[Xr] Clipping to rectangles

Soorya Kuloor skuloor at verano.com
Wed Jun 4 15:46:28 PDT 2003

On Wed, 2003-06-04 at 13:22, Owen Taylor wrote:
> Some thoughts about this discussion:

> As things stand right now, I'd probably just do
> operations on a target surface the size of the bounding
> box, and do the clip when copying from the backing store (*)
> but being able to tell Xr about the real clip region
> would be nice from a performance point of view.

This is the workaround that I am using right now to do clipping. I stole
the idea from one of the files in the xrtest module. However, it would
still be nice to have the clip region stuff in Xr.

-- Soorya

> Regards,
>                                   Owen
> (*) This brings back up the question of the problem
>     of "clipped" not meaning "untouched" with the 
>     current semantics.
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