[cairo] turn off antialiasing

Owen Taylor otaylor at redhat.com
Mon Mar 7 16:15:12 PST 2005

On Mon, 2005-03-07 at 17:33 -0500, Silenio Quarti wrote:
> Making a long history shorter. I am an SWT developer from the Eclipse.org 
> project. For those that do not know, SWT is a Java widget toolkit that 
> uses native widget and graphics support available on the platforms it 
> supports. Anyway, SWT is adding new API for advanced graphics support and 
> is considering Cairo for X Windows platforms (GTK, Motif, etc).
> On of the requirements for the new API is to be able to turn 
> anti-antialising off.

Simply saying "it's part of the API" doesn't really give enough
information. For one thing, without an understanding of *why* someone
using your API is going to anti-aliasing off, we have no idea of 
what rasterization rule is appropriate.

Is the concern speed? Is it OK if a backend that can render antialiased
 polygons as fast as non-antialiased polygons antialiases everything?

Is the concern crisp edges on horizontal/vertical geometry?

or ...?


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