[cairo] Patch improving fallbacks

Owen Taylor otaylor at redhat.com
Tue Feb 1 06:45:15 PST 2005

On Tue, 2005-02-01 at 00:18 -0800, Keith Packard wrote:
> Around 16 o'clock on Jan 31, Owen Taylor wrote:
> > If we can come up with a good user data system for surfaces, then
> > we could remove this.
> Do we want a public user data system or just one used by the backends?

I don't think something is worth adding just for backend use. I ended
up with a very stylized acquire/release pattern because most of the
other possibilities I came up with had problems with refcount cycles.

(You can't let the internal cairo_image_surface_t from a 
cairo_win32_surface_t escape "to the wild", because then it would
have to reference the cairo_win32_surface_t.)

So the only advantage of adding something for backend use would be 
a minor cleanup in the backend API. But I think there are a number
of compelling use cases for a public user data system, so adding one
and incidentally making the minor backend API cleanup wcould make


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