[cairo-commit] rcairo/misc update-colors.rb,1.1,1.2

Kouhei Sutou commit at pdx.freedesktop.org
Sun Apr 15 22:55:25 PDT 2007

Committed by: kou

Update of /cvs/cairo/rcairo/misc
In directory kemper:/tmp/cvs-serv5986/misc

Modified Files:
Log Message:
* misc/update-colors.rb: supported X11 color names.
* src/lib/cairo/colors.rb: updated.

Index: update-colors.rb
RCS file: /cvs/cairo/rcairo/misc/update-colors.rb,v
retrieving revision 1.1
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -u -d -r1.1 -r1.2
--- update-colors.rb	16 Apr 2007 04:52:44 -0000	1.1
+++ update-colors.rb	16 Apr 2007 05:55:16 -0000	1.2
@@ -7,21 +7,51 @@
   require 'scrapi'
-row = Scraper.define do
-  process "th > a:first-child", :name => :text
-  process "td:nth-child(3)", :hex_triplet => :text
-  process "td:nth-child(4)", :red => :text
-  process "td:nth-child(5)", :green => :text
-  process "td:nth-child(6)", :blue => :text
-  result :name, :hex_triplet, :red, :green, :blue
+def collect_popular_colors(src=nil)
+  src ||= URI("http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_colors")
-scraper = Scraper.define do
-  process "table > tr", "rows[]" => row
-  result :rows
+  row = Scraper.define do
+    process "th > a:first-child", :name => :text
+    process "td:nth-child(3)", :hex_triplet => :text
+    process "td:nth-child(4)", :red => :text
+    process "td:nth-child(5)", :green => :text
+    process "td:nth-child(6)", :blue => :text
+    result :name, :hex_triplet, :red, :green, :blue
+  end
+  scraper = Scraper.define do
+    process "table > tr", "rows[]" => row
+    result :rows
+  end
+  scraper.scrape(src)
-colors = scraper.scrape(URI("http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_colors"))
+def collect_x11_colors(src=nil)
+  src ||= URI("http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X11_color_names")
+  row = Scraper.define do
+    process "th", :name => :text
+    process "td:nth-child(2)", :hex_triplet => "@bgcolor"
+    process "td:nth-child(6)", :red => :text
+    process "td:nth-child(7)", :green => :text
+    process "td:nth-child(8)", :blue => :text
+    result :name, :hex_triplet, :red, :green, :blue
+  end
+  scraper = Scraper.define do
+    process "table > tr", "rows[]" => row
+    result :rows
+  end
+  x11_colors = scraper.scrape(src)
+  x11_colors.collect do |color|
+    if color.name
+      color.name = color.name.gsub(/([a-z]|[A-Z]+)([A-Z])/, "\\1 \\2")
+    end
+    color
+  end
 def constanize_color_name(name)
   names = name.gsub(/é/, "e").upcase.split(/(?:\s*\(|\)\s*)/)
@@ -36,6 +66,9 @@
+colors = collect_popular_colors
+x11_colors = collect_x11_colors
 top_dir = File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), ".."))
 colors_rb = File.join(top_dir, "src", "lib", "cairo", "colors.rb")
 File.open(colors_rb, "w") do |rb|
@@ -46,44 +79,61 @@
   module Color
-  colors.each do |color|
-    if color.name and color.hex_triplet and
-        color.red and color.green and color.blue
-      begin
-        names = constanize_color_name(color.name)
+  [
+   [colors, nil],
+   [x11_colors, "X11"]
+  ].each do |colors, mod|
+    indent = "  " * 2
+    if mod
+      rb.puts("#{indent}module #{mod}")
+      indent << "  "
+    end
+    colors.each do |color|
+      if color.name and color.hex_triplet and
+          color.red and color.green and color.blue
+        begin
+          names = constanize_color_name(color.name)
-        hexes = color.hex_triplet.scan(/[\da-f]{2,2}/i)
-        red_hex, green_hex, blue_hex = hexes.collect {|hex| hex.hex}
+          hexes = color.hex_triplet.scan(/[\da-f]{2,2}/i)
+          red_hex, green_hex, blue_hex = hexes.collect {|hex| hex.hex}
-        red = Integer(color.red)
-        green = Integer(color.green)
-        blue = Integer(color.blue)
+          red = Integer(color.red)
+          green = Integer(color.green)
+          blue = Integer(color.blue)
-        if [red_hex, green_hex, blue_hex] != [red, green, blue]
-          warning_message = "Hex triplet(#{color.hex_triplet}) of "
-          warning_message << "#{color.name} is difference from RGB"
-          warning_message << "(#{red}, #{green}, #{blue}). "
-          if ["Alice Blue", "Old Rose"].include?(color.name)
-            warning_message << "Use hex triplet value."
-            red, green, blue = red_hex, green_hex, blue_hex
-          else
-            warning_message << "Use RGB value."
+          if [red_hex, green_hex, blue_hex] != [red, green, blue]
+            warning_message = "Hex triplet(#{color.hex_triplet}) of "
+            warning_message << "#{color.name} is difference from RGB"
+            warning_message << "(#{red}, #{green}, #{blue}). "
+            if ["Alice Blue", "Old Rose"].include?(color.name)
+              warning_message << "Use hex triplet value."
+              red, green, blue = red_hex, green_hex, blue_hex
+            else
+              warning_message << "Use RGB value."
+            end
+            puts warning_message
-          puts warning_message
-        end
-        r, g, b = [red, green, blue].collect {|v| v / 255.0}
+          r, g, b = [red, green, blue].collect {|v| v / 255.0}
-        rb.puts("    # #{color.name}: #{color.hex_triplet}")
-        name, *alias_names = names
-        rb.puts("    #{name} = RGB.new(#{r}, #{g}, #{b})")
-        alias_names.each do |alias_name|
-          rb.puts("    #{alias_name} = #{name}")
+          rb.puts("#{indent}# #{color.name}: #{color.hex_triplet}")
+          name, *alias_names = names
+          rb.puts("#{indent}#{name} = RGB.new(#{r}, #{g}, #{b})")
+          alias_names.each do |alias_name|
+              rb.puts("#{indent}#{alias_name} = #{name}")
+            end
+        rescue ArgumentError
+          next
-      rescue ArgumentError
-        next
+    if mod
+      indent = indent[0..-3]
+      rb.puts("#{indent}end")
+      rb.puts("#{indent}include #{mod}")
+      rb.puts
+    end
   rb.puts <<-FOOTER

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