blur, gratitude donation

Steven J Abner pheonix.sja at
Thu May 30 22:01:09 UTC 2024

  I like to donate this to cairo. I had a problem trying to get the 
"Cookbook" example to work, so hopefully with little or no modification 
you could use. Thanks to all those that made Cairo and them who assist 
those with issues :)
 Included with code is a demo, and 2 pngs. One for demo, one showing 
real world application of (part of user interface). It creates a 
"example.png" file to view.
 You may adjust viewed results by altering radii rx, ry, 0 - 9, 9 being 
visual max, but allows higher.
 Demo complile (uses gdk for png):
gcc -x c -std=c99 -pipe -fno-builtin -fmessage-length=0 -g `pkg-config 
--cflags gtk+-3.0` -o blur cairo_blur.c `pkg-config --libs gtk+-3.0` -lm
 Demo run:


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