[cairo-commit] Changes to 'refs/tags/1.3.8'

Carl Worth cworth at kemper.freedesktop.org
Thu Dec 14 21:09:56 PST 2006

Tag '1.3.8' created by Carl Worth <cworth at cworth.org> at 2006-12-15 04:59 -0800

cairo 1.3.8 snapshot
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)


Changes since 1.3.6:
Behdad Esfahbod:
      [.gitignore] Add big-trap
      [test] Break the "make clean" target into serveral rm calls
      [docs] Document various CAIRO_VERSION_* macros
      [doc/public/Makefile.am] Move the list of private headers generatable
      [docs] Hook various new API into cairo-sections.txt
      [docs] Document CAIRO_VERSION_STRING.
      [doc] Minor wording improvement.
      [pixman] Remove unused slim_internal.h
      [slim] Define slim macros to dummy prototypes for non-gcc compilers (#9150)
      [docs] Generate index of new symbols in 1.4
      [docs] Update templates
      [FreeType] Do not return large structs from functions
      [FreeType] Remove "UNSUPPORTED" show_glyphs stub and NULL its entry
      Add/remove const to cairo_glyph_t* arguments consistently
      [cairoint] Define CAIRO_STACK_BUFFER_SIZE (defaults to 2kb)
      [cairo-gstate] Use a local buffer on the stack for small glyph operations
      Cache rounded glyph advance values
      [Xlib] Rewrite an optimized cairo_xlib_show_glyphs()

Carl Worth:
      Bump version to 1.3.7 after making 1.3.6 snapshot
      test: Simplify buffer_diff by handling device offset in advance
      pdiff: Factor out a comparison function that doesn't read the 'args' structure
      pdiff: Teach pdiff code to accept cairo image surfaces
      test: Rework buffer_diff interface as new compare_surfaces
      pdiff: Compile pdiff algorithm as a libtool convenience library
      pdiff: Fix line endings
      pdiff: Re-indent all code
      pdiff: Delete all trailing whitespace.
      pdiff: Convert C++-style comments to good old-fashioned C-style comments
      pdiff: Rewrite Laplacian pyramid code from C++ to C
      pdiff: Move function that depends on command-line argument class to same file as main
      pdiff: Rip out unused ImgDiff code, (dropping -output option)
      pdiff: Rewrite main program to use cairo-based pdiff_compare interface
      pdiff: Remove old, unused Yee_Compare interface
      pdiff: Add .gitignore for perceptualdiff binary
      pdiff: Remove intermingled statements and declarations
      pdiff: Remove hideous C++ reference passing
      pdiff: Remove RGBAImage classes now that we're just using cairo image surfaces
      pdiff: Remove all uses of std::string
      pdiff: Fix return value from perceptualdiff program
      pdiff: Replace CompareArgs class with args_t struct
      pdiff: Rename everything to .c and fix an last littele C++ isms.
      pdiff: Remove casts since we're out of the land of X++ where void* is stupidly broken
      Hook up pdiff to the test suite now that its written in C
      test: Remove svg-specific reference images no longer needed thanks to pdiff
      test: Remove ps-specific reference images no longer needed thanks to pdiff
      Fix 'make distcheck' after recent file removals
      Fix a couple of more stale images holding up 'make distcheck'
      NEWS: Add notes for cairo 1.3.8 snapshot
      Increment cairo version to 1.3.8 (and libtool versioning to 12:2:10)

Dan Amelang:
      Change _cairo_lround to correctly handle edge cases previously missed
      Don't use the GNU-only grep option "-a"

David Turner:
      Optimize gradient computations

M Joonas Pihlaja:
      tessellator bug fix: linking fails on x86_64 due to superfluous inline attribute.
      Change license of tessellator tests to the MIT license.
      Replace point sampling in the fill-degenerate-sort-order with rendering.
      Rework the in-fill-empty-trapezoid test to not use the cairo_test() framework.
      test: random-intersections

Peter Weilbacher:
      Add OS/2 backend and its requirement to INSTALL and README, following the example of BeOS.

 INSTALL                                        |    1 
 NEWS                                           |   21 +
 README                                         |    9 
 acinclude.m4                                   |    4 
 boilerplate/cairo-boilerplate.c                |    3 
 configure.in                                   |    4 
 dev/null                                       |binary
 doc/public/Headers.mk                          |   31 +
 doc/public/Makefile.am                         |   57 +-
 doc/public/cairo-docs.xml                      |    3 
 doc/public/cairo-sections.txt                  |   18 
 doc/public/tmpl/cairo-pattern.sgml             |   76 +++
 doc/public/tmpl/cairo-status.sgml              |   50 +-
 doc/public/tmpl/cairo-surface.sgml             |  114 ++---
 doc/public/tmpl/cairo-text.sgml                |    1 
 doc/public/tmpl/cairo-version.sgml             |   23 -
 doc/public/tmpl/cairo-win32-fonts.sgml         |   18 
 doc/public/tmpl/cairo-win32.sgml               |   21 +
 doc/public/tmpl/cairo.sgml                     |   69 +++
 pixman/src/Makefile.am                         |    3 
 pixman/src/fbcompose.c                         |  423 +++++++++++++++------
 pixman/src/slim_internal.h                     |  103 -----
 src/cairo-analysis-surface.c                   |    2 
 src/cairo-atsui-font.c                         |    2 
 src/cairo-bentley-ottmann.c                    |    2 
 src/cairo-directfb-surface.c                   |    2 
 src/cairo-ft-font.c                            |   44 --
 src/cairo-glitz-surface.c                      |    2 
 src/cairo-gstate.c                             |   42 +-
 src/cairo-meta-surface.c                       |    2 
 src/cairo-nquartz-surface.c                    |    2 
 src/cairo-paginated-surface.c                  |    2 
 src/cairo-pdf-surface.c                        |    2 
 src/cairo-ps-surface.c                         |    2 
 src/cairo-scaled-font.c                        |   14 
 src/cairo-surface-fallback-private.h           |    2 
 src/cairo-surface-fallback.c                   |    4 
 src/cairo-surface.c                            |    4 
 src/cairo-svg-surface.c                        |    2 
 src/cairo-win32-font.c                         |    2 
 src/cairo-win32-surface.c                      |    2 
 src/cairo-xcb-surface.c                        |    4 
 src/cairo-xlib-surface.c                       |  487 +++++++++++++------------
 src/cairo.c                                    |  209 +++++++++-
 src/cairo.h                                    |    6 
 src/cairoint.h                                 |   41 +-
 src/test-meta-surface.c                        |    2 
 src/test-paginated-surface.c                   |    2 
 test/.gitignore                                |    1 
 test/Makefile.am                               |   47 --
 test/buffer-diff.c                             |  151 +++++--
 test/buffer-diff.h                             |   21 -
 test/cairo-test.c                              |   12 
 test/caps-joins-ps-argb32-ref.png              |    0 
 test/caps-sub-paths-ps-argb32-ref.png          |    0 
 test/clip-operator-ref.png                     |binary
 test/clip-operator-rgb24-ref.png               |binary
 test/clip-operator.c                           |    6 
 test/close-path-ps-argb32-ref.png              |    0 
 test/dash-offset-negative-ps-argb32-ref.png    |    0 
 test/fill-and-stroke-alpha-svg-ref.png         |    0 
 test/fill-degenerate-sort-order-ref.png        |binary
 test/fill-degenerate-sort-order-rgb24-ref.png  |binary
 test/fill-degenerate-sort-order.c              |   69 +--
 test/fill-missed-stop.c                        |   37 -
 test/glyph-cache-pressure-ps-argb32-ref.png    |    0 
 test/glyph-cache-pressure-svg-ref.png          |    0 
 test/in-fill-empty-trapezoid-ref.png           |    0 
 test/in-fill-empty-trapezoid-rgb24-ref.png     |    0 
 test/in-fill-empty-trapezoid.c                 |   91 ++--
 test/infinite-join-ps-argb32-ref.png           |    0 
 test/leaky-polygon-ps-argb32-ref.png           |    0 
 test/line-width-ps-argb32-ref.png              |    0 
 test/mask-ctm-svg-rgb24-ref.png                |    0 
 test/mask-ref.png                              |binary
 test/mask-rgb24-ref.png                        |binary
 test/mask-surface-ctm-svg-rgb24-ref.png        |    0 
 test/mask-svg-argb32-ref.png                   |binary
 test/mask-svg-rgb24-ref.png                    |    0 
 test/mask.c                                    |    6 
 test/operator-clear-ref.png                    |binary
 test/operator-clear-rgb24-ref.png              |binary
 test/operator-clear.c                          |    6 
 test/operator-source-ref.png                   |binary
 test/operator-source-rgb24-ref.png             |binary
 test/operator-source.c                         |    6 
 test/pdiff/.gitignore                          |    1 
 test/pdiff/CompareArgs.cpp                     |  136 ------
 test/pdiff/CompareArgs.h                       |   44 --
 test/pdiff/LPyramid.cpp                        |   87 ----
 test/pdiff/LPyramid.h                          |   38 -
 test/pdiff/Makefile.am                         |   22 -
 test/pdiff/Metric.cpp                          |  316 ----------------
 test/pdiff/Metric.h                            |   26 -
 test/pdiff/PerceptualDiff.cpp                  |   45 --
 test/pdiff/README.txt                          |    4 
 test/pdiff/RGBAImage.cpp                       |  144 -------
 test/pdiff/RGBAImage.h                         |   57 --
 test/pdiff/args.c                              |  119 ++++++
 test/pdiff/args.h                              |   46 ++
 test/pdiff/lpyramid.c                          |  111 +++++
 test/pdiff/lpyramid.h                          |   32 +
 test/pdiff/pdiff.c                             |  361 ++++++++++++++++++
 test/pdiff/pdiff.h                             |   40 ++
 test/pdiff/perceptualdiff.c                    |  101 +++++
 test/push-group-svg-rgb24-ref.png              |    0 
 test/random-intersections-ps-argb32-ref.png    |binary
 test/random-intersections-ref.png              |binary
 test/random-intersections-rgb24-ref.png        |binary
 test/random-intersections.c                    |   79 ++++
 test/select-font-face-ps-argb32-ref.png        |    0 
 test/select-font-face-svg-ref.png              |    0 
 test/set-source-svg-rgb24-ref.png              |    0 
 test/show-text-current-point-ps-argb32-ref.png |    0 
 test/show-text-current-point-svg-ref.png       |    0 
 test/text-pattern-ref.png                      |binary
 test/text-pattern-rgb24-ref.png                |binary
 test/transforms-ps-argb32-ref.png              |    0 
 test/trap-clip-ref.png                         |binary
 test/trap-clip-rgb24-ref.png                   |binary
 test/trap-clip-svg-argb32-ref.png              |    0 
 test/trap-clip-svg-rgb24-ref.png               |    0 
 test/trap-clip.c                               |    6 
 test/unbounded-operator-ref.png                |binary
 test/unbounded-operator-rgb24-ref.png          |binary
 test/unbounded-operator.c                      |    6 
 test/xlib-surface.c                            |    4 
 127 files changed, 2381 insertions(+), 1836 deletions(-)

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