[Cairo] X server CPU Load problem

Soorya Kuloor skuloor at verano.com
Wed Aug 27 13:17:32 PDT 2003

Hi Carl,

I am attaching a test program that makes the X server consume approx.
100% CPU after a while. The program basically redraws the screen every
200ms with alternate colors, basically giving an appearance of blinking

Initially when I run the program, the CPU usage by X server is
reasonable (20-25%). However, after a while (0.5-1.5 hours), all of a
sudden, the X server starts consuming 95-98% of the CPU and redraw's
take around 30-40seconds (200ms under normal circumstances). And when
this CPU problem happens seems to be sort of random. The strange thing
is that nothing changes between redraws except the color (i.e. none of
the dimensions of the figures change). There are no memory leaks.

I am running this on a Redhat 9 machine with NVIDIA card (athlon CPU).
We have been able to reproduce this problem on X servers with both
NVIDIA driver developed by NVIDIA and the default NVIDIA driver shipped
with Redhat.

Has anybody seen this before? Any clues as to why this may happen?

-- Soorya

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