[cairo] cairo_save trashes global variable

Andy Hopper shopper at hopperclan.net
Mon Sep 14 21:11:58 UTC 2020

Just wanted to follow-up on this. Figured this out--and believe it or
not this was actually my mistake: had a malloc(sizeof(xxx)) rather than
malloc(sizeof(struct xxx)) prior to calling cairo_save(). Didn't cause a
seg fault or anything but memory was getting curiously overwritten
because I wasn't allocating enough. Anyhow false alarm, sorry for
raising the issue.


On 9/6/20 2:51 PM, Andy Hopper wrote:
> Running into a really strange issue with cairo_1.16 on Centos7 wherein
> calling cairo_save() causes a completely unrelated global variable to be
> modified. I don't see anything in the documentation would explain this.
> I actually ran into this with cairo-1.15 which is stock in CentOS, ran
> into this and built 1.16 locally and am running into the same thing.
> Curious if anybody has ever run into anything like this?
> Thanks!
> Andy

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