[cairo] PyGtk Drag and Drop in a gtk.DrawingArea

Antoni Boucher bouanto at hotmail.com
Sat Jul 11 14:44:08 PDT 2009

Hello, thanks for your answer. Gerdus van Zyl, I tried your idea and it's much better, but not perfect. The speed is ok, but, I don't know why, there are more than one image which follow the mouse (trails).
Here is a part of my code :
class Echiquier(gtk.DrawingArea):

 def __init__(self, largeurCase, positionDepartDonnee, echiquier, fen, blancsAJouer):
 	super(Echiquier, self).__init__()
 	self.connect("expose-event", self.expose, blancsAJouer)
 	self.add_events(gtk.gdk.BUTTON_PRESS_MASK | gtk.gdk.BUTTON_RELEASE_MASK | gtk.gdk.BUTTON1_MOTION_MASK)
 	self.connect("button-press-event", self.piecePrise)
 	self.connect("motion-notify-event", self.pieceBouge)
 	self.connect("button-release-event", self.pieceRelache)
 	self.echiquier = echiquier
 	self.FEN = fen
 	self.pionBlanc = gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file_at_size('Images/pionB.svg', self.largeurCase, self.largeurCase)
 	self.cavalierBlanc = gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file_at_size('Images/cavalierB.svg', self.largeurCase, self.largeurCase)
 def piecePrise(self, widget, evenement):
 	if evenement.button == 1:
 		#We remove the piece from the board and we get its (x, y) when the user click on the board
 		self.pieceSelectionneeX = int(evenement.y / self.largeurCase)
 		self.pieceSelectionneeY = int(evenement.x / self.largeurCase)
 		self.pieceSelectionnee = self.echiquier[self.pieceSelectionneeX][self.pieceSelectionneeY]
 		self.echiquier[self.pieceSelectionneeX][self.pieceSelectionneeY] = 'VIDE'
 def pieceBouge(self, widget, evenement):
 	if evenement.is_hint:
 		self.posSourisX, self.posSourisY, state = event.window.get_pointer()
 		self.posSourisX = evenement.x
 		self.posSourisY = evenement.y
 		state = evenement.state
 	if state & gtk.gdk.BUTTON1_MASK:
 		#We draw the piece at its new (x, y) when the user moves the mouse
 		contexte = self.window.cairo_create()
 		surface = None
 		if self.pieceSelectionnee == 'PION_B':
 			surface = self.pionBlanc
 		elif self.pieceSelectionnee == 'PION_N':
 			surface = self.pionNoir
 		self.posX = self.posSourisX - self.largeurCase / 2
 		self.posY = self.posSourisY - self.largeurCase / 2
 		contexte.set_source_pixbuf(surface, self.posX, self.posY)
 		self.queue_draw_area(self.posX - self.largeurCase, self.posY - self.largeurCase, self.posX + self.largeurCase * 2, self.posX + self.largeurCase * 2)
 def pieceRelache(self, widget, evenement):
 	#We put the piece at its begining (x, y) when the user releases the mouse button
 	self.echiquier[self.pieceSelectionneeX][self.pieceSelectionneeY] = self.pieceSelectionnee
 	self.pieceSelectionneeX = -1
 	self.pieceSelectionneeY = -1
 	self.pieceSelectionnee = 'VIDE'
 	self.queue_draw_area(0, 0, self.largeurCase * 8, self.largeurCase * 8)
 def expose(self, widget, evenement, blancsAJouer):
 	#We draw again the board
 	contexte = widget.window.cairo_create()
 	contexte.set_source_rgb(1, 1, 1)
 	contexte.rectangle(0, 0, self.largeurCase * 8, self.largeurCase * 8)
 	contexte.set_source_rgb(0.81, 0.81, 0.81)
 	#We place the piece which follow the mouse
 	for i in range(8):
 		for j in range(8):
 			if (i + j) % 2 == 1:
 				contexte.rectangle(i * self.largeurCase, j * self.largeurCase, self.largeurCase, self.largeurCase)
 	if self.pieceSelectionnee != 'VIDE':
 		surface = None
 		if self.pieceSelectionnee == 'PION_B':
 			surface = self.pionBlanc
 		elif self.pieceSelectionnee == 'PION_N':
 			surface = self.pionNoir
 		contexte.set_source_pixbuf(surface, self.posX, self.posY)
How can I improve it ? I don't want trails.

Thanks for your answer.

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