[cairo] trouble with Cairo text in OpenGL

Victor henri nadaeck at hotmail.com
Thu Jan 5 03:15:48 PST 2012

Hello people and thank you for your suport

To Bill : 
> Does he need to do cairo_flush(cr) before using the pixels?
 I cannot find this function

> You did not set the current point before drawing the text, so I think it 
> drew it at 0,0 and you are just seeing the descenders of some letters.

Well I tried to change that also, without succes; I must say that I can see the surface at the place I want it to be, but it is just a white rectangle with nothing written on it...

> You may also need to do cairo_surface_flush(surface) before grabbing the 
> image?

I did; no change untill now.

To Henry :

>You use RGBA as format in glTexImage2D(), make sure your image data is RGBA format.

I don't know how to check that in Cairo;

To everyone : Thank you again


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