[cairo] Contributing pyCairoChart

Martin Lesser ml-cairo at bettercom.de
Tue May 23 15:16:54 PDT 2006

Carl Worth <cworth at cworth.org> writes:

> I have one question about the API though. I see that you currently
> create a chart object with something like:
> 	img = CairoChart.Chart(width=330, height=250, ...)
> and then later render it to a PNG image with:
> 	img.out2png('cairochart01.png')
> The convenience of rendering to a PNG is nice, but do you also have a
> means to render everything to a cairo context created in the standard
> pycairo way?

Hmmm. If I could find informations about the "standard pycairo way" I
would implement this ASAP. The documentation about this standard and
(for me) the CTM was poor so it caused some headache to get my chart
engine work properly.

Where could I find more informations about this? I would be happy if the
long awaited documentation about the cairo graphic model would be
available online ;-)

> It would be quite desirable for your library to be able target any
> cairo backend (PDF, SVG, etc.) without requiring specific support in
> your library for that.

No doubt - I would be happy to use my charts i.e. in my TeX-files
without the need to convert png via pdflatex.

> PS. It would be good for you to make a mention of your software on the
> cairographics.org wiki

Thanks for this advice, I did that.


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