[cairo-commit] 2 commits - perf/cairo-analyse-trace.c perf/cairo-perf-trace.c test/cairo-test-trace.c

GitLab Mirror gitlab-mirror at kemper.freedesktop.org
Wed Mar 29 10:28:12 UTC 2023

 perf/cairo-analyse-trace.c |    4 ++--
 perf/cairo-perf-trace.c    |    4 ++--
 test/cairo-test-trace.c    |    4 ++--
 3 files changed, 6 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)

New commits:
commit ec14ec47f76b7537260034034bc44454de6e47c1
Merge: d2b44eccb b1ccd5218
Author: Adrian Johnson <ajohnson at redneon.com>
Date:   Wed Mar 29 10:28:10 2023 +0000

    Merge branch 'riastradh-20220406-ctype-misuse' into 'master'
    Avoid misuse of ctype(3) functions
    See merge request cairo/cairo!309

commit b1ccd521835abd2af2c9833f2b155e32d3ee282d
Author: Taylor R Campbell <campbell+cairographics.org at mumble.net>
Date:   Tue Apr 5 12:51:33 2022 +0000

    Avoid misuse of ctype(3) functions
    The ctype(3) character classification and mapping functions have a
    peculiarly limited definition (C11, Sec. 7.4 `Character handling
    <ctype.h>', p. 200):
            `The header <ctype.h> declares several functions useful for
             classifying and mapping characters.  In all cases the
             argument is an int, the value of which shall be
             representable as an unsigned char or shall equal the value
             of the macro EOF.  If the argument has any other value, the
             behavior is undefined.'
    In other words, in the most common case of 8-bit char and EOF = -1,
    the domain of the 257 allowed arguments is:
            -1, 0, 1, 2, ..., 254, 255
    The ctype(3) functions are designed for use with stdio functions like
    getchar and fgetc which return int values in the same domain.
    In an ABI where char is signed (e.g., x86 SysV ABI used by most
    Unixish operating systems), passing an argument of type char as is
    can go wrong in two ways:
    1. The value of a non-EOF input octet interpreted as `char' may
       coincide, as an integer, with the value of EOF, leading to wrong
       answers for some non-EOF inputs.
       E.g., if EOF = 1, and an input octet has all bits set, i.e., 255
       as an unsigned char, then as a char the value is -1, which will be
       confused with EOF.  In the ISO-8859-1 locale, the code point 255
       is (in Unicode terminology) LATIN SMALL LETTER Y WITH DIAERESIS,
       for which isprint, isalpha, &c., are true.  But isprint, isalpha,
       &c., are false for EOF.  So if char *s points to a string with
       that character, isprint(*s) will return false when it should
       return true.
    2. Passing a negative char whose value does not coincide with EOF is
       undefined behaviour.
       This isn't purely theoretical: often the functions are implemented
       by an array lookup, #define isprint(c) (ctypetab[c] & ISPRINT).
       If c is out of range (e.g., 192, ISO-8859-1 for LATIN CAPITAL
       LETTER A WITH GRAVE, which convers to (signed) char as -64), then
       you can get garbage answers by reading uninitialized memory or
       application crashes with SIGSEGV if the page preceding the table
       is unmapped.
    If what you have is an arbitrary char (e.g., from a char * string
    pointing at user input), then the only correct way to use the
    ctype(3) functions is by converting to unsigned char first -- e.g.,
    isprint((unsigned char)*s).  (If the functions were defined as macros
    that convert to unsigned char first, they would then spuriously
    interpret EOF as a non-EOF, so they can't do that themselves.)
    It is possible, in some cases, to prove that the input always
    actually lies in {0, 1, 2, ..., 127}, so the conversion to unsigned
    char is not necessary.  I didn't check whether this was the case --
    it's safer to just adopt the habit of always casting char to unsigned
    char first before using the ctype(3) macros, which satisfies a
    compiler warning on some systems designed to detect this class of
    application errors at compile-time.

diff --git a/perf/cairo-analyse-trace.c b/perf/cairo-analyse-trace.c
index 6dbe7cf4b..dda33a2e0 100644
--- a/perf/cairo-analyse-trace.c
+++ b/perf/cairo-analyse-trace.c
@@ -290,11 +290,11 @@ read_excludes (cairo_perf_t *perf,
 	/* whitespace delimits */
 	s = line;
-	while (*s != '\0' && isspace (*s))
+	while (*s != '\0' && isspace ((unsigned char)*s))
 	t = s;
-	while (*t != '\0' && ! isspace (*t))
+	while (*t != '\0' && ! isspace ((unsigned char)*t))
 	if (s != t) {
diff --git a/perf/cairo-perf-trace.c b/perf/cairo-perf-trace.c
index cfabcaad0..991a8a5e0 100644
--- a/perf/cairo-perf-trace.c
+++ b/perf/cairo-perf-trace.c
@@ -407,11 +407,11 @@ read_excludes (cairo_perf_t *perf,
 	/* whitespace delimits */
 	s = line;
-	while (*s != '\0' && isspace (*s))
+	while (*s != '\0' && isspace ((unsigned char)*s))
 	t = s;
-	while (*t != '\0' && ! isspace (*t))
+	while (*t != '\0' && ! isspace ((unsigned char)*t))
 	if (s != t) {
diff --git a/test/cairo-test-trace.c b/test/cairo-test-trace.c
index 3ca82c4b7..78e822cf1 100644
--- a/test/cairo-test-trace.c
+++ b/test/cairo-test-trace.c
@@ -1515,11 +1515,11 @@ read_excludes (test_trace_t *test, const char *filename)
 	/* whitespace delimits */
 	s = line;
-	while (*s != '\0' && isspace (*s))
+	while (*s != '\0' && isspace ((unsigned char)*s))
 	t = s;
-	while (*t != '\0' && ! isspace (*t))
+	while (*t != '\0' && ! isspace ((unsigned char)*t))
 	if (s != t) {

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