[cairo] [PATCH] py2cairo: Add a setup.py file back

Simon Sapin simon.sapin at exyr.org
Tue Dec 18 00:30:45 PST 2012

Le 08/12/2012 11:21, Simon Sapin a écrit :
> Hi,
> py2cairo used to be installable with distutils but the setup.py file was
> just removed just before the 1.10.0 release, for reasons unknown to me.
> The same file was more recently added back to pycairo for Python 3, but
> that change is still unreleased.
> The patch below add the setup.py file back to py2cairo. Please consider
> merging it, making new releases for both py2cairo and pycairo, and
> registering py2cairo in the Python Package Index. (Just linking to
> http://cairographics.org/pycairo  is enough so that setuptools/pip can
> manage to find the release tarballs.)
> Installing with distutils really helps to integrate with pip,
> virtualenv, and many other tools in the Python ecosystem. Right now
> users have to do crazy hacks to use pycairo with virtualenv’s
> --no-site-packages isolation:
> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11491268/install-pycairo-in-virtualenv/13279739
> Hopefully in the near future, users can just run "pip install py2cairo"
> in a virtualenv; projects like WeasyPrint and CairoSVG can add 'pycairo'
> to the install_requires line of their own setup.py file: everything will
> Just Work®.

It seems that my email client messed up the whitespace in the previous 
email’s patch. It is also available here:

Raw patch:

Web interface:

Simon Sapin

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