[cairo-commit] test/cairo-test.c test/Makefile.am test/make-html.pl

Behdad Esfahbod behdad at kemper.freedesktop.org
Thu Jul 13 08:27:14 PDT 2006

 test/Makefile.am  |   27 +++++++++++++++++++--------
 test/cairo-test.c |   16 ++++++++--------
 test/make-html.pl |   49 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------
 3 files changed, 55 insertions(+), 37 deletions(-)

New commits:
diff-tree 0ac2bbbf52737b2e368de269651c56dab90c928a (from f79a9f5a5259f33284d5e63ef2ddac0be4ea7d41)
Author: Behdad Esfahbod <behdad at behdad.org>
Date:   Thu Jul 13 11:27:05 2006 -0400

    Improve test HTML generation:
    - Make "make retest" not generate all .log files.
    - Format improvements in the generated HTML file.

diff --git a/test/Makefile.am b/test/Makefile.am
index c96f7a7..f5d4f44 100644
--- a/test/Makefile.am
+++ b/test/Makefile.am
@@ -481,26 +481,37 @@ CLEANFILES =					\
 	$(MAKE) check TESTS_ENVIRONMENT='$(TESTS_ENVIRONMENT) $(top_srcdir)/libtool --mode=execute valgrind --tool=memcheck --suppressions=./.valgrind-suppressions --leak-check=yes --show-reachable=yes' 2>&1 | tee valgrind-log
+# The following definitions both should work.
+#FAILED_TESTS = `grep -l '\<FAIL\>' $(TESTS:=.log) | sed -e 's/[.]log$$//' | xargs echo`
+FAILED_TESTS = `grep -l '\<FAIL\>' $(TESTS:=.log) | tr '\n' ' ' | sed -e 's/[.]log  */ /g; s/^ //; s/ $$//'`
+recheck = check TESTS="$(FAILED_TESTS)"
 # Re-checks all failed tests, i.e. tests with a log file that has a failure
 	@echo Re-checking failed tests
-	@$(MAKE) check TESTS="`grep -l '\<FAIL\>' *.log | sed 's/[.]log$$//' | tr '\n' ' '`"
+	@$(MAKE) $(recheck)
 # Checks tests and creates index.html.
 # Target doesn't fail if tests fail.
-	@-$(MAKE) check
-	@$(MAKE) html
+	@$(MAKE) check; \
+	$(MAKE) html
 # Re-checks tests and creates index.html.
 # Target doesn't fail if tests fail.
-	@-$(MAKE) recheck
-	@$(MAKE) html
+	$(MAKE) TESTS="$$TESTS" check; \
+	$(MAKE) TESTS="$$TESTS" html
 # Make index.html
 html: index.html
+# Make index.html containing only the failed tests.
@@ -512,8 +523,8 @@ NOLOG_TESTS_LOG = $(NOLOG_TESTS:=.log)
 	echo dummy > $@
-index.html: $(TESTS:=.log)
+index.html: $(srcdir)/make-html.pl $(TESTS:=.log)
 	@echo Creating index.html
-	@perl $(srcdir)/make-html.pl > index.html
+	@perl $^ > index.html
-.PHONY: check-valgrind test recheck retest html
+.PHONY: check-valgrind test recheck retest html rehtml
diff --git a/test/cairo-test.c b/test/cairo-test.c
index 8b4ae11..94d3b1e 100644
--- a/test/cairo-test.c
+++ b/test/cairo-test.c
@@ -1799,7 +1799,7 @@ cairo_test_expecting (cairo_test_t *test
 	while (*tname) {
 	    int found = 0;
-	    char *end = strpbrk (tname, " \t\r\n;:,");
+	    const char *end = strpbrk (tname, " \t\r\n;:,");
 	    if (!end)
 	        end = tname + strlen (tname);
@@ -1814,8 +1814,7 @@ cairo_test_expecting (cairo_test_t *test
 	    if (!found) {
-		*end = '\0';
-		fprintf (stderr, "Cannot test target '%s'\n", tname);
+		fprintf (stderr, "Cannot test target '%.*s'\n", end - tname, tname);
@@ -1935,21 +1934,22 @@ cairo_test_status_t
 cairo_test (cairo_test_t *test)
     cairo_test_status_t expectation = CAIRO_TEST_SUCCESS;
-    char *xfails;
+    const char *xfails;
     if ((xfails = getenv ("CAIRO_XFAIL_TESTS")) != NULL) {
 	while (*xfails) {
-	    char *end = strpbrk (xfails, " \t\r\n;:,");
+	    const char *end = strpbrk (xfails, " \t\r\n;:,");
 	    if (!end)
 	        end = xfails + strlen (xfails);
-	    else
-		*end++ = '\0';
-	    if (0 == strcmp (test->name, xfails)) {
+	    if (0 == strncmp (test->name, xfails, end - xfails) &&
+		'\0' == test->name[end - xfails]) {
 		expectation = CAIRO_TEST_FAILURE;
+	    if (*end)
+	      end++;
 	    xfails = end;
diff --git a/test/make-html.pl b/test/make-html.pl
index 8b34e12..7af9dcd 100755
--- a/test/make-html.pl
+++ b/test/make-html.pl
@@ -25,8 +25,9 @@
-## Takes all the *.log files in the current directory and spits out
-## html to stdout that can be used to view all the test results at once.
+## Takes all the *.log files in the current directory (or those provided
+## on the command line) and spits out html to stdout that can be used to
+## view all the test results at once.
 # show reference images
@@ -53,7 +54,7 @@ foreach (<*.log>) {
     $tests->{$1}->{$2}->{$3} = {} unless $tests->{$1}->{$2}->{$3};
     $tests->{$1}->{$2}->{$3}->{$4} = $5;
-    $teststats->{$2} = {"PASS" => 0, "FAIL" => 0, "XFAIL" => 0, "UNTESTED" => 0}
+    $teststats->{$2} = {"PASS" => 0, "FAIL" => 0, "XFAIL" => 0, "UNTESTED" => 0, "CRASHED" =>0}
       unless $teststats->{$2};
@@ -92,16 +93,18 @@ sub printl {
 printl '<html><head>';
 printl '<title>Cairo Test Results</title>';
 printl '<style type="text/css">';
-printl 'a img { border: none; }';
-printl '.PASS { background-color: #009900; min-width: 1em; }';
-printl '.FAIL { background-color: #990000; }';
-printl '.XFAIL { background-color: #999900; }';
-printl '.UNTESTED { background-color: #333333; }';
-printl '.PASSstr { color: #009900; }';
-printl '.FAILstr { color: #990000; }';
-printl '.XFAILstr { color: #999900; }';
-printl '.UNTESTEDstr { color: #333333; }';
-printl 'img { max-width: 15em; min-width: 3em; }';
+printl 'a img { border: solid 1px #FFF; }';
+printl '.PASS { background-color: #0D0; min-width: 1em; }';
+printl '.FAIL { background-color: #D00; }';
+printl '.XFAIL { background-color: #DD0; }';
+printl '.UNTESTED { background-color: #666; }';
+printl '.CRASHED { background-color: #F00; color: #FF0; }';
+printl '.PASSstr { color: #0D0; }';
+printl '.FAILstr { color: #E00; }';
+printl '.XFAILstr { color: #DD0; }';
+printl '.CRASHEDstr { color: #F00; }';
+printl '.UNTESTEDstr { color: #666; }';
+printl 'img { max-width: 15em; min-width: 3em; margin: 3px; }';
 printl 'td { vertical-align: top; }';
 printl '</style>';
 printl '<body>';
@@ -121,7 +124,7 @@ print '<td></td>' if $config_show_ref;
 foreach my $target (@targets) {
   print '<td>';
   print '<span class="PASSstr">', $teststats->{$target}->{"PASS"}, '</span>/';
-  print '<span class="FAILstr">', $teststats->{$target}->{"FAIL"}, '</span>/';
+  print '<span class="FAILstr">', $teststats->{$target}->{"FAIL"} + $teststats->{$target}->{"CRASHED"}, '</span>/';
   print '<span class="XFAILstr">', $teststats->{$target}->{"XFAIL"}, '</span>/';
   print '<span class="UNTESTEDstr">', $teststats->{$target}->{"UNTESTED"}; '</span>';
   print '</td>';
@@ -160,8 +163,6 @@ foreach my $test (sort(keys %$tests)) {
     foreach my $format (@formats) {
       my $testline = "";
-      my $num_failed = 0;
       foreach my $target (@targets) {
         my $tgtdata = $tests->{$test}->{$target};
         if ($tgtdata) {
@@ -175,21 +176,27 @@ foreach my $test (sort(keys %$tests)) {
                 $testline .= "<a href=\"" . $testfiles{"out"} . "\"><img src=\"" . $testfiles{"out"} . "\"></a>";
             } elsif ($testres eq "FAIL") {
-              $num_failed++;
               if ($config_show_fail || $config_show_all) {
                 $testline .= "<a href=\"" . $testfiles{"out"} . "\"><img src=\"" . $testfiles{"out"} . "\"></a>";
-                $testline .= "<hr size=\"1\">";
+                #$testline .= "<hr size=\"1\">";
+                $testline .= " ";
                 $testline .= "<a href=\"" . $testfiles{"diff"} . "\"><img src=\"" . $testfiles{"diff"} . "\"></a>";
+            } elsif ($testres eq "CRASHED") {
+	       $testline .= "!!!CRASHED!!!";
             } elsif ($testres eq "XFAIL") {
               if ($config_show_all) {
                 $testline .= "<a href=\"" . $testfiles{"out"} . "\"><img src=\"" . $testfiles{"out"} . "\"></a>";
-                $testline .= "<hr size=\"1\">";
+                #$testline .= "<hr size=\"1\">";
+                $testline .= " ";
                 $testline .= "<a href=\"" . $testfiles{"diff"} . "\"><img src=\"" . $testfiles{"diff"} . "\"></a>";
-            }
+            } elsif ($testres eq "UNTESTED") {
+              #nothing
+            } else {
+	      $testline .= "UNSUPPORTED STATUS (update make-html.pl)";
+	    }
             $testline .= "</td>";
           } else {

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