[cairo] Radial shader transformation

Thomas Hunger info at teh-web.de
Mon Mar 1 15:12:54 PST 2004

> Instead the shader could be transformed by the difference between the space
> it was defined in and the current transform. This is just the inverse of
> the transform matrix when the shader was defined, multiplied by the current
> transform matrix. You could then use rotate and scale to define a tilted
> ellipse transform, and still scale and translate and even rotate as you
> draw your shapes.

Hm. If we'd introduce a gstate->shader_matrix, it could store the current 
tranformation matrix at creation time (1) and then multiply this with the 
gstate->ctm right before passing control points to the actual shader 

  rotate (Pi/2)
 setup_linear_shader ()
  rotate  (PI/2)

would rotate the gradient by PI so actually mirroring it. Is that what you 

So we would have two possibilities:
1) a set_shader() always sets up a normalized shader of "size" == 1.0 so the 
user has to transform it to make it fit to whatever position, size and 
orientation one wants. this has the advantage that the set_shader() functions 
would be simple to call. It has the disadvantage that the user has to have 
implicit knowledge about the shaders definition of normal. i.e. does the 
linear shader cover -0.5 to 0.5 or 0.0 to 1.0, ist it horizontal or vertical 
by default. stuff like that. though I think it would not be a big problem if 

2) a set_shader() takes shader-specific arguments (probably similar to the 
svg-arguments). It has the disadvantage of a bulky interface. On the positive 
side it is more intuitive since the user can do stuff like
cairo_rectangle (0, 0, w, h);
cairo_set_shader_linear (0, 0, w, 0); 
to make an exactly fitting shader without needing extra transforms.

Both approaches seem ok to me. What do you think? (seems like you like the 
transform approach more, I just wanted to point out the issues I see with it)


P.S. level set methods look very interesting though the mathematics are too 
hard to grasp for me tonight. How could these be hardware accelerated?

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