[cairo-commit] rcairo/packages/cairo/lib cairo.rb,1.23,1.24

Kouhei Sutou commit at pdx.freedesktop.org
Wed Nov 8 18:08:16 PST 2006

Committed by: kou

Update of /cvs/cairo/rcairo/packages/cairo/lib
In directory kemper:/tmp/cvs-serv19235/packages/cairo/lib

Modified Files:
Log Message:
* packages/cairo/lib/cairo.rb, packages/cairo/lib/cairo/context/,
  packages/cairo/lib/cairo/context.rb: split Cairo::Context
  extensions with each file under packages/cairo/lib/cairo/context/

Index: cairo.rb
RCS file: /cvs/cairo/rcairo/packages/cairo/lib/cairo.rb,v
retrieving revision 1.23
retrieving revision 1.24
diff -u -d -r1.23 -r1.24
--- cairo.rb	15 Oct 2006 07:12:33 -0000	1.23
+++ cairo.rb	9 Nov 2006 02:08:13 -0000	1.24
@@ -28,54 +28,6 @@
-  class Context
-    def quad_to(x1, y1, x2, y2)
-      x0, y0 = current_point
-      cx1 = x0 + 2 * (x1 - x0) / 3.0
-      cy1 = y0 + 2 * (y1 - y0) / 3.0
-      cx2 = cx1 + (x2 - x0) / 3.0
-      cy2 = cy1 + (y2 - y0) / 3.0
-      curve_to(cx1, cy1, cx2, cy2, x2, y2)
-    end
-    def rel_quad_to(x1, y1, x2, y2)
-      x0, y0 = current_point
-      quad_to(x1 + x0, y1 + y0, x2 + x0, y2 + x0)
-    end
-    def rounded_rectangle(x, y, width, height, x_radius, y_radius=nil)
-      x1 = x
-      x2 = x1 + width
-      y1 = y
-      y2 = y1 + height
-      y_radius ||= x_radius
-      x_radius = [x_radius, width / 2.0].min
-      y_radius = [y_radius, height / 2.0].min
-      xr1 = x_radius
-      xr2 = x_radius / 2.0
-      yr1 = y_radius
-      yr2 = y_radius / 2.0
-      move_to(x1 + xr1, y1)
-      line_to(x2 - xr1, y1)
-      curve_to(x2 - xr2, y1, x2, y1 + yr2, x2, y1 + yr1)
-      line_to(x2, y2 - yr1)
-      curve_to(x2, y2 - yr2, x2 - xr2, y2, x2 - xr1, y2)
-      line_to(x1 + xr1, y2)
-      curve_to(x1 + xr2, y2, x1, y2 - yr2, x1, y2 - yr1)
-      line_to(x1, y1 + yr1)
-      curve_to(x1, y1 + yr2, x1 + xr2, y1, x1 + xr1, y1)
-      close_path
-    end
-    def circle(x, y, radius)
-      arc(x, y, radius, 0, 2 * Math::PI)
-    end
-  end
   class Surface
     def dup
       raise NotImplementedError
@@ -114,3 +66,5 @@
     alias * multiply
+require 'cairo/context'

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