[cairo-commit] [cairo-www] src/end_to_end_build_for_win32.mdwn

Carl Worth cworth at freedesktop.org
Mon Nov 2 11:32:09 PST 2009

 src/end_to_end_build_for_win32.mdwn |   13 +++++++++++--
 1 file changed, 11 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

New commits:
commit a282b14520dfc221af655b0a81c4dbacc5e3f2f2
Author: travisgriggs <travisgriggs at web>
Date:   Mon Nov 2 11:32:09 2009 -0800

diff --git a/src/end_to_end_build_for_win32.mdwn b/src/end_to_end_build_for_win32.mdwn
index 5f0319c..8972edb 100644
--- a/src/end_to_end_build_for_win32.mdwn
+++ b/src/end_to_end_build_for_win32.mdwn
@@ -17,11 +17,17 @@ This recipe for building may seem tediuous, in that it uses command line interfa
 ### Install MSYS
-Download and install MSYS. MSYS provides programs to do a very minimal unix system on your windows box. You do not need to install MING or the Mozilla Build Environment, if you don't want, tho both most likely will include msys, if you already have one of them installed. You can find msys on the sourceforge site here http://sourceforge.net/projects/mingw/files/. Scroll down to the MSYS Base System section, and grab the current release of that. In the following examples, I've installed mine in c:\Program Files\msys.
+[Download and install MSYS][1]. Scroll down to the MSYS Base System section, and grab the current release of that.
+In the following examples, I've installed mine in c:\Program Files\msys.
+MSYS provides programs to do a very minimal unix system on your windows box. You do not need to install MING or the Mozilla Build Environment, if you don't want, tho both most likely will include msys, if you already have one of them installed. You can find msys on the sourceforge site here.
 ### Install Dev Studio Express
-Download and install Microsoft Visual C++ Studio Express http://www.microsoft.com/exPress/download/. All you need is the C++ variant. I found that I could not use vcbuild to convert/upgrade projects until I had followed the steps here http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/forums/en-US/windowssdk/thread/c139643f-7e1a-4fa2-a466-e521667997fd. It may have been if I'd originally registered it, I wouldn't have had those problems?
+[Download and install Microsoft Visual C++ Studio Express][2]. All you need is the C++ variant.
+I found that I could not use vcbuild to convert/upgrade projects until I [followed the steps here][3]. It may have been if I'd originally registered it, I wouldn't have had those problems?
 ### Install curl (optional)
@@ -62,3 +68,6 @@ In progress
 ### Congratulations!
 You've got a cairo.dll...
+[1]: http://sourceforge.net/projects/mingw/files/
+[2]: http://www.microsoft.com/exPress/download/
+[3]: http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/forums/en-US/windowssdk/thread/c139643f-7e1a-4fa2-a466-e521667997fd

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