[cairo] Cairo 1.17.4 Release

Stuart Axon stuaxo2 at yahoo.com
Wed Dec 9 23:31:01 UTC 2020

I'd like to also join in saying thanks for all the work.  I've been following Cairo for well over a decade and an occasional user since 2007.
I also don't have enough time (or the right experience) to become release manager on this, but will be spending some of my sporadic free time investigating testing and CI possibilities for Cairo.
OT:  If - like the GIMP, a future developer steps up to develop Cairo under a crowdfunding model, I will definitely be one of the people helping to support them.

   On Tuesday, December 8, 2020, 3:13:08 PM GMT, suzuki toshiya <mpsuzuki at hiroshima-u.ac.jp> wrote:  
 Dear Bryce,

It's too late to say for your continuous effort on Cairo project,
but I must say thank you very very much.

Cairo is too important project to be left as unmaintained. But
Cairo is too influential project for me to volunteer the next release
manager. Anyway, I want to know whether there's anything I can help.

Cairo has many testing data, and for the decision of approve/disapprove
of the proposed patches, their regression tests must be important.
But yet I don't have sufficiently various platforms to test them all.
In your release management works, some CI services (of combination of
them) could cover all test data?


On 2020/12/08 12:47, Bryce Harrington wrote:
> On Mon, Nov 30, 2020 at 04:42:13PM -0500, Matthias Clasen wrote:
>> On Sun, Nov 29, 2020 at 12:21 AM Bryce Harrington <bryce at bryceharrington.org>
>> wrote:
>>> A new cairo snapshot 1.17.4 is now available from:
>> Thanks for the release, Bryce. Much appreciated!
>> Any thoughts about a stable release, to get into users hands?
>> Matthias
> As mentioned in the release notes this was my last release, but that
> sounds like a perfect project for the next release maintainer since
> they'll then be maintaining that series going forward.  If a volunteer
> takes on this task before the end of the year I can make myself
> available to advise them.
> Would you be interested in taking up the role, Matthias?
> Bryce
>> -- 
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