[cairo] Windows GTK+ 2.24.10: Cairo contexts not rendering tosurface

Jeffrey Sheen jeffrey.sheen00 at alumni.imperial.ac.uk
Wed Feb 1 18:12:21 UTC 2017

After trying different VS 2015 Solution configurations (and abundant
breakpointing), I have established that it is not the .EXE->.LIB->Cairo API
call structure that is breaking Cairo surface rendering in my project.

The black test square can be rendered before, but not directly after, this
D3D9 API call:

Direct3DCreate9(D3D_SDK_VERSION)->CreateDevice( D3DADAPTER_DEFAULT,
&PresentParameters, &PDevice);

N.B. The object parameters are as follows:

WindowHandle 0x001b07f8 {unused=13111204 } HWND__ *
unused 13111204 int

PresentParameters {BackBufferWidth=0 BackBufferHeight=0
BackBufferWidth 0 unsigned int
BackBufferHeight 0 unsigned int
BackBufferFormat D3DFMT_UNKNOWN (0) _D3DFORMAT
BackBufferCount 1 unsigned int
MultiSampleQuality 0 unsigned long
+ hDeviceWindow 0x001b07f8 {unused=13111204 } HWND__ *
Windowed 1 int
EnableAutoDepthStencil 0 int
AutoDepthStencilFormat D3DFMT_UNKNOWN (0) _D3DFORMAT
Flags 1 unsigned long
FullScreen_RefreshRateInHz 0 unsigned int
PresentationInterval 0 unsigned int

PDevice 0x00000000 <NULL> IDirect3DDevice9 *
+ IUnknown <struct at NULL> IUnknown

As a reminder, the code for rendering the black test square is as below,
and the status of each Cairo API call returns "no error has occurred":

cairo_surface_t *surface;

cairo_t *cr;
cairo_status_t status;

surface = cairo_image_surface_create(CAIRO_FORMAT_ARGB32, 390, 60);
status = cairo_surface_status(surface);

cr = cairo_create(surface);
status = cairo_status(cr);

cairo_set_source_rgba(cr, 0, 0, 0, 1);
status = cairo_status(cr);

cairo_rectangle(cr, 175, 10, 40, 40);
status = cairo_status(cr);

status = cairo_status(cr);

status = cairo_surface_write_to_png(surface, "f:\\cairo_test_pos_lib_member


Can anyone suggest how to proceed from here?

N.B. I have removed the original Stack Overflow question, and created a new
question with this new information:




On 24 January 2017 at 00:37, <fanc999 at yahoo.com.tw> wrote:

> Hi Jeff,
> (sorry it the formatting does not look nice—I am replying on my phone)
> Only add the .lib’s to the “additional dependencies” to the .exe/.dll that
> will built in your project, not the static lib’s.  This should removed the
> warnings.
> Hope this helps.
> With blessings, and cheers!
> 從 Windows 10 手機傳送
> I have the same GTK-related parameters in both VS projects' settings (as
> per http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15906580/how-to-configure
> -gtk-on-visual-studio-2010).
> The only difference in output when building each is that I get a dozen
> linker warnings for my main project, all of the form:
> 1>gdk-win32-2.0.lib(libgdk-win32-2.0-0.dll) : warning LNK4006:
> __NULL_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR already defined in gtk-win32-2.0.lib(libgtk-win32-2.0-0.dll);
> second definition ignored
> 1>gdk-win32-2.0.lib(libgdk-win32-2.0-0.dll) : warning LNK4221: This
> object file does not define any previously undefined public symbols, so it
> will not be used by any link operation that consumes this library
> I'd appreciate any advice.
> Jeff.
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