[cairo] Assertion failed on win32 with cairo 1.15.2

Simon Arnaud mazwak at gmail.com
Tue May 24 10:38:11 UTC 2016


While trying to run an application developped on Fedora, I ran into a
problem when trying to run the app on win32.

As I was using ruby, I first reported to rcairo :

The maintainer invited to post to this list, as he thinks it is a cairo
problem, and I agree with him.

I tested on :
Windows 7 64 pro
Ruby 2.2.4 and 2.3.1
rcairo 1.15.2, shipped with cairo 1.15.2
gtk3 3.0.8

The script and backtrace is available on the rcairo issue. Tell me if you
want to copy them here.


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