[cairo] [PATCH 7/7] test: Add special cases for create-from-png and fallback-resolution

Bryce W. Harrington b.harrington at samsung.com
Tue Jul 2 15:22:43 PDT 2013

These tests use reference images somewhat differently from other tests,
so treat them as special cases and avoid recommending deleting any of
their files.

Signed-off-by: Bryce Harrington <b.harrington at samsung.com>
 test/check_refs.sh |   10 ++++++++++
 1 file changed, 10 insertions(+)

diff --git a/test/check_refs.sh b/test/check_refs.sh
index 7527523..f09037a 100755
--- a/test/check_refs.sh
+++ b/test/check_refs.sh
@@ -46,6 +46,16 @@ for file in *.ref.png; do
+    # Special cases
+    if [ $test = "create-from-png" ]; then
+	# The create-from-png test utilizes multiple reference images directly
+	continue
+    elif [ $test = "fallback-resolution" ]; then
+	# The fallback-resolution test generates a set of reference images;
+	# These won't be redundant with one another, but just ignore them all.
+	continue
+    fi
     if [ -e $ref ]; then
 	if cmp --silent "$ref" "$file" ; then
 	    printf "redundant: %s and %s are byte-by-byte identical files\n" $file $ref

Bryce Harrington
Senior Open Source Developer  -  b.harrington at samsung.com
Open Source Group             -  Samsung Research America

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