[cairo-commit] [cairo-www] src/pycairo
Carl Worth
cworth at freedesktop.org
Thu Mar 26 10:20:06 PDT 2009
src/pycairo/resources.mdwn | 18 ++++++++++--------
1 file changed, 10 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)
New commits:
commit 1d201a075a80c3d84fad8dd2f962ee856e040f95
Author: SteveChaplin <SteveChaplin at web>
Date: Thu Mar 26 10:20:04 2009 -0700
Move applications above Libraries. Add CairoPlot
diff --git a/src/pycairo/resources.mdwn b/src/pycairo/resources.mdwn
index 841ff68..d34f09b 100644
--- a/src/pycairo/resources.mdwn
+++ b/src/pycairo/resources.mdwn
@@ -8,23 +8,24 @@ This section is for listing various useful [[pycairo|pycairo]] resources, feel f
* [Cairo Tutorial for PyGTK Programmers][2]: Tutorial about how to use cairo for drawing in [PyGTK](http://www.pygtk.org).
* _Writing a widget using cairo and PyGTK 2.8_ [Part 1][3], [Part 2][4]: A translation of the GNOME Journal tutorial by Davyd Madeley from C to Python.
-# Libraries using pycairo
+# Applications using pycairo
+ * [A Shogiban for Gnushogi][10].
+ * [gPodder][12]: a podcatcher.
+ * [PyCha][13]: a package for drawing charts.
+ * [PyChess][11].
+# Libraries/Modules using pycairo
+ * [Cairo Plot][18]: a module to plot graphics
* [PyGTK][14]: GTK+ for Python.
+ * [matplotlib][17]: a python 2D plotting library which produces publication quality figures in a variety of hardcopy formats and interactive environments across platforms.
* rsvg: part of [gnome-python-desktop][16], it provides Python bindings for librsvg
* [uxpython][15]: a cross-platform UI toolkit.
- * [matplotlib][17]: a python 2D plotting library which produces publication quality figures in a variety of hardcopy formats and interactive environments across platforms.
# Cairo-based canvas
* [HippoCanvas][7] - a "sort of deprecated" part of the [OLPC](http://www.laptop.org) project.
* [Libccc][6] python bindings - not documented at all.
* [PyGoocanvas][5]: python bindings for GooCanvas which is a canvas widget for GTK+
-# Applications using pycairo
- * [A Shogiban for Gnushogi][10].
- * [gPodder][12]: a podcatcher.
- * [PyCha][13]: a package for drawing charts.
- * [PyChess][11].
# Demos
* [A Basic Cairo-clock in Python][8] using XShape.
* [A simple clock implemented in pygtk and cairo][9].
@@ -50,3 +51,4 @@ See the main [[cookbook]] page.
[15]: http://www.uxpython.com
[16]: http://www.pygtk.org/downloads.html
[17]: http://matplotlib.sourceforge.net/
+ [18]: https://launchpad.net/cairoplot
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