[cairo] API Shakeup: Consistent error handling for all objects

Kent Sandvik sandvik at gmail.com
Thu Feb 24 11:08:48 PST 2005

On Thu, 24 Feb 2005 10:56:26 -0800, Bill Spitzak <spitzak at d2.com> wrote:
> I thought it was defined that sharing a cairo_t between two threads was
> not allowed, they are not thread-safe. You have to use two different
> cairo_t's (though they may both be updating the same device). If this is
> right then there is no problem as two threads should not be looking at
> the same error state anyway.

Thx, didn't know that design decision. For me it's fine that not
everything is thread-safe (there are always those who would like to
see it), but I'm more interested in performance than purity..
> > Also, could the application code clear the error
> > state, causing problems later?
I was more curious if an application itself could clear the error and
try to halt along, and it was allowed.

I agree it would be nice later to have a small utility program that
maps out errors to return strings, mostly for me it's being inside a
debugger and call a function to print out the error name quickly
without the need to grep around for it. - -Kent

Something, Anything!

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