[PATCH] Add release-publish target and RELEASING instructions
Carl Worth
cworth at cworth.org
Tue Oct 30 12:52:19 PDT 2007
Makefile.am | 85 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
RELEASING | 59 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
2 files changed, 144 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
create mode 100644 RELEASING
diff --git a/Makefile.am b/Makefile.am
index 70035a1..e6b1a60 100644
--- a/Makefile.am
+++ b/Makefile.am
@@ -4,3 +4,88 @@ pkgconfigdir=$(libdir)/pkgconfig
$(pkgconfig_DATA): pixman-1.pc.in
+ distdir="$(distdir)-`date '+%Y%m%d'`"; \
+ test -d "$(srcdir)/.git" && distdir=$$distdir-`cd "$(srcdir)" && git-rev-parse HEAD | cut -c 1-6`; \
+ $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) distdir="$$distdir" dist
+RELEASE_OR_SNAPSHOT = $$(if test "x$(CAIRO_VERSION_MINOR)" = "x$$(echo "$(CAIRO_VERSION_MINOR)/2*2" | bc)" ; then echo release; else echo snapshot; fi)
+RELEASE_CAIRO_HOST = cairographics.org
+RELEASE_CAIRO_DIR = /srv/cairo.freedesktop.org/www/releases
+RELEASE_CAIRO_URL = http://cairographics.org/releases
+RELEASE_XORG_HOST = xorg.freedesktop.org
+RELEASE_XORG_DIR = /srv/xorg.freedesktop.org/archive/individual/lib
+RELEASE_ANNOUNCE_LIST = cairo-announce at cairographics.org
+tar_gz = $(PACKAGE)-$(VERSION).tar.gz
+tar_bz2 = $(PACKAGE)-$(VERSION).tar.bz2
+sha1_file = $(tar_gz).sha1
+gpg_file = $(sha1_file).asc
+$(sha1_file): $(tar_gz)
+ sha1sum $^ > $@
+$(gpg_file): $(sha1_file)
+ @echo "Please enter your GPG password to sign the checksum."
+ gpg --armor --sign $^
+ @echo -n "Checking that no $(VERSION) release already exists..."
+ @ssh $(RELEASE_CAIRO_HOST) test ! -e $(RELEASE_CAIRO_DIR)/$(tar_gz) \
+ || (echo "Ouch." && echo "Found: $(RELEASE_CAIRO_HOST):$(RELEASE_CAIRO_DIR)/$(tar_gz)" \
+ && echo "Refusing to try to generate a new release of the same name." \
+ && false)
+ @echo "Good."
+ $(RM) $(tar_gz) $(tar_bz2) $(sha1_file) $(gpg_file)
+release-check: release-verify-newer release-remove-old distcheck
+release-upload: release-check $(tar_gz) $(tar_bz2) $(sha1_file) $(gpg_file)
+ mkdir -p releases
+ scp $(tar_gz) $(sha1_file) $(gpg_file) $(RELEASE_CAIRO_HOST):$(RELEASE_CAIRO_DIR)
+ scp $(tar_gz) $(tar_bz2) $(sha1_file) $(gpg_file) $(RELEASE_XORG_HOST):$(RELEASE_XORG_DIR)
+ mv $(tar_gz) $(tar_bz2) $(sha1_file) $(gpg_file) releases
+ git-tag -s -m "$(PACKAGE) $(VERSION) release" $(PACKAGE)-$(VERSION)
+release-publish-message: releases/$(sha1_file)
+ @echo "Please follow the instructions in RELEASING to push stuff out and"
+ @echo "send out the announcement mails. Here is the excerpt you need:"
+ @echo ""
+ @echo "Subject: $(PACKAGE) release $(VERSION) now available"
+ @echo ""
+ @echo "============================== CUT HERE =============================="
+ @echo "A new $(PACKAGE) release $(VERSION) is now available from:"
+ @echo ""
+ @echo " $(RELEASE_CAIRO_URL)/$(tar_gz)"
+ @echo ""
+ @echo " which can be verified with:"
+ @echo ""
+ @echo " $(RELEASE_CAIRO_URL)/$(sha1_file)"
+ @echo -n " "
+ @cat releases/$(sha1_file)
+ @echo ""
+ @echo " $(RELEASE_CAIRO_URL)/$(gpg_file)"
+ @echo " (signed by `getent passwd "$$USER" | cut -d: -f 5 | cut -d, -f 1`)"
+ @echo ""
+ @echo " Additionally, a git clone of the source tree:"
+ @echo ""
+ @echo " git clone git://git.freedesktop.org/git/pixman"
+ @echo ""
+ @echo " will include a signed $(PACKAGE)-$(VERSION) tag which points to a commit named:"
+ @echo " `git cat-file tag $(PACKAGE)-$(VERSION) | grep ^object | sed -e 's,object ,,'`"
+ @echo ""
+ @echo " which can be verified with:"
+ @echo " git verify-tag $(PACKAGE)-$(VERSION)"
+ @echo ""
+ @echo " and can be checked out with a command such as:"
+ @echo " git checkout -b build $(PACKAGE)-$(VERSION)"
+ @echo ""
+ @echo "============================== CUT HERE =============================="
+release-publish: release-upload release-publish-message
+.PHONY: release-upload release-publish release-publish-message
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..31008ba
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+Here are the steps to follow to create a new pixman release:
+1) Ensure that there are no uncommitted changes or unpushed commits,
+ and that you are up to date with the latest commits in the central
+ repository. Here are a couple of useful commands:
+ # This should report "nothing to commit (working directory clean")
+ git status
+ # This should give no output, (note there are *3* dots)
+ git log master...origin
+2) Verify that the code passes "make distcheck".
+ NOTE: There is some test code in the test directory, but it's
+ not yet integrated into "make distcheck" yet. It might be
+ useful to run those programs, (but I don't know how to
+ interpret those results). Another very useful thing to do is
+ to run the cairo test suite against pixman. This can be done
+ by running the following commands with the latest cairo
+ release:
+ tar xzf cairo-X.Y.Z.tar.gz
+ cd cairo
+ CAIRO_TEST_TARGET=image make test
+3) Fill out an entry in the NEWS file
+ Sift through the logs since the last release. This is most
+ easily done with a command such as:
+ git log --stat pixman-X.Y.Z..
+ where X.Y.Z is the previous release version.
+ Summarize major changes briefly in a style similar to other
+ entries in NEWS. Take special care to note any additions in
+ the API. These should be easy to find by noting modifications
+ to pixman.h in the log command above. And more specifically,
+ the following command will show each patch that has changed the
+ public header file since the given version:
+ git log -p pixman-X..Z.. -- pixman/pixman.h
+4) Increment pixman_{major|minor|micro} in configure.ac according to
+ the directions in that file. Also note that if there is an ABI
+ change then there is further work to be done, (also described in
+ configure.in).
+5) Use "git commit" and "git push" to publish any changes made in steps
+ 3 and 4.
+6) Generate the final tar files with:
+ make distcheck
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