[cairo] [PATCH] perf: Move macro-benchmark documentation to cairo-traces

Chris Wilson chris at chris-wilson.co.uk
Tue Jul 9 02:22:15 PDT 2013

On Tue, Jul 09, 2013 at 02:08:03AM +0000, Bryce W. Harrington wrote:
> The macro benchmarks were moved to a separate repository some time ago,
> but the perf README still refers to these tests as if they were still
> present, which may lead to some confusion.  Instead, consolidate the
> macro benchmark documentation with the macro benchmarks, and focus this
> README on just the (still in tree) micro-benchmarks.

Throw in a comment for the purpose of macro level tests and for when
comparing performance using cairo-perf-trace is preferred over the
micro benchmarks (and make perf). And a TODO for a control language for
crafting and running small sets of micro benchmarks. Also if make perf
still exists and being used, we should use it run cairo-perf-trace over
the cairo-traces/benchmark if present.

Chris Wilson, Intel Open Source Technology Centre

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