[cairo-commit] ROADMAP

Carl Worth cworth at kemper.freedesktop.org
Wed Jun 21 22:41:49 PDT 2006

 ROADMAP |   23 +++++++++++++++++++----
 1 files changed, 19 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

New commits:
diff-tree cd5eb70e4e45962c88b4bfe13de6f26211601e55 (from 25e0acfee0ae790329c2f558ce6a9f997eeace6d)
Author: Carl Worth <cworth at cworth.org>
Date:   Wed Jun 21 22:36:27 2006 -0700

    ROADMAP: Update with 1.1.10 notes as well as new blockers and fixes

diff --git a/ROADMAP b/ROADMAP
index 1cfab2f..6d55112 100644
@@ -52,15 +52,30 @@ cairo 1.2.0 essential features
 We don't expect to release without these being complete.
  Bug fixes (For each XXXX, see: https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=XXXX )
+     6617  With cairo 1.0.4 some text just disappears
      6759  fontconfig option AntiAlias doesn't work in cairo 1.1.2
-	   SVG/PS/PDF emit_glyph functions need to support bitmapped glyphs
-	   PDF: minefield page one is falling back unnecessarily
+     6806  cairo 1.0.4 crash progressbar in window
+     6955  Some characters aren't displayed when using xlib (cache u...
+     7268  positive device_offset values don't work as source
+    ✓	   PDF emit_glyph function needs to support bitmapped glyphs
+    ✓	   PS emit_glyph function needs to support bitmapped glyphs
+	   SVG emit_glyph function needs to support bitmapped glyphs
+    ✓	   PDF: minefield page one is falling back unnecessarily
 	   PDF: minefield shows too-tiny bitmapped fonts in image fallback
-	   PDF: minefield shows strangely hinted type3 glyph shapes
+	   PDF: minefield shows strangely hinted glyph shapes (only without truetype subsetting)
+	   PDF: minefiels has broken selection (only with truetype subsetting code)
  Fix memory leaks
      1. Ensure 'make check-valgrind' passes with no leaks
+ cairo 1.1.10 snapshot includes everything below here
+ ----------------------------------------------------
+✓Bug fixes
+    ✓7229  assertion failure in _cairo_content_from_format on 16-bit X server
+✓SVG backend
+    ✓rewrite to not require libxml2
  cairo 1.1.8 snapshot includes everything below here
 ✓PDF backend
@@ -99,7 +114,7 @@ We don't expect to release without these
     ✓1. Per-page settings (paper size, layout, anything else?)
     ✓2. Document metadata
-p✓PS backend
+✓PS backend
     ✓1. Mark PS backend as supported:
 	✓a. Incorporate into test suite
 	✓b. Correct output for the entire test suite

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