[cairo] Drawing text

ecir hana ecir.hana at gmail.com
Tue Sep 8 03:22:04 PDT 2009

On Mon, Sep 7, 2009 at 5:45 PM, Dominic Lachowicz<domlachowicz at gmail.com> wrote:
> You should be able to use Cairo with FreeType loading fonts from
> files. See the documentation for
> cairo_ft_font_face_create_for_ft_face().

Ok, now that I look at this I'm not sure I understood. That function
accepts "pre-opened FreeType face" - what does it mean? I thought I
could somehow pass a path to a file font, do I need to first somehow
open the font via FreeType and then it can be used in Cairo? Perhaps
are there some examples somewhere?

> As for Ecir's "dx" question, see cairo_show_glyphs(). You can use
> cairo_glyph_t's "x" offset to achieve the effect you want.

 cairo_show_glyphs() accepts cairo_glyph_t which has this "x offset".
However, the docs say: "Note that the offsets given by x and y are not
cumulative". Does it mean the positions of glyphs of my text are to be
positioned absolutelly, i.e. I have to compute every position, like
"previous_glyhp_position + this_glyph_advance_x +

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