[cairo] Cairo tutorial
Nis Martensen
nis.martensen at web.de
Sat Jul 7 08:46:10 PDT 2007
I am currently trying to translate Michael Urman's cairo tutorial
<http://www.tortall.net/mu/wiki/CairoTutorial> from python to C. My plan
is to integrate the C version into the cairo wiki. (Michael has given his
permission to do that.)
There are two problems:
1. I cannot get any text-related code to work. My test program
(based on the C example in the FAQ) is this:
1 #include <cairo.h>
3 int
4 main (int argc, char *argv[])
5 {
6 cairo_surface_t *surface;
7 cairo_t *cr;
9 surface = cairo_image_surface_create (CAIRO_FORMAT_ARGB32, 120, 120);
10 cr = cairo_create (surface);
11 cairo_scale (cr, 120, 120);
13 cairo_text_extents_t *te;
14 cairo_set_source_rgb (cr, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
15 cairo_select_font_face (cr, "LMSans10",
17 cairo_set_font_size (cr, 1.2);
18 cairo_text_extents (cr, "a", te);
19 cairo_move_to (cr, 0.5 - te->width / 2 - te->x_bearing,
20 0.5 - te->height / 2 - te->y_bearing);
21 cairo_show_text (cr, "a");
23 cairo_surface_write_to_png (surface, "example.png");
24 cairo_destroy (cr);
25 cairo_surface_destroy (surface);
27 return 0;
28 }
Now I always get a segfault when it comes to cairo_text_extents()
at line 18. What am I doing wrong? And is there any way I can find
out which font family I can use on my system?
2. I do not understand the following paragraph, the last part of the
"Understanding Text" section:
| When working in GTK+, there is also the pangocairo.CairoContext.
| I think using cairo's builtin font functionality is more
| suitable for handling text with picky size restrictions and
| complex positioning, whereas pangocairo.CairoContext may more
| suitable when you're trying to create widget text that looks
| like other GTK+ widget text.
Could somebody please explain?
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