[cairo] cairo-xcb without RENDER extension?

Ingo Bürk ingo.buerk at airblader.de
Mon Oct 12 02:08:55 PDT 2015


I am working on the i3 window manager and we migrated drawing for
i3bar (the dock client) to cairo-xcb. Generally, this works well. We
noticed now that if we access it through tightvnc, the drawing is all
messed up.

I figured out that this is because tightvnc does not support the
RENDER extension (using Xephyr with "-extension RENDER" yields the
same result).

>From the docs, I would expect that the RENDER extension is optional,
not mandatory for cairo-xcb. Is this correct? If so, are there any
tips on how we have to use cairo to make it work if RENDER is not

Thanks and regards

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