[cairo] [cairo osx] OS X example

Hugo Vincent hugo.vincent at gmail.com
Thu Jun 21 17:24:33 PDT 2007

I'm using the official Cairo 1.4.8 release, and Cairomm from CVS  
(checked out in March...), both compiled from source.

Default configure for Cairomm (no arguments), and Cairo configured as:
./confgure --disable-xlib --disable-xlib-render --enable-quartz -- 
disable-freetype --enable-ps --enable-png --enable-pdfs --disable-svg  

Cairomm doesn't support Quartz in any released versions AFAIK. I  
wrote a patch that adds Quartz support, and it's been accepted  
upstream and is in CVS, so you need to use a recent CVS checkout.  
Unless you need Cairomm it might just be easier to use plain Cairo.

You might also want to look LibPapyrus. I'm using that in my Cocoa  
application, and I wrote a patch to make it work nicely with Cocoa  
events and such. My modified version is here: http://hugovincent.no- 
and an explanation is here: http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/ 

If nothing else, treat it as a more-worked-through example of how to  
use Cairo(mm) on Cocoa.

Regarding XCode, select the target (on the list on the left side of  
the window) and go File->Get Info. No go to the Build tab, and modify  
the Header Search Path, and Library Search Path options. You may also  
need to put "-lcairo" in Other Linker Flags.

Hugo Vincent.

On 22/06/2007, at 7:00 AM, cairo-request at cairographics.org wrote:
> Date: Thu, 21 Jun 2007 14:24:04 +0200
> From: " Ipacs P?ter " <peter at ipacs.hu>
> Subject: Re: [cairo] [cairo osx] OS X example
> Oh boy .. this is getting deeper and deeper.
> Macport's Cairomm port does not contain quartz_surface.h since it  
> is not
> included in the official 1.2.4 version (
> http://cairographics.org/releases/cairomm-1.2.4.tar.gz). I've  
> checked out
> cairomm from CVS and I've managed to install it with quartz support  
> (freshly
> checked out version is 1.0). Apart from the versioning mistery so  
> far so
> good.
> Now the stupid-beginner question: how can I use the installed  
> cairomm from
> Xcode? It is installed under /usr/... that is unfortunatelly  
> unusable from
> Xcode + I have no experience using 3rd party libraries within Xcode.
> Could you adwise something?:)
> Cheers,
> P

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