t, pict->repeat);
+		color = _gradient_walker_pixel( &walker, t );
 		while (buffer < end)
 		    *buffer++ = color;
-		while (buffer < end) {
-		    if (!mask || *mask++ & maskBits)
-		    {
-			*buffer = gradientPixel (pGradient, t, pict->repeat);
-		    }
-		    ++buffer;
-		    t += inc;
-		}
+                if (!mask) {
+                    while (buffer < end)
+                    {
+                        *buffer = _gradient_walker_pixel (&walker, t);
+                        buffer += 1;
+                        t      += inc;
+                    }
+                } else {
+                    while (buffer < end) {
+                        if (*mask++ & maskBits)
+                        {
+                            *buffer = _gradient_walker_pixel (&walker, t);
+                        }
+                        buffer += 1;
+                        t      += inc;
+                    }
+                }
 	else /* projective transformation */
@@ -2890,31 +3052,31 @@ static void fbFetchSourcePict(PicturePtr
 		    t = ((a * x + b * y) >> 16) + off;
-		color = gradientPixel (pGradient, t, pict->repeat);
+		color = _gradient_walker_pixel( &walker, t );
 		while (buffer < end)
 		    *buffer++ = color;
-		while (buffer < end)
-		{
-		    if (!mask || *mask++ & maskBits)
-		    {
-			if (v.vector[2] == 0) {
-			    t = 0;
-			} else {
-			    xFixed_48_16 x, y;
-			    x = ((xFixed_48_16)v.vector[0] << 16) / v.vector[2];
-			    y = ((xFixed_48_16)v.vector[1] << 16) / v.vector[2];
-			    t = ((a*x + b*y) >> 16) + off;
-			}
-			*buffer = gradientPixel(pGradient, t, pict->repeat);
-		    }
-		    ++buffer;
-		    v.vector[0] += unit.vector[0];
-		    v.vector[1] += unit.vector[1];
-		    v.vector[2] += unit.vector[2];
-		}
+                while (buffer < end)
+                {
+                    if (!mask || *mask++ & maskBits)
+                    {
+                        if (v.vector[2] == 0) {
+                            t = 0;
+                        } else {
+                            xFixed_48_16 x, y;
+                            x = ((xFixed_48_16)v.vector[0] << 16) / v.vector[2];
+                            y = ((xFixed_48_16)v.vector[1] << 16) / v.vector[2];
+                            t = ((a*x + b*y) >> 16) + off;
+                        }
+                        *buffer = _gradient_walker_pixel (&walker, t);
+                    }
+                    ++buffer;
+                    v.vector[0] += unit.vector[0];
+                    v.vector[1] += unit.vector[1];
+                    v.vector[2] += unit.vector[2];
+                }
     } else {
@@ -2951,19 +3113,22 @@ static void fbFetchSourcePict(PicturePtr
                 ry -= pGradient->radial.fy;
                 while (buffer < end) {
-		    double b, c, det, s;
+                    double b, c, det, s;
-		    if (!mask || *mask++ & maskBits)
-		    {
-			b = 2*(rx*pGradient->radial.dx + ry*pGradient->radial.dy);
-			c = -(rx*rx + ry*ry);
-			det = (b * b) - (4 * pGradient->radial.a * c);
-			s = (-b + sqrt(det))/(2. * pGradient->radial.a);
-                    *buffer = gradientPixel(pGradient,
-                                            (xFixed_48_16)((s*pGradient->radial.m + pGradient->radial.b)*65536),
-                                            pict->repeat);
-		    }
-		    ++buffer;
+                    if (!mask || *mask++ & maskBits)
+                    {
+                        xFixed_48_16  t;
+                        b = 2*(rx*pGradient->radial.dx + ry*pGradient->radial.dy);
+                        c = -(rx*rx + ry*ry);
+                        det = (b * b) - (4 * pGradient->radial.a * c);
+                        s = (-b + sqrt(det))/(2. * pGradient->radial.a);
+                        t = (xFixed_48_16)((s*pGradient->radial.m + pGradient->radial.b)*65536);
+                        *buffer = _gradient_walker_pixel (&walker, t);
+                    }
+                    ++buffer;
                     rx += cx;
                     ry += cy;
@@ -2972,25 +3137,27 @@ static void fbFetchSourcePict(PicturePtr
                     double x, y;
                     double b, c, det, s;
-		    if (!mask || *mask++ & maskBits)
-		    {
-			if (rz != 0) {
-			    x = rx/rz;
-			    y = ry/rz;
-			} else {
-			    x = y = 0.;
-			}
-			x -= pGradient->radial.fx;
-			y -= pGradient->radial.fy;
-			b = 2*(x*pGradient->radial.dx + y*pGradient->radial.dy);
-			c = -(x*x + y*y);
-			det = (b * b) - (4 * pGradient->radial.a * c);
-			s = (-b + sqrt(det))/(2. * pGradient->radial.a);
-			*buffer = gradientPixel(pGradient,
-						(xFixed_48_16)((s*pGradient->radial.m + pGradient->radial.b)*65536),
-						pict->repeat);
-		    }
-		    ++buffer;
+                    if (!mask || *mask++ & maskBits)
+                    {
+                        xFixed_48_16  t;
+                        if (rz != 0) {
+                            x = rx/rz;
+                            y = ry/rz;
+                        } else {
+                            x = y = 0.;
+                        }
+                        x -= pGradient->radial.fx;
+                        y -= pGradient->radial.fy;
+                        b = 2*(x*pGradient->radial.dx + y*pGradient->radial.dy);
+                        c = -(x*x + y*y);
+                        det = (b * b) - (4 * pGradient->radial.a * c);
+                        s = (-b + sqrt(det))/(2. * pGradient->radial.a);
+                        t = (xFixed_48_16)((s*pGradient->radial.m + pGradient->radial.b)*65536);
+                        *buffer = _gradient_walker_pixel (&walker, t);
+                    }
+                    ++buffer;
                     rx += cx;
                     ry += cy;
                     rz += cz;
@@ -3005,37 +3172,41 @@ static void fbFetchSourcePict(PicturePtr
                 while (buffer < end) {
                     double angle;
-		    if (!mask || *mask++ & maskBits)
-		    {
-			angle = atan2(ry, rx) + a;
+                    if (!mask || *mask++ & maskBits)
+                    {
+                        xFixed_48_16   t;
-			*buffer = gradientPixel(pGradient, (xFixed_48_16) (angle * (65536. / (2*M_PI))),
-						pict->repeat);
-		    }
+                        angle = atan2(ry, rx) + a;
+                        t     = (xFixed_48_16) (angle * (65536. / (2*M_PI)));
+                        *buffer = _gradient_walker_pixel (&walker, t);
+                    }
                     rx += cx;
                     ry += cy;
             } else {
                 while (buffer < end) {
                     double x, y;
-		    double angle;
+                    double angle;
-		    if (!mask || *mask++ & maskBits)
-		    {
-			if (rz != 0) {
-			    x = rx/rz;
-			    y = ry/rz;
-			} else {
-			    x = y = 0.;
-			}
-			x -= pGradient->conical.center.x/65536.;
-			y -= pGradient->conical.center.y/65536.;
-			angle = atan2(y, x) + a;
-			*buffer = gradientPixel(pGradient, (xFixed_48_16) (angle * (65536. / (2*M_PI))),
-						pict->repeat);
-		    }
+                    if (!mask || *mask++ & maskBits)
+                    {
+                        xFixed_48_16  t;
+                        if (rz != 0) {
+                            x = rx/rz;
+                            y = ry/rz;
+                        } else {
+                            x = y = 0.;
+                        }
+                        x -= pGradient->conical.center.x/65536.;
+                        y -= pGradient->conical.center.y/65536.;
+                        angle = atan2(y, x) + a;
+                        t     = (xFixed_48_16) (angle * (65536. / (2*M_PI)));
+                        *buffer = _gradient_walker_pixel (&walker, t);
+                    }
                     rx += cx;
                     ry += cy;
diff --git a/test/clip-operator-ref.png b/test/clip-operator-ref.png
index cc8d832..9f4eff0 100644
Binary files a/test/clip-operator-ref.png and b/test/clip-operator-ref.png differ
diff --git a/test/clip-operator-rgb24-ref.png b/test/clip-operator-rgb24-ref.png
index 7be49f0..7ab964c 100644
Binary files a/test/clip-operator-rgb24-ref.png and b/test/clip-operator-rgb24-ref.png differ
diff --git a/test/clip-operator.c b/test/clip-operator.c
index 2e014a9..4d7f81e 100644
--- a/test/clip-operator.c
+++ b/test/clip-operator.c
@@ -27,9 +27,9 @@
 #include "cairo-test.h"
 #include <stdio.h>
-#define WIDTH 64
-#define HEIGHT 64
-#define PAD 10
+#define WIDTH 16
+#define HEIGHT 16
+#define PAD 2
 const char	png_filename[]	= "romedalen.png";
diff --git a/test/mask-ref.png b/test/mask-ref.png
index b7cee99..909d9f2 100644
Binary files a/test/mask-ref.png and b/test/mask-ref.png differ
diff --git a/test/mask-rgb24-ref.png b/test/mask-rgb24-ref.png
index 5e60fee..7032367 100644
Binary files a/test/mask-rgb24-ref.png and b/test/mask-rgb24-ref.png differ
diff --git a/test/mask-svg-argb32-ref.png b/test/mask-svg-argb32-ref.png
index 5ac50a7..4a7f758 100644
Binary files a/test/mask-svg-argb32-ref.png and b/test/mask-svg-argb32-ref.png differ
diff --git a/test/mask-svg-rgb24-ref.png b/test/mask-svg-rgb24-ref.png
deleted file mode 100644
index 0bf98d9..0000000
Binary files a/test/mask-svg-rgb24-ref.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/test/mask.c b/test/mask.c
index 84ebf38..984b82d 100644
--- a/test/mask.c
+++ b/test/mask.c
@@ -28,9 +28,9 @@
 #include "cairo-test.h"
 #include <stdio.h>
-#define WIDTH 64
-#define HEIGHT 64
-#define PAD 10
+#define WIDTH 16
+#define HEIGHT 16
+#define PAD 2
 const char	png_filename[]	= "romedalen.png";
diff --git a/test/operator-clear-ref.png b/test/operator-clear-ref.png
index ff7afb4..a3f8b7f 100644
Binary files a/test/operator-clear-ref.png and b/test/operator-clear-ref.png differ
diff --git a/test/operator-clear-rgb24-ref.png b/test/operator-clear-rgb24-ref.png
index ebb02b3..d80da8b 100644
Binary files a/test/operator-clear-rgb24-ref.png and b/test/operator-clear-rgb24-ref.png differ
diff --git a/test/operator-clear.c b/test/operator-clear.c
index 84123fb..89b50e4 100644
--- a/test/operator-clear.c
+++ b/test/operator-clear.c
@@ -28,9 +28,9 @@
 #include "cairo-test.h"
 #include <stdio.h>
-#define WIDTH 64
-#define HEIGHT 64
-#define PAD 10
+#define WIDTH 16
+#define HEIGHT 16
+#define PAD 2
 const char	png_filename[]	= "romedalen.png";
diff --git a/test/operator-source-ref.png b/test/operator-source-ref.png
index 9f1a626..fe59f7f 100644
Binary files a/test/operator-source-ref.png and b/test/operator-source-ref.png differ
diff --git a/test/operator-source-rgb24-ref.png b/test/operator-source-rgb24-ref.png
index 41316ee..a762d60 100644
Binary files a/test/operator-source-rgb24-ref.png and b/test/operator-source-rgb24-ref.png differ
diff --git a/test/operator-source.c b/test/operator-source.c
index 9984ca2..912fec6 100644
--- a/test/operator-source.c
+++ b/test/operator-source.c
@@ -28,9 +28,9 @@
 #include "cairo-test.h"
 #include <stdio.h>
-#define WIDTH 64
-#define HEIGHT 64
-#define PAD 10
+#define WIDTH 16
+#define HEIGHT 16
+#define PAD 2
 const char	png_filename[]	= "romedalen.png";
diff --git a/test/text-pattern-ref.png b/test/text-pattern-ref.png
index 38529cf..ac1dd84 100644
Binary files a/test/text-pattern-ref.png and b/test/text-pattern-ref.png differ
diff --git a/test/text-pattern-rgb24-ref.png b/test/text-pattern-rgb24-ref.png
index ae87c6f..54b214b 100644
Binary files a/test/text-pattern-rgb24-ref.png and b/test/text-pattern-rgb24-ref.png differ
diff --git a/test/trap-clip-ref.png b/test/trap-clip-ref.png
index 3ce2431..9330297 100644
Binary files a/test/trap-clip-ref.png and b/test/trap-clip-ref.png differ
diff --git a/test/trap-clip-rgb24-ref.png b/test/trap-clip-rgb24-ref.png
index 6908ca3..15068aa 100644
Binary files a/test/trap-clip-rgb24-ref.png and b/test/trap-clip-rgb24-ref.png differ
diff --git a/test/trap-clip-svg-argb32-ref.png b/test/trap-clip-svg-argb32-ref.png
deleted file mode 100644
index 30dfa4f..0000000
Binary files a/test/trap-clip-svg-argb32-ref.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/test/trap-clip.c b/test/trap-clip.c
index e98d865..ba4d148 100644
--- a/test/trap-clip.c
+++ b/test/trap-clip.c
@@ -27,9 +27,9 @@
 #include "cairo-test.h"
 #include <stdio.h>
-#define WIDTH 64
-#define HEIGHT 64
-#define PAD 10
+#define WIDTH 16
+#define HEIGHT 16
+#define PAD 2
 const char	png_filename[]	= "romedalen.png";
diff --git a/test/unbounded-operator-ref.png b/test/unbounded-operator-ref.png
index 231019d..03c7bc8 100644
Binary files a/test/unbounded-operator-ref.png and b/test/unbounded-operator-ref.png differ
diff --git a/test/unbounded-operator-rgb24-ref.png b/test/unbounded-operator-rgb24-ref.png
index c12d9bb..b2f1a84 100644
Binary files a/test/unbounded-operator-rgb24-ref.png and b/test/unbounded-operator-rgb24-ref.png differ
diff --git a/test/unbounded-operator.c b/test/unbounded-operator.c
index 7986c7c..e04ec80 100644
--- a/test/unbounded-operator.c
+++ b/test/unbounded-operator.c
@@ -28,9 +28,9 @@
 #include "cairo-test.h"
 #include <stdio.h>
-#define WIDTH 64
-#define HEIGHT 64
-#define PAD 10
+#define WIDTH 16
+#define HEIGHT 16
+#define PAD 2
 static void
 draw_mask (cairo_t *cr, int x, int y)
diff-tree af9cce6aa295327b5256f55900b3debf9112b6ca (from 4888a02666972e9c09d9ffd9854538191cf59d77)
Author: Carl Worth <cworth at cworth.org>
Date:   Thu Dec 14 09:18:26 2006 -0800

    Fix 'make distcheck' after recent file removals

diff --git a/pixman/src/Makefile.am b/pixman/src/Makefile.am
index 179c557..aa04c31 100644
--- a/pixman/src/Makefile.am
+++ b/pixman/src/Makefile.am
@@ -28,8 +28,7 @@ libpixman_la_SOURCES = \
 	fbtrap.c \
 	fbcompose.c \
 	renderedge.c \
-	renderedge.h \
-	slim_internal.h
+	renderedge.h
 noinst_LTLIBRARIES += libpixman-mmx.la
diff --git a/test/Makefile.am b/test/Makefile.am
index 11d414b..4b227fd 100644
--- a/test/Makefile.am
+++ b/test/Makefile.am
@@ -170,11 +170,9 @@ bitmap-font-ref.png					\
 bitmap-font-rgb24-ref.png				\
 bitmap-font-pdf-argb32-ref.png				\
 caps-joins-ref.png					\
-caps-joins-ps-argb32-ref.png				\
 caps-joins-alpha-ref.png				\
 caps-joins-alpha-svg-ref.png				\
 caps-sub-paths-ref.png					\
-caps-sub-paths-ps-argb32-ref.png			\
 clip-all-ref.png					\
 clip-fill-rule-ref.png					\
 clip-fill-rule-rgb24-ref.png				\
@@ -191,7 +189,6 @@ clip-twice-ref.png					\
 clip-twice-rgb24-ref.png				\
 clip-twice-ps-argb32-ref.png				\
 close-path-ref.png					\
-close-path-ps-argb32-ref.png				\
 composite-integer-translate-over-ref.png		\
 composite-integer-translate-over-repeat-ref.png		\
 composite-integer-translate-source-ref.png		\
@@ -203,7 +200,6 @@ dash-caps-joins-ref.png					\
 dash-caps-joins-ps-argb32-ref.png			\
 dash-no-dash-ref.png					\
 dash-offset-negative-ref.png				\
-dash-offset-negative-ps-argb32-ref.png			\
 dash-scale-ref.png					\
 dash-scale-ps-argb32-ref.png				\
 dash-zero-length-ref.png				\
@@ -220,7 +216,6 @@ fill-and-stroke-ref.png					\
 fill-and-stroke-rgb24-ref.png				\
 fill-and-stroke-ps-argb32-ref.png			\
 fill-and-stroke-alpha-ref.png				\
-fill-and-stroke-alpha-svg-ref.png			\
 fill-and-stroke-alpha-add-ref.png			\
 fill-degenerate-sort-order-ref.png			\
 fill-degenerate-sort-order-rgb24-ref.png		\
@@ -242,19 +237,14 @@ font-matrix-translation-ps-argb32-ref.pn
 font-matrix-translation-svg-ref.png			\
 get-group-target-ref.png				\
 glyph-cache-pressure-ref.png				\
-glyph-cache-pressure-ps-argb32-ref.png			\
-glyph-cache-pressure-svg-ref.png			\
 gradient-alpha-ref.png					\
 gradient-alpha-rgb24-ref.png				\
 infinite-join-ref.png					\
-infinite-join-ps-argb32-ref.png				\
 leaky-dash-ref.png					\
 leaky-polygon-ref.png					\
-leaky-polygon-ps-argb32-ref.png				\
 linear-gradient-ref.png					\
 linear-gradient-svg-ref.png				\
 line-width-ref.png					\
-line-width-ps-argb32-ref.png				\
 line-width-scale-ref.png				\
 line-width-scale-ps-argb32-ref.png			\
 long-lines-ref.png					\
@@ -265,11 +255,9 @@ mask-svg-rgb24-ref.png					\
 mask-ctm-ref.png					\
 mask-ctm-rgb24-ref.png					\
 mask-ctm-svg-argb32-ref.png				\
-mask-ctm-svg-rgb24-ref.png				\
 mask-surface-ctm-ref.png				\
 mask-surface-ctm-rgb24-ref.png				\
 mask-surface-ctm-svg-argb32-ref.png			\
-mask-surface-ctm-svg-rgb24-ref.png			\
 move-to-show-surface-ref.png				\
 new-sub-path-ref.png					\
 new-sub-path-rgb24-ref.png				\
@@ -293,7 +281,6 @@ pixman-rotate-rgb24-ref.png				\
 push-group-ref.png					\
 push-group-rgb24-ref.png				\
 push-group-svg-argb32-ref.png				\
-push-group-svg-rgb24-ref.png				\
 random-intersections-ref.png				\
 random-intersections-rgb24-ref.png			\
 random-intersections-ps-argb32-ref.png			\
@@ -307,19 +294,14 @@ scale-source-surface-paint-pdf-argb32-re
 scale-source-surface-paint-svg-argb32-ref.png		\
 scale-source-surface-paint-svg-rgb24-ref.png		\
 select-font-face-ref.png				\
-select-font-face-ps-argb32-ref.png			\
-select-font-face-svg-ref.png				\
 self-copy-ref.png					\
 self-intersecting-ref.png				\
 self-intersecting-rgb24-ref.png				\
 set-source-ref.png					\
 set-source-rgb24-ref.png				\
 set-source-svg-argb32-ref.png				\
-set-source-svg-rgb24-ref.png				\
 show-glyphs-many-ref.png				\
 show-text-current-point-ref.png				\
-show-text-current-point-ps-argb32-ref.png		\
-show-text-current-point-svg-ref.png			\
 source-clip-ref.png					\
 source-clip-scale-ref.png				\
 source-clip-scale-svg-ref.png				\
@@ -336,12 +318,10 @@ text-pattern-svg-rgb24-ref.png				\
 text-rotate-ref.png					\
 text-rotate-rgb24-ref.png				\
 transforms-ref.png					\
-transforms-ps-argb32-ref.png				\
 translate-show-surface-ref.png				\
 trap-clip-ref.png					\
 trap-clip-rgb24-ref.png					\
 trap-clip-svg-argb32-ref.png				\
-trap-clip-svg-rgb24-ref.png				\
 unantialiased-shapes-ref.png				\
 unbounded-operator-ref.png				\
 unbounded-operator-rgb24-ref.png			\

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