[cairo] Cairo-1.10.0: generated documentation completeness?

Anne et Damien Carbonne aetdcarbonne at free.fr
Mon Sep 13 13:49:33 PDT 2010

In addition to my previous post, cairo.h (1.10.0) contains :

/* Recording-surface functions */

cairo_public cairo_surface_t *
cairo_recording_surface_create (cairo_content_t          content,
                                 const cairo_rectangle_t *extents);

cairo_public void
cairo_recording_surface_ink_extents (cairo_surface_t *surface,
                                      double *x0,
                                      double *y0,
                                      double *width,
                                      double *height);

But generated doc does not have any link to those functions.

I'm quite inclined to think something is missing somewhere.
I'm ready to help to correct things, but I don't know what should be 


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