[cairo-commit] papers/opengl_freenix04 opengl_freenix04.tex,1.16,1.17

Peter Nilsson commit at pdx.freedesktop.org
Mon Aug 15 11:12:59 PDT 2005

Committed by: peter

Update of /cvs/cairo/papers/opengl_freenix04
In directory pdx:/tmp/cvs-serv7034

Modified Files:
Log Message:
Intro updated

Index: opengl_freenix04.tex
RCS file: /cvs/cairo/papers/opengl_freenix04/opengl_freenix04.tex,v
retrieving revision 1.16
retrieving revision 1.17
diff -C2 -d -r1.16 -r1.17
*** a/opengl_freenix04.tex	17 Feb 2004 16:53:37 -0000	1.16
--- b/opengl_freenix04.tex	17 Feb 2004 23:19:19 -0000	1.17
*** 30,35 ****
-   \edannote{To long? To fuzzy?}
    In recent years 2D graphics applications and window systems tend to 
    use more demanding graphics features such as alpha blending, image 
--- 30,33 ----
*** 58,71 ****
    This introduction is divided into three subsections. First a background 
    section introduces the ideas that first lead up to the project.
!   Next follows a brief describtion of how graphics are rendered in X today, 
    and how \libname{} has been designed to fit this model. Last a section is
    given that sums up the high level design choices made for \libname.  
-   \edannote{Dunno about this disposition of the introduction, just playing 
-             around with it at this point}
!   There's an obvious trend visible in the appearence of modern window systems
    and 2D graphics in general these days. 
    They all become more and more loaded with graphical features and visual 
--- 56,66 ----
    This introduction is divided into three subsections. First a background 
    section introduces the ideas that first lead up to the project.
!   Next follows a brief description of how graphics are rendered in X today, 
    and how \libname{} has been designed to fit this model. Last a section is
    given that sums up the high level design choices made for \libname.  
!   There's an obvious trend visible in the appearance of modern window systems
    and 2D graphics in general these days. 
    They all become more and more loaded with graphical features and visual 
*** 89,94 ****
    in that context. 
-   \edannote{Applied to X?? More like developed for X or something. Rethink.}
    \subsection{Traditional X Rendering}
--- 84,87 ----
*** 100,106 ****
    Several steps have been taken to rectify this since then.
-   \edannote{How to make this section feel like it fits in better... and 
-             perhaps try to reduce section depth}
    \subsubsection{X Render Extension}
--- 93,96 ----
*** 132,136 ****
    \subsubsection{X Rendering Performance}
!   \edannote{This section is outdated right now. Stay tuned for updates}
    From the benchmarks made in the context of this project the conclusion can 
--- 122,126 ----
    \subsubsection{X Rendering Performance}
!   \edannote{Update this section after Results and Conclusions}
    From the benchmarks made in the context of this project the conclusion can 
*** 156,160 ****
    image transformations and anti-aliasing.
!   \subsection{The \libname{} model}
    The main objective of this project is to create a powerful hardware 
--- 146,150 ----
    image transformations and anti-aliasing.
!   \subsection{The \libname{} Model}
    The main objective of this project is to create a powerful hardware 
*** 164,168 ****
    and most efficient manner.
!   \subsection{A layer under Cairo}
    Fortunately, one big step in this direction has already been taken with 
--- 154,158 ----
    and most efficient manner.
!   \subsection{A Layer under Cairo}
    Fortunately, one big step in this direction has already been taken with 
*** 194,198 ****
!   \subsection{A layer on top of OpenGL}
    Still the question remains about how to actually render all the graphics
--- 184,188 ----
!   \subsection{A Layer on top of OpenGL}
    Still the question remains about how to actually render all the graphics
*** 202,206 ****
    made to use OpenGL to realize the rendering in the library.
!   \subsection{\libname{} design Summary}
    Hence, the goal is to create an interface on top of OpenGL which provides
--- 192,196 ----
    made to use OpenGL to realize the rendering in the library.
!   \subsection{\libname{} Design Summary}
    Hence, the goal is to create an interface on top of OpenGL which provides
*** 217,222 ****
    the open source community in general.
-   \edannote{The right spot for this?}
    The development of the 2D compositing library and the other implementation
    parts are made in an entirely open fashion. Input from the open source 
--- 207,210 ----

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